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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The car with the backward sloping rear window would have been an Anglia (105E). When I visited Malta for the first time over 40 years ago the hire car was a four door Mk. I Escort, converted locally to a cabriolet. Due to flexing the rear doors wouldn't open and to access the rear seats you had to climb over the boot (the cabriolet top was stuck in the open position).
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Club meeting tonight with the post mortem of the exhibition. I don't envisage any problems as at closing time the exhibition manager wasn't biting any heads off. Interesting what Jamie said about the algorithums on Facebook, perhaps thats why I cant find Debs posts. I see that Google are expecting to be fined £8billion by the European union over some of their uncompetitive practices. Good thing too, perhaps you find what you are looking for rather than what they want you to see. Thats it for now, be back later.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I did a little shopping at Tesco's today, one item on my shopping list was tomatoes. First thing I look for is the sell by date as it can sometimes take me a week to use a pack. Search as I might I couldn't see a sell by date so I asked an assistant. Apparently Tesco and other supermarkets are no longer putting sell by dates on some of their products, the reason I was told was that it was to cut out waste.
  4. Nothing like ER's, its about a bunch of people with odd names doing even odder things. Oh hang on.
  5. Ah the Suzuki Carryall/Vauxhall (Bedford) Rascal. I had one of those (Vauxhall) for a while. They are becoming increasingly rare now but I did see one in use only last week, at least 24 years old now but still going. Other cars I have owned are becoming extreamly rare now. I did have a Nissan Prairie 1.8 only about 7 or 8 on the road now. Also a Suzuki SJ410 none are registered for road use now but a lot are SORNED, probably some used off road.
  6. We haven't heard from Ian (Olddudders) lately.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Welcome back Debs, luckily I am not one of those trembling in awe of the awl. No hosepipe bans hereabouts at the moment but if this weather continues there may well be. No rain is forecast for the next seven days which is just as well as I'm attending an open air event on Sunday. Got to get going now, be back later.
  8. Red wine and red meat is a no-no for Arthur-itis.
  9. Mike, the model T body looks like the type known as a 'float' as used by the likes of market gardeners for taking produce to market. When new it would not have had the luxury of an upholstered seat, a wooden plank would be more likely.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Another hot and sticky day so I did the same as yesterday and the day before, absolutely nothing. Talking of Mount St. Helens I've just been perusing a news article about the current eruption on Hawaii, apparently a new island is being formed by one of the vents. Sadly over 700 homes have been destroyed fortunately without any loss of life.
  11. Most Victorian coastal vessels were quite small, even an ocean going vessel such as the Cutty Sark works out at less than three feet long in 00 scale.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Some things don't need a sell by date but they still have them. I have some bottles of Belgian Trappist beer that are five years out of date, I tried one at Christmas without any ill effects. In fact it was better than I thought it would be, probably ageing improved it. Weather forecast for the week predicted rain in the south east for the end of the week but according to the local forecast this morning its going to be dry with a bit more cloud. In fact although we need the rain I'm hoping that it will hold off until Sunday as then I will be attending a bus rally in what is a grassy field. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. The Lada is now very rare in the UK. A few years ago when you couldn't give one away Russian seamen used to buy them up, put them on board their ships, strip them for spares and push the remains over the side.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. If I have any doubts about food I bin it even if it looks OK. Well I bin most of it, I've just left a few eggs that are past their use by dates out for the local foxes, they are probably OK. Some supermarkets stuff seems to keep better than others, Tesco's seems to keep well but Asda's stuff is already going off by the sell by date. If your looking for bargains Tesco's clear their deli counters in the late afternoon, all the stuff is still fresh and has often a few days to the use by date but is often at half price or less.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As today is going to be another hot one I will be doing the same as yesterday, absolutely nothing. Got off to a good start with an extended eyelid inspection this morning which is likely to continue later this afternoon. Muggatee awaits so its be back later time.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I haven't done a thing today, its just too hot. I'll probably do the same tomorrow. Bye for now, back later.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, no sign of any clouds so rain unlikely. I hope all goes well for you Andyram, a couple of times I thought about chucking in my job and working for myself but I didn't have the courage. Just as well perhaps as I'm now a 'comfortably off' pensioner. Thats it for now, be back later.
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