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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a great day today, spent oodles of modelling tokens. We arrived at the transport museum spot on opening time at 10:00 AM, after about an hour spent there it was on the vintage bus (Bristol LD5G) to the I.R.M.A. clubrooms were a very pleasant couple of hours were spent as well as some modelling tokens. Amongst the booty was an RTI models resin lorry cab for 50p, the bargain of the day for me. I also partook of a bacon butty and a mug of tea while I was there. My friend Richard's young son John demolished a fair sized piece of raspberry cream sponge cake at the same time. We then went on to to two other small exhibitions before finishing up at the Ipswich model engineers where the lad thoroughly enjoyed himself riding on the miniature trains. I managed to snaffle the last piece of bread pud in the cafeteria. On the way home we called in on Scograil where they had some 'ready to plant' buildings on a 3 for the price of 2 offer, well I couldn't pass that up could I?
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick hello before I go out, have a good day all.
  3. Hasn't anyone tried smuggling it in?
  4. The models are very accurate, the Minx looking larger is just the effect of the camera lens. In fact the Minx is a bit shorter than the Corsair but a tad taller, as per prototype. (I have both models and compared them side by side.)
  5. That depends on the quality of the bacon. The cheap stuff never crisps up unless it is incinerated because it is full of water (by being soaked in brine). Good quality bacon should cook without the necessity of burning as it is already 'dry'. Thats why I prefer dry cured or smoked bacon.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Getting some old magazines ready for the club sales stand this afternoon and I went to pick a box of them up and it felt as if someone had stabbed me in the back. A couple of co-codamols have eased it somewhat but its still a bit tender so 'take it easy' is the order of the day. Still intending to go out tomorrow though I'll have to get the stroller out
  7. This is where I'm going tomorrow >> http://www.irma.org.uk/ipswich-transport-and-model-festival.html
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit nippy this morning but its now warming up nicely. Jamie, that is indeed a giant puffball and as Keith said is edible but grab it quick as when I spotted one the little darlings decided to use it as a football! Getting things ready for the Ipswich Transport and Model festival tomorrow, which makes a good day out. My friends young lad is eagerly looking forward to riding on the old buses, he's hoping to 'bag' a half cab open platform low bridge double decker, something even his dad had never seen except in a museum. Kettles boiled so now to prepare tea, be back later.
  9. Quite a few fire engines were built on bus/coach chassis, the Bedford SB and AEC Regent in particular.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. As I have a lot of printing to do over the next few days (exhibition program) I decided to refill the paper tray of my printer. After doing so everything seemed normal for a while then it started bleeping and lights flashing. I opened the paper tray and removed a few sheets but when I closed it the printer insisted it had a paper jam although the only paper was in the tray. The only way to resolve the issue was to switch it off at the mains and then switch it on again. That seems to have done the trick, and the cause of the problem? The top few sheets that I removed were dog eared on one corner where they had caught on something as I loaded the tray.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The dawn chorus of the bin wagons has now ceased, unfortunately they cant take an old suitcase. The suitcase in question contained donations for the club sales stand, these were sorted into other containers ready for the exhibition. I have a cunning plan however, I have a heap of old clothes for the charity shop that should fit in there and the charity shop will be quite happy to accept the suitcase. No further comment neccessary.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land.Club night tonight, sorting out the rubbish that no one wants highly desirable items to enhance your layout for the club sales stand. Joking aside theres one or two unusual items among which is an HO American kit for a trestle bridge. Upon opening the box there was a length of aluminium angle ??? I can only think its there as a template around which the bridge is to be built. Anyway the exhibition is on the 7/8 July at the James Hornsby School Leinster Road/Nicholas Lane Laindon SS15 5NX. The 7th is also my 70th birthday.
  13. Yes it is, except for the driver figure is too small but it might be possible to remove the figure and replace it with a more to scale one. A better bet would be the Husky model with a change of bucket. I saw one at a swapmeet recently for £4.
  14. The last locomotive built for BR was 58050 which I understand is scheduled for preservation.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like GDB I gave up cycling many years ago and I have no intention of taking it up again for the same reasons. The poppies are blooming away merrily but the triffid is now mostly seed heads, more than a dozen now with half as many in flower/not flowering yet. Not much else to report, best wishes to those that require them, be back later.
  16. The Kingsize model is about 1/60 scale, far to big for 00 scale.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Every time that I look outside there seems to be more poppies, not that I'm complaining. They're keeping the bumble bees busy anyway. Horsetan, I wonder how much of that brickwork was concealed behind shop signs, out of sight and out of mind. Around here they would have been demolished long ago and replaced with an apartment block.
  18. It must be still going as I keep getting notifications for something that I did want but no longer require.
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