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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Most definitely needed.
  2. Minix made a nice Hillman Minx, not sure of what series but like most Minix models can be upgraded to quite a presentable model.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The sun did make an appearance this afternoon but not enough to bring on the poppies though some of them are seemingly raring to go. I don't expect them to flower until the weekend now when the weather is predicted to warm up. I sometimes spot raptors when I'm driving but though they are obviously so I am unable to identify the species from a quick glimpse.
  4. Where's that GROAN button.
  5. There's not many Japanese cars of the period avalable. We need some Nissan Micra's and Suzuki Jeeps.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I wish GDB well on his spider hunt but he should bear in mind that the average car houses dozens of the little blighters. Their favourite place seems to be in the door mirrors, they are in my car. They haven't been a problem recently so my keeping clearing away their webs might have had an effect. I concur with Bill about taking caffine just before your BP it can have a drastic effect on the measurement for an hour or so afterwards. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. Del Prado, who own Atlas are closing down their UK operations. Despite their having produced some excellent and unique models their UK customer relations were terrible which has played no small part in their demise.
  8. Roughly 5 feet in HO and nearly 6 feet in 00.
  9. I can think of a few other places where the steps in the seating gallery are steep so I assume they must be legal.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Condolences John on your loss, just remember the good times there must be plenty of them. I have found someone who can countersign my photograph so I will shortly be sending the neccessary off to get my photo licence.
  11. I have just taken up a new career as a reverse stripper. I start out naked and people pay me to put my clothes on. I'm making a fortune.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit overcast this morning but dry and brightness predicted for later. I still need someone to countersign my photograph for my ID photocard driving licence. As I understand it the same rules apply as a passport photograph plus the countersignee has to hold a similar licence. I did ask a fellow model railway club member who is a retired teacher but it turns out that he like me only possesses the old paper licence. Ironically he and myself are the only two members AFAIK who can countersign passport photographs (I'm an ex Local Government Officer). Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. Is there any sign of oil coming out under pressure?
  14. A very good show. As a first time visitor I didn't have many difficulties finding the venue though I thought I'd taken a wrong turning when driving through a housing estate to the venue. On that subject the signs were rather small and difficult to spot but as some local authorities are a bit sniffy about such signs it sounds picky to complain as it might be something forced on the organisers. I'm now looking forward to next years show.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The poppies are still a bit reluctant to flower despite the sunshine today. Thats about it so be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Some of the poppies are just about ready to flower including one plant that is huge, so consequently named the triffid. I will probably have to wait a couple of weeks for the majority to flower though the one or two that planted themselves in the paving are unlikely to survive. Muggatee awaits so back later.
  17. The Mk. III Cortina pick up is genuine. They were made in South Africa but not imported until the Mk. IV.
  18. Even early Hyundais are getting rare nowadays, partly because like many 80's cars they were caught up in the scrappage scheme. A few months ago I espied a Hyundai Pony pick-up on E-bay, the asking price was £20,000! Mind you that had been restored better than new and it was being sold by a dealer.
  19. They like well tilled aeriated soil,* with mine once the plants had died off I pulled them up by the roots and dug the remains in. If you give the places where you scattered the seeds a good digging you might be surprised by them coming up. *This is how the poppy came to symbolise remembrance, after WW1 the battlefields became covered with poppies as the soil had been churned up by the shells exploding. (Not that I'm suggesting that you use high explosives to turn your garden over.)
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Turned out to be quite sunny today once the overcast had burnt off. Just as well as I had a few self sown poppies last year in the front garden, I allowed them to go to seed and now there is a mass of them so I'm looking towards a massive display in a few weeks time.
  21. I understand the problem with the Waterloo and City 1940 stock was asbestos, they were full of the stuff. The one surviving car housed in the LTM's Acton depot is covered with warning signs about the asbestos.
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