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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Harwich for the Continent, Frinton for the incontinent.
  2. Loose, home of the Loose Womens Institute. Another 'famous' bus destination was Ugley (Essex) but as far as I am aware there never was an Ugley Womens Institute.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I caught a bit of sun on Sunday, my forehead is bright red. No soreness however but next time I'll wear a hat.
  4. At least rust would not be a problem.
  5. Roads are built on viaducts too. If you've got enough space I would suggest a road viaduct at one end of the layout crossing one end of the oval with a ramp down to within the oval, this will hide the sharp curves of the oval as well. You could also cover one end curve with a tunnel.
  6. Real-X are the bee's knee's of the 1/72 diecasts, others in the range to look out for are the Toyota Previa and the Subaru Legacy estate.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks like another scorcher today and the prediction is that tomorrow will be even hotter than yesterday, PHEW! Fortunately the front of the house is always cool as it faces almost due north. Normally the flat roof at the front of the house which is fibreglass is covered by algae, this has disappeared entirely. Rick, sorry about missing this but I hope your toe gets better soon. My car is fitted with a towbar but I have only used it on a few occasions, not that my car is suitable for towing anything but a small trailer anyway. Got to go now, be back later.
  8. Prototype for everything dept. The only access to Frinton is via a level crossing.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Its official, today is the hottest day of the year so far and theres a distinct possibility that the mercury will rise further over the coming days. The fan I purchased for use at the exhibition is coming in handy if a bit noisy. Talking of double sided razor blades my dad used to give my mum a pedicure (mum's eyesight wasn't up to her doing it herself) and he used such razor blades for removing hard skin . This is why hot weather can trigger thunderstorms. Tony, I bank with the only building society that didn't become a bank and have done so for 30 years with no problems. I also have an account with B*****y's that currently holds about 32p, this I use if I need to transfer funds via the internet when a suitable ammount is deposited. (I'm still waiting for my inheritance from Nigeria to be deposited though. )
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning thanks to Essex & Suffolk water. I went to run a bath first thing this morning only to find there was no water. So I tried ringing the emergency number only to be put on hold and with a message that it will take about 15 minutes to answer my call. I waited on the phone for about 20 minutes and was still getting the same message so I gave up. About 20 minutes later a gurgling in the pipes indicated that the water was back on. I then had to make sure that the hot water system was pressurised before running any. Thats my rant over now to consume a belated muggatee, be back later.
  11. Loved the sound of the EMU's accelerating after the track had been cleared.
  12. Sorry for no pics but I visited the Essex bus rally today. I took my friend with his young son who both enjoyed themselves, the lad enjoyed riding on an open topper, something he had never done before.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day today at the Essex bus rally. Most of my purchases were books and magazines but including the remains of a plastic bus kit for £1 and a bag of card building kit spares for 50p. Also a couple of 'building plant' diecast models from the 'World of Stobart' series. My friend snapped up a display case for £15 that would normally cost twice as much. Very dry and dusty at the event but better than pouring rain.
  14. At one time automatics were fitted with a more powerful handbrake than their manual counterparts. This was sufficient to hold the vehicle with the engine on tickover. The recommended practice was to put the drive in D with the handbrake applied and when ready to go release the handbrake and gently accelerate.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It didn't rain last night so Arfur Itis was wrong. Weather forecast is that next week is going to be a scorcher in this part of the country. Even then its a lot cooler than Japan, 47C. in the coming week! Got to go now to get to the bus rally when it opens, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Last nights rain was not even predicted by Arfur Itis but he's predicting rain at about 3 to 3:30 tomorrow morning.
  17. I didn't see the battery in there at first. Perhaps a previous owner had installed the bigger capacity battery to power those horns?
  18. Worst of all for drivers forcing there way in is the A13/M25 Junction 30. If there is a holdup on the QE2 bridge the number of drivers trying to force their way in forms a second queue taking up the second of three lanes. To make matters worse some idiots try to force their way across from lane 3.
  19. Thats the effect of the camera, though its electronic it takes a sequence of still pictures and strings them together just like the old film cameras.
  20. I had a Bedford Dormobile back in 1976. The normal battery position on the Bedford CA was under the floor on the passenger side just inside the door. To remove the battery it was slid forward (towards the door opening) and lifted out. Dormobile in their wisdom decided to add a step cut into the sill, problem was it prevented the battery from being slid forward making it impossible to remove the battery.
  21. I think it would have to be an Eton uniform.
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