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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Actually the Coopercraft tank is not to bad, its the rest of the kit that is awful.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just had a couple of packages delivered by the postman, E-bay purchases one from Hong Kong, will be opening them very soon. Bright and sunny at the moment but Arthur Itis is hinting at some rain to come. The poppies are doing well still although the seed heads are starting to outnumber the blooms. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The poppies are giving an even better display than yesterday, only problem is that as the blooms only last about 24 hours and most have flowered the display will soon be over for another year. Sorry to hear the news about your colleague Rick, condolences to his family. On this evenings news, three young men have been found dead on the tracks at Brixton, they are thought to be grafitti 'artists', they are also thought to have been hit by a train and spray cans were found with the bodies.
  4. The 1951-1959 Standard 8/10 and Pennant are the models refered too. They were never made as a drophead, perhaps you mean the previous 'Flying 8' model?
  5. I wonder if its possible to fit Cararama or Oxford wheels to any of them.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning, the only excuse is that I slept rather well last night, not waking up until half past eight. So whether or not the fox cubs were active I cannot say. My new driving licence arrived this morning, not bad it only took one week to be processed. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  7. The same engine was carried over to the Herald and developed from there, including the Vitesse six cylinder versions.
  8. There was very little change, only the outer panels. The estate and van versions were identical from the A post back and even the van rear doors were carried over from the Anglia van.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Its been a bit noisy outside, mother fox has moved her den and cubs to the garden of an empty house across the way. I've already spotted a couple of cubs playfighting, the cause of all the commotion. At the moment its quiet but I expect it to pick up later when there are fewer humans around.
  10. Unfortunately thats what Joe Public expects. Thats why the most popular full size manufacturer when it comes to die-casts is Ferrari.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary Land. Package collected from the sorting office and contents stashed away for when they are needed. The poppies are blooming away, that spot of rain this morning seems to have given them a boost. Now to get some more stuff ready for the club stand at our exhibition in just under 3 weeks time (7th/8th Julty).
  12. Unfortunately they've chosen the top of the line Zodiac version rather than the more common Consul.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit damp here this morning but only slightly so and it looks as if its going to brighten up. Hopefully it will have suppressed the grass pollen to the benefit of hay fever sufferers. Got to nip down to the sorting office later to collect a package that was too big to go through my letterbox. Its a modelling item, stone setts that instead of being moulded as a sheet are individual setts on a backing that is glued down and then grouted. The advantage is that they are flexible so that they can be curved to follow track and the like. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Seeing Mikes pic of the fox reminded me that as I arrived home last Tuesday night (about 10:30) I espied a fox cub shooting across the road and into the shrubbery. Judging by its size, about the same as a guinea pig, mum must have been nearby. Poppies are blooming away but the blooms are beginning to be outnumbered by seed heads.
  15. And other makes such as AEC, though the latter ones were badged as Leylands. Also Seddon-Atkinson, ERF and Foden.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tragic news from Glasgow this morning but at least theres no casualties. Least said the better about the ****** who stopped the upskirting bill. I did witness it happening once, but then so did the young lady's boyfriend. The offender found his hand holding the mobile phone pinned to the floor amid the sound of crunching bones. You are both now honourary members of the GDB appreciation society. Now just to wish Bon Voyage to Jamie and Beth and drink the muggatee that awaits, bye for now, be back later.
  17. Ruined by those awful wheels and tyres.
  18. I like the way the Zephyr 4 indicates as he's carving up the Triumph Herald.
  19. Harness for horses in something like etched brass would be very welcome.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I failed to mention that Mr. Slug was showing signs of his return over the last few days. This morning I found him asleep in the laundry basket so I wrapped him in a piece of kitchen paper with a good dose of salt which mummified him and now he has been binned. Q, if you have a replica of the makers plate made why not have several made? undoubtedly a few other vessels have lost their plates and the owners would like a replacement.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Poppies are doing well this morning, at least a dozen flowers showing but some are yesterdays blooms and unlikely to last the morning. Getting ready for our exhibition in three weeks time, in a fit of madness I volunteered to man the clubs sales stall so I'm sorting out the rubbish desirable items* for sale. Thats it for now, be back later. *To get some idea of the sort of thing on offer see the E-bay madness thread.
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