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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Doing a bit of sorting out of the spare room. Found a few things that had been long forgotten, sat down to examine them and then found that I then had no time left for sorting out the room. No wonder he died from constipation.
  2. Its happened several times on the London Underground, especially where tube and surface stock share the same tracks. Service can be seriously disrupted as often the only option is to return 'wrong line'.
  3. Too many of those and you'll soon be joining the Gods.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up at 6 this morning and must have caught the storm that GDB mentioned, thunder lightening and a heavy downpour, now there is bright sunshine. Weather is predicted to warm up again and the really hot weather will be back by the weekend, in this part of the world anyway. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Do you have an item number?
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped in to the garage that services my car and booked in this afternoon for a diagnosis of the fault. When I got home I noticed that the engine fault light had gone out. So a quick check, ignition on, fault indicator lights up, start engine and it goes out, everything as it should be. Checked with the garage and they said whatever the fault was it had cleared itself and not to bother as nothing will show up now on a diagnosis. In fact I suspect it must have cleared itself on the way to the garage as I caught a whiff of petrol on the way there that was gone in a few seconds. I too had a parcel arrive today, a job lot of old Matchbox, Minix and other makes of diecast. The four Minix cars are worth more than I paid for the whole lot so well pleased.
  7. Thanks, that is what I intend to do. I have always had it serviced at the same place anyway and thats where I'm taking it.
  8. Theres a couple of films on Youtube of one of these machines in action, one includes delivering to site and setting up.
  9. Having looked at it under a magnifying glass it is definitely a Mini. The 12 inch wheels and the plastic wood stripe indicates that it is a Clubman estate.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up this morning full of aches and pains, mainly the results of Saturdays exertions brought on by this mornings dampness. Fortunately a pair of paracetamols seems to have eased it somewhat. I'll take another look at the car this morning while its cold to see if theres any petrol leaks but I suspect its a loose connection. I did have a fuel problem on another car many years ago, the fuel consumption shot up, it turned out to be the return pipe was split, any excess fuel from the pump instead of being returned to the tank was going straight onto the road. A leak was suspected but it took a bit of finding and then only when fuel drips were spotted beneath the car. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've just remembered, after the car hit the pothole yesterday there was a strong smell of petrol that disappeared after about a minute or so. I haven't noticed any change in fuel consumption but with Motorway driving and use of the air conditioning it is difficult to judge. Hopefully I can get it fixed before the Southwold show next weekend as I wouldn't risk driving that far with a potential engine fault.
  12. Looks like it. Can anyone identify the car in front of it? And I'll take the Standard 10 please.
  13. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Simon, AndyID could well be right in his identification as a Beech tree. I'm pretty sure that if you sent a bit of it to Kew they would identify it for you (I'm sure Rick will be able to fill you in on where to send it and any fees that have to be paid). If it is a Beech tree it could be well worth keeping.
  14. True, there is a booklet 'How to trace the history of your car' by Philip Riden that lists registers and if they are extant, most regretably are listed as destroyed. There are other sources of information however, London Transport and the GPO kept their own records intact and almost every vehicle owned/operated by those organisations is recorded. Another useful publication is Glass's index of registration numbers 1929-1965 from which you can find the year of registration and sometimes even the month of that year.
  15. In a word, No. Vehicle registrations used to be issued by county councils, cities and some large towns using letters allocated by the Ministry of Transport. A few of those authorities kept those records but most disposed of them only a few being 'rescued'. Those older vehicles that were still in the system were retained as the vehicle was still registered.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Simon, I had a mystery plant that arrived in my front garden, once it had established itself it bore fruit that looked like blackcurrants. I tasted one of the fruits but it turned out to be very bitter. I took a sample to the RHS at Hyde Hall who told me that it was a member of the deadly nightshade family but fortunately for any ill effects you would have to eat a lot more than grows on a single bush. FYI Capsicums and Chilli's are also of the same family. Got to get the car checked out tomorrow, the engine warning light remains on. No apparent leaks, noises or smells and everything else seems to be normal. I'm not sure for how long it was on as it was not easily visible in brigh sunlight but I spotted it as I came through the Dartford tunnel. I did hit an unexpected deep pothole in the car park at the Bluebell yesterday so perhaps something came loose.
  17. You never meet a poor bookie either.
  18. A nice model, the roof is removable so you should be able to add an operator/driver.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a great day out at the Bluebell today. Spent a few modelling tokens and obtained a couple of Scaledale buildings, a pub and a barn for £4 each. Other purchases were several model vehicles and a Railway Bylines annual that I hadn't got in my library. I noticed a few gusty winds around one of which moved my stroller despite the (very poor) brakes being on and I felt the car give a twitch on the QE2 bridge. Thats it for now, be back later.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick hello before going off to collect my friend plus son to go to the Bluebell.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not much chance of seeing the 'Blood Moon' as there's now heavy overcast. Early start tomorrow for the trip to the Bluebell so got to get a few bits ready tonight.
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