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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. When I arrived at Railex on the Sunday morning about an hour and a half after opening there was no queue and it only took a matter of seconds to obtain my ticket. At exhibitions, swap meets and other events I usually turn up about half an hour after opening time and more often than not I don't have to queue. I have at some events pre-booked tickets where experience has taught me that it is advisible such as the spring event at the LTM's Acton Depot where the queue takes more than an hour to clear after opening time.
  2. About 50 years ago I was working for GPO telephones and was sent to Bunhill Row for some training. After lunch we were just settling in for the afternoon session when the instructor looked out of the window where nothing could be seen except a thick mist. The instructor then told us that we had better go home due to the fog. However the classroom was on the 25th floor, when we reached the ground it was completely clear but there was low cloud.
  3. A relatively easy conversion of the Oxford one I should think.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Many of the poppies that were flowering this morning have lost their petals to the wind. However replacements are still coming on especially with this afternoons sunshine. I did volunteer to give blood once and was rejected! The reason was I was taking medication for my arthritis, I am now considered to old to give blood.
  5. Haven't actually started yet, that is apart from removing the chassis from the Matchbox model. The 'donor' incidently was obtained from the Oxford diecast for £1 at a truck rally, they sell off any 'returns' like that, a good source of parts for such conversions. They will have a stand at the Warley show in November.
  6. Morning from a breezy Estuary-Land. I was woken by the rain last night at gawd-knows-what-hour but I promptly went back to sleep again. I was a bit worried about the poppies but no need as this morning there's dozens of blooms. The bin wagons must be operating in stealth mode today as I heard no dawn chorus but the bags left out for their delectation have gone. Muggatee awaits so be back later.
  7. I am attempting to upgrade the Matchbox J2 using bits from the Oxford model. I was surprised to discover that the wheelbase of the Matchbox model was approx. 0.5 mm shorter. Checking with published drawings it appears that the Matchbox one is incorrect in that they have moved the rear axle forward by that ammount. Easily overcome by cutting the corresponding ammount out of the Oxford chassis. Everything else seems to be a very good fit including the glazing. From the front both castings look as if they came from the same mould.
  8. The problem with the Matchbox Wetheral is the vastly underscale driver. The Morris J2 pick-up has greater detail than the current Oxford and Corgi offerings, around the rear lights in particular, the current models just make do with a blob of paint.
  9. I read a novel once that had the Emperor Nero tucking into a tomato.
  10. Oops, nearly forgot, happy anniversery to Chris and GDB and congratulations to Gemma.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to see Smiffy back and here's hoping that some other absentees will be back also, and hoping to hear from Debs soon. I was expecting a delivery today but when I entered the tracking number it came up as unrecognised, not to worry as there was a knock on the door at 9 this morning and it was the expected package, that means of course that I don't have to wait in all day for it to arrive. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits so be back later.
  12. Or until the electronics go belly up. Seriously though the days of DIY repairs to your everyday driver are over, if there is a fault its straight into the scrapyard, (though I imagine many end up in 'developing' countries with the electronics replaced with more basic equipment.)
  13. After reading of the goings on in Sarthe it put me in mind of 'Last of the summer wine' in the form of Howard and Marina.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Even more poppies flowering this morning, replacing yesterdays blooms which are already losing their petals. Its surprising what colours don't show the dirt, I once had an Allegro estate that was bright (British Telecom) yellow and it was remarkable how clean it looked even during the winter despite only being washed once in a blue moon. Not much else to report, be back later.
  15. And most timber yards will cut accurately to your measurements whereas B&Q cut to 'close enough', as I found out once.
  16. The nearest model AFAIK is the EFE London STD. This is a pre-war Leyland bodied TD very similar to your photo. It has London features such as a roofbox which will not matter if you are going to make it an open topper.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A belated welcome home for Tony and Aditi, sounds as if you had an enjoyable time on your cruise. Also glad to hear that Andy's sick pay problems have been resolved. Not much else to report so I'll be back later.
  18. The cabs on the Cararama and Oxford models are usually screwed on and in some cases are interchangable. Both Langley and RTI produce cabs that are of the period.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The poppies are doing well, those that flowered a day or two ago have shed their petals but have been replaced by even more new flowers. Theres a lot more than last year so next year should give an even bigger crop. Muggatee awaits so be back later.
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