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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. It did rain last night, when I went out to the car lunchtime it was 'spotted' with dust brought down by the raindrops. I doubt if there was any thunder as I must have slept right through it. On the news it was reported that the captain was amongst those who drowned.
  2. I too drive a manual, I don't like automatics. A little aside, in the US where automatics predominate a manual gearbox is regarded as an excellent anti-theft device.
  3. But thats usually the handbrake not the footbrake.
  4. I was behind one like that on the M11. Traffic was at a standstill due to a car fire a couple of miles further on from where we were, and it was pretty obvious that we would not be moving any time soon but one woman sat with her foot on the brake for at least 20 minutes before someone reminded her that her car was equipped with a handbrake.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It appears to have rained last night but you wouldn't think so. Only a slight dampness in corners where the sun doesn't reach until later in the day, a large cobweb in the garden washed out and grit pooled where it had been washed on the patio. I didn't notice it last night so I must have been well asleep. Apart from the above signs there is little other evidence as everything is now completely dry. Got to do a bit of shopping later and tomorrows event is only five miles away so it should be possible to avoid all the holiday traffic.
  6. Suggest it to Mike Pett. Mike admits to being a bit of a computer Luddite. He was at our show a couple of weeks ago.
  7. Yes Supercast, see post # 4.
  8. I wondered if Tony had got some rain, he's only about 4 miles east of me. I'll have to ask my friend who lives a mile further on if he had any rain.
  9. Cider used to be part of the agricultural labourers wages. At harvest time it could be as much as 8 pints per day per man. Farmers used to make their own cider and if it wasn't 'up to scratch' quite often the workforce would go elsewear.
  10. Supercast produce a Michael Portillo figure with a choice of coloured jackets.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. No sign of the promised thunder storms today though the sky did look a bit threatening lunch time. According to this evenings forecast they did come close though, it looks as if Southend received a bit of dampness. The dry weather has one advantage from my point of view. When I visit the bus rally on Sunday, which is held in a grass field, it should be easy to use the stroller as the grass will be short and dry. I looked up my nearest M&S Outlet, its in Grays, not in Lakeside but just outside. There's a few things that I need so I might pop down there next week some time.
  12. They were provided new to Hong Kong, many as single deckers. Quite a few were converted to service vehicles of various types. Models of these buses and most if not all of the service vehicle versions are available in 1/76 scale.
  13. The HA's haven't any spare cash to pay for filling in potholes let alone illuminating level crossings. If your looking for a cheap(er) solution without major alterations. What about axle counters either side of the crossing coupled to the barriers so that the barriers dont open until the same number of axles have been counted in and out?
  14. Unless for some reason he prefered a one year deal?
  15. The bottom line is that the barriers should not be raised until the entire train is well clear of the crossing.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I see Jamie is getting into the French ways of railway modelling. When I visited our twin town in France (Meux) with a layout I was surprised when come lunch time the doors were closed and out came the tables laden with food and wine for a couple of hours, very civilised. From speaking to others including here on RMweb this is apparently quite usual in France. Not having visited exhibitions in any other country but the UK and France I wonder if in other countries they have their own way of doing things?
  17. I thought the reflective number plates on the RM were a bit odd.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Many Darwin award winners appear to come from those states, I wonder if there's a connection? They actually have a 'live' candidate for the award this year. A 16 year old youth was practicing sex with various household objects including a blender. However he didn't notice that it was still plugged in, as he was doing the deed he accidently switched it on... The paramedics got there just in time to stop him bleeding to death but he has certainly removed himself from the gene pool.
  19. Before you go any further. What model of Bristol are you converting to a TD5? The only Bristol double decker that fits the bill is the OOC Bristol KS/ECW. As far as I'm aware the only pre-war Leylands fitted with post war ECW bodies were a few TD3's re-bodied for Eastern National.
  20. I hope you sent this to the police. What if someone was pushing a child in a buggy from behind the dustcart? EDIT Personalised reg. as well Y14 ROO.
  21. About 50 years ago a friend of mine worked for a car recovery/crash repair company based at Gallows Corner, Romford. The garage 'hack' was a Mk. I Cortina assembled from several write-offs that passed through. What was unusual was that the nearside was from a four door model and the offside from a two door. The only three door Mk. I Cortina? (It was later involved in another accident and became a conventional two door again.)
  22. Its time for a complete rethink of the design of high rise tower blocks. I would suggest separate lift towers connected to the tower block by walkways. In some cases they could serve more than one tower block (the existing lifts/stairs to be retained). Or if the blocks are close enough to each other connect them with walkways. This will provide a safe means of escape and/or access to the fire brigade.
  23. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Baz and many more of them. The bin wagons dawn chorus included not only the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon but the screeching needs oiling one as well, just as well I was already up. Button flies on jeans are now the height of fashion, that is according to the assistant in P*******k. Thats what he told an elderly customer anyway. to which the customer replied in a voice loud enough to be heard throughout the shop. "So its fashionable to p!ss yourself while your trying to undo your flies is it?" He might prefer it that way.
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