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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Some of the Dinky Dublo series were pretty poor as well. The Prefect was about 2mm too long, all added to the boot. The FX3 taxi was a peculiar shape around the rear windows the Morris MM pickup was underscale and the Land Rover was spoilt by the oversize wheels.
  2. Its heading in your direction.
  3. The Corgi trio are some of the worst model cars ever made. The Viva is about the best of the bunch but you can't go very wrong with a box. The Anglia looks awful especially around the bonnet and the Morris Minor has a sawn off back end.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Currently showing 28:5 degrees in the house at the moment, thats with the fan going 19 to the dozen. Had a heavy shower a couple of hours ago now its grey and overcast with more heavy rain/thunder predicted overnight. At least by all accounts tomorrow will be mainly dry.
  5. AEC Renown with a low bridge (sunken gangway), the lowest roofed double deck bus built and operated in this country.
  6. If you look closely at the two signs you will see how on the doctored sign the letters have been slightly enlarged to fit in the same space. As you said its been very cleverly doctored.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It poured down last night on several occasions, and accompanied by thunder and lightening. Yet this morning the roads are bone dry and the only evidence is its a bit more muggy if a tad cooler. The forecast is for the same tonight but even heavier rain but tomorrow should be dry and a bit cooler. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. The Mini wheels and interior where ideal for upgrading the Minix 1100.
  9. The F150 can be shortened by about 4mm to make a Ford Ranger pick-up. When they could be found in £ shops I bought and dismantled a few of the 1950's Chevrolet breakdown trucks for the bits. Each one yielded a fire extinguisher, toolbox, winch, amber beacon and a pair of air horns. I also purchased some of the H0 scale American trucks for the same purpose. And don't forget the Cararama boats, both the RIB and the speedboat, whatever scale they are they are perfectly passable as 1/76.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A couple of weeks ago the lid if the swing bin stopped swinging (broken hinge pin). So I purchased a replacement and the old one now lidless was delegated as a container for offcuts of timber. I went to move it yesterday and it just shattered, the plastic had gone brittle, almost certainly from sitting in full sun. Mal, I would be tempted to have a bit of fun with that spammer by telling them that I am a professional porn star and that I would expect royalties if they posted any such pictures.
  11. Postage was £3:50, the Minix cars are worth at least £5 each. Also in the pile is an Impy Foden 8 wheeler chassis/cab and some unidentified 00/H0 trucks.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagon dawn chorus was a bit muted this morning, most likely because they don't have to fight for roadspace with the school run, hardly a bleep was heard. Slept like a log last night despite the heat, but its forecast to be even hotter tonight. Not much else to report, be back later.
  13. Me too, currently winging my way is an assortment of old Matchbox, Husky and Impy models but included in the lot are four Minix cars two of which are quite rare and well worth the £16 paid.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I am planning to visit the Bluebell Railway on Saturday, it looks as if an early start is on the cards. What with having to use the Dartford crossing which will be chock-a-block by 8 and then the joys of the M25, I'll have to study the map for any alternative routes.
  15. Oh, you wrote recital, I didn't see the 'i'.
  16. I'm looking at producing some code 3's from some of these models. The Mercedes S class perhaps could be stretched to make a limo or maybe even a hearse.
  17. The Cararama Mercedes S type is 1/76 scale and is/was more common on British roads than the Chevrolet. The Landrover Defender and the Transit van were 1/74 scale and could be mixed with 1/76 scale without looking out of place.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Despite the heat I had a good nights sleep last night, waking at twenty to seven instead of the more usual six. I am thinking about clearing my spare room, to say that its cluttered is an understatement. I've been looking at self storage but that has to be considered very carefully as its not cheap, 25 square feet (9 feet high) is £70 per month. That is about twice the capacity of my shed which is still a work in process. Now time for muggatee, be back later.
  19. The scale is consistent, they came between the Mk. III Cortina and the Granada in size so at 1/72 they would be larger than a 1/76 Granada.
  20. Threlfalls brewery was Salford based. The o/s wing is the same colour as the rest of the car, its the reflection of a dark building.
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