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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept like a log last night, probably due to the two co-codomols before I went to bed last night. The reason for taking them, my back is still a bit sore but if I'm careful it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The bin lorry dawn chorus is in full swing including the one in need of a good oiling. Doing a display of some of my collection of old maps tonight, though some are not so old being reprints, I hope they enjoy it. C & C's to those ailing or otherwise, be back later.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Having proudly submitted the first batch of programs I was informed that they were wrong. I had suspected that might have been the case but it was not of my doing but a corrupted file. The exhibition manager has now given me a USB containing the program, it was checked on his lap-top before he handed it too me and everything looked OK. However when I inserted the USB into my computer the same problems manifested themselves. It is obvious something on my computer is corrupting the file.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Getting ready to start printing and the indicator said 'paper low' so I went to fill the tray. Problem is the printer sits about three inches from the floor and the tray is at the bottom. As I bent down it felt as if a dozen knives had been pushed into my back. I did manage to fill the tray and fingers crossed I have sufficient paper in the tray. Now for a couple of co-codomols and the same number of mugs of tea and a lie down.
  4. Around here getting rid of electrical items is not a problem, just leave them out for the metal faries.
  5. Matchbox produced one with a TV camera on the roof. The scale is 1/75 which is pretty well close to 00. The downside is it is a toy and the glazing and wheels will have to be replaced.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Chris I've used the pump up containers of Roundup but having purchased the refills I found that the caps on the pump container impossible to remove, the instructions for doing so are as about as much use as a chocolate teapot. Preparations are in hand for our exhibition the weekend after next and I've got some programs to print off so I'll be back later.
  7. Have you thought of disposing of the furniture through a charity? The local hospice charity here will gladly pick up any unwanted furniture donated for free.
  8. There are several survivors, a bit like a sports car version of the normal Whickham fare.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I too have had problems getting things to print as required. As I may have mentioned I am tasked with producing a quantity of programs for our upcoming exhibition. The program duly arrived and I set about preparing for print only for it to be printed every which way but that which was required. I checked the settings to find that they had for the most part returned to those on the e-mail. After a lot of head scratching I went through the process bit by bit and there I discovered that as I made changes I clicked 'save' on each tab (double side, format etc.) this had the effect of when adding the change it deleted all previous changes. The solution was not to click on save until all the changes had been made. I have now successfully produced one program, only another 99 to go. Thats so that the commuters have some form of transport when the service goes tits up.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Another scorcher predicted for today so I will be doing very little if anything at all. I will have to do a bit of shopping but thats all. Hope Debs stay in hospital is short and C & C's to all other ER's who require them.
  11. Too far away from the verge?
  12. I know of someone who used to do just that, until someone got to the shop before him and purchased the lot.
  13. I hope the police noted his number. By the look of it he was completely oblivious to all around him including the police car.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Switched on my computer a while ago to find there was no internet connection, after fiddling about for about 15 minutes I called up Virgin. Needless to say just as I called the connection restored itself as you can see. I agree with GDB those pictograms are a right PITA, mind you some of the written instructions in so called English were just as bad, you needed a degree in gibberish to interpret them.
  15. Can we please go back to making jokes, if you think a line has been crossed report it to admin.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I too managed to avoid 22 men kicking a bladder of air about yesterday. I went to Tesco's yesterday while it was on and the place was almost empty! There wasn't even the usual scrum around the reduced to clear shelves, unlike a few weeks ago where I witnessed several shelves empty in seconds almost as soon as the assistant had filled them. Other sports news that seems to have been ignored, Englands cricketers whitewashed the Australians (the champions) in the one day test and Hammy won the French GP. That is why I had a string of old bangers for the commute to work, many of them ended up more battered than when I bought them.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear from Debs, and seeing her post on Facebook. I looked him up, either he is no longer on RMweb or uses another name.
  18. I had a good look at it but I didn't have any means of taking any pics. It appears that the bulk of the lower saloon is finished, the end platforms are 'work in progress' but I couldn't see the upper deck. It is mounted on is running gear which appears to be complete. There is a chap called Dave Carson on Facebook who came down to an meeting of the South Essex Rail Enthusiasts group to give a talk on trams and he showed pics of the tram being restored with which I think he is involved. He also has his own tram layout Walmington Pier.
  19. A belated good morning from Estuary-Land. Slept like a log last night, most probably like one being sawn bit I didn't hear anything. Belated best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Baz and likewise to Mr. and Mrs. Simon. Plenty of photographs of yesterdays event on the Ipswich transport museums Facebook page but I and my companions seem to have avoided the camera. We did manage to 'bag' four of the buses running the free bus service, the Bristol Lodekka, an ex Ipswich Corporation Regent V a rear engined Volvo double decker and a modern bus (DAF?) from the current Ipswich fleet. Apparently two other single deck buses/coaches were running, an ex Ipswich AEC Swift and a Bedford OB. I suspect though that these were replaced by the modern bus as the double deckers were packed most of the time.
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