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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I am horrified by the way some film and TV producers treat vehicles and other property loaned to them. What seems to be required is some sort of document that has to signed by the company representative using the vehicle stating that it should be returned in the same condition as when it was loaned out. We do have a 'legal eagle' posting on this thread perhaps he could suggest a few ideas as to what it should say?
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cooler today so energy levels are up. I received one birthday pressie on Saturday, a CD of hit songs from the year I was born. No indication as to who it was from but as it was clearly postmarked Romford where my brother lives I assumed it was he who sent it. However yesterday I received a card from my brother, so who sent the CD? It appears from the map that the flypast is travelling along the A12/Liverpool Street line, in which case I would suggest Havering Park near Havering-atte-Bower as it is on top of a hill with vistas south and west down to the Thames and London http://www.havering.gov.uk/directory_record/49/havering_country_park
  3. Its on the vintage carriages trust website as Unknown (body only) brake van. The VCT pic was taken in 2012 and shows signs of some refurbishment and repair. http://www.ws.vintagecarriagestrust.org/ws/WagonInfo.asp?Ref=13348
  4. The best known user of these vans was the Metropolitan Railway. After WW1 many of these vans were surplus and were snapped up by many minor railways. If it still exists it might well be worth saving.
  5. None that I am aware of but there was a crude diecast van that bore some resemblance to the bus in the pic, I think it was made by Corgi or possibly Lledo.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. This is what they done when they installed a new water supply pipe to my neighbours and myself a few years ago. They had to dig a few small holes for access but a mole drill was used to create the hole for the pipe. After they'd finished there was little evidence that they had been there. They must have laid about 50 metres of pipe (to four houses) so that means there must be about the same ammount of scrap copper pipe buried about a metre down.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still feeling knackered after the weekend but thats probably down to the heat more than anything. Encounted a pair of prize cockwombles yesterday morning on the run down to collect my friend and his lad. At the Sadlers Farm roundabout I was in the right hand lane. As the lights changed and the traffic moved onto the roundabout cockwomble 1 who was in front of me decided he wanted to go onto the A130 so he carved his way through the line of traffic on the left. This he did behind cockwomble 2 who then decided that he wanted to go to Canvey so he cut me up while doing so.
  8. Acceleration was not a strong point on almost any gas turbine vehicle. And before anyone mentions GT1, that benifited from having electric transmission.
  9. The registration, which I assume is HL, was issued in Wakefield. This fits in with the West Riding fleetname. The HI registration is an Irish one (Tipperary).
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning as the weekends exertions caught up on me and I overslept. I examined my purchase, the American wooden bridge last night. It appears to date from the 60's, produced by a company called Campbell who's symbol is a cartoon American railroad engineer wearing a kilt. It has a price label of $26:50. I don't know whether I should build it or leave it as a kit. My friends young son made sure that he didn't forget his hat yesterday, it remained firmly on his head, even if a bit askew. Thats it for now, be back later.
  11. Thats a good pic of the back of my head in the second pic.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Show over for another year, quite successful by all accounts, my department, the club sales stand certainly was. Fortunately it was a bit cooler today compared to yesterday. My friends young son tried the shunting puzzle for the first time and managed it quite well. I didn't have much chance to dispose of a lot of modelling tokens but I did find some unusual items including an American wooden bridge kit.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello and goodbye again as I'm off out for day 2.
  14. When I visited Malta one February it was a balmy 22C. but all the locals were wrapped in overcoats.
  15. Toy fairs are indeed the best bet, many are listed in the Railway Modeller (after the exhibition lists). One of the biggest toy fair operators is Webbs http://www.j-jwebbtoyfairs.com they have toyfairs in Newark, Lincoln, Spalding and at York racecourse as well as Brentwood which is my local one.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The show went very well today but regretably there was an empty space where the layout owners had to drop out due to health issues. As for my area, the club sales stand which was groaning under the strain of all the sale items was looking rather bare at closing time. As predicted it died when the football came on except for a few escapees from the football who came through the door. In fact some were able to watch the football as there is a large TV screen tuned in to the match in a gallery above the hall visible from one side of the hall. Someone managed to get it on a tablet as well. Thanks Tony for going to the trouble of returning for the young mans hat, the member who he was helping on the Thomas the Tank layout handed it to me just after they had left. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick look in this morning to say hello and give my best wishes to those that require them.
  18. Unfortunately it was about 1/125 scale, so that it could use the stamped metal wheels of the car.
  19. The Romford Brewery used to be adjacent to the station the arches of which was used as a roost for pidgeons. The pidgeons used to feed on the used brewing grains and were often seen staggering around drunk. For some it was not so good as the feral cats also living in the arches found a drunken pidgeon an easy catch.
  20. I'll be there, running the club sales stand which will be equipped with a fan. You can wish me a happy 70th birthday as well. The Tesco's at Pitsea has some fans in stock if your interested, £15 for a compact one and £35 for a pedestal mounted one.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. All set up for the morning now, just a bit of tidying up and price labeling to do in the morning. Latest forecast is 31C. for both days but tomorrow I do not expect to be busy after 3 o'clock. Also tomorrow there will be the mass RAF flypast, a little to the north of us but we might hear it, its following the A12/Liverpool Street line from Ipswich but I'm not sure of the times. Tony, if you visit the show I have an item that I promised you ages ago. Thats it for now, be back later.
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