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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. As a suggestion, if your modelling some of these coaches and the rigid wheelbase could cause problems what about fixing the two inner axles and having the outer axles swiveling in the same manner as the Hornby long wheelbase goods wagons (such as the Ferry Van).
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday to AndyRam, and many more of them. Went to the track night at SEERS (South East Essex Railway Society) and test ran my latest acquisition which I'm happy to report ran perfectly. Model railway club tonight and possibly a visit to Mangapps tomorrow night but that depends upon a few outside factors (weather and my friend finding someone to supervise his daughter. That reminds me of when a friend was managing a charity book shop. The staff were sent on 'work experience' by the local employment office and were not exactly the brightest jewels in the box. One such person was asked to arrange all the fiction books alphabetically under the authors name. After a couple of hours he checked on how the assistant was doing, she had arranged the books alphabetically OK, but under the first names of the authors, John, Susan etc. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  3. A rather belated goodnight all.
  4. Most of the chalk* mines in East Anglia date back to Neolithic times. Chalk was usually extracted from an open pit. Its probably something such as a septic tank or possibly a wartime structure connected perhaps with the many wartime airfields built in the area. *It would not be the chalk that they were after but the flint nodules that came with the chalk.
  5. Try re-installing Adblock Plus, go into Railpictures and it should show the ABP symbol (a red octagon), click on that and it will show an option 'Disable on this site.' Click on that and the octagon should change to grey. If you still cannot view Railpictures try coming out of the site and re-entering.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Parcel arrived this morning, when I was in the bath! luckily a signature wasn't required and the postman was able to leave it in a safe place. The parcel contained a brace of Oxford Diecast Transit dropsides, one of their latest offerings and my third attempt to find a trader with any left in stock. Not a lot else to report and muggatee 2 awaits so its be back later.
  7. My apologies to the young lady. And with that goodnight all.
  8. Piccolino used to send out flyers with colour pics of their latest releases. One of them featured this van and it might be the very one, in fact it was so awful that I doubt that very many were sold, it might even be the same (only?) one. Some of their models were quite good but a bit delicate and easily damaged.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not been to bad weather wise today with the odd light shower but I can hear (very) distant thunder. Not a lot else to say and its muggatee time so I'll be back later.
  10. Only Saturday I was waiting in a slow moving queue of traffic when a paramedic car on blues and twos came up behind the queue. Drivers in the queue pulled into the kerb to give the paramedics room. I was alongside a traffic island but there was plenty of room for the car in front of me to pull forward so that I would be clear of the island. Instead though he just pulled into the kerb trapping me alongside the island meaning that the paramedic had to pass outside the island.
  11. Must be something to do with those individual links. I use an Adblocker (Ad Blocker Plus) but it can be switched off on individual sites such as Railpictures and I have no problem accessing the site.
  12. At least two others are getting the same message as they have 'Agreed'. As I said above the person who is posting the pics is posting them on Facebook under the name of 'Shorpy'.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept like a log last night, so I'm now bright eyed and bushy tailed but I'm not sure how long it will last. I see that they are announcing the first contestant for the next bout of Strictly come dancing this morning. I'm not sure of which sleb she is as I usually avoid such trivia but if you want to see why Botox should be more strictly controlled you just had to watch what looked like a talking mannequin with lips so swollen that she looked as if she'd been punched in the mouth. Apart from the usual shopping trip for bread and papers I will be doing the same today as yesterday, absolutely nothing. Muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  14. I have Googled 'Shorpy' and found his blog on Facebook. Very interesting vintage USA pics.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I have done today what I said I would do, absolutely nothing (except for a bit of shopping). Rick, thanks for those pics of Portland Bill. I discovered when doing my family history that one branch of my family originated there, on the census the head of household is described as 'Unemployed quarryman'. I think that is about the time the prison opened, and he may have found his job being taken over by convicts. Not long afterwards the whole family moved to SE London where he found employment in the gasworks that was where the O2 centre stands. I would like to find out how they made the journey as being unemployed they could hardly afford the rail fares.
  16. Does anyone know which editions of Bylines and Back Track featured items on these locomotives?
  17. Moorning all from Estuary-Land. Not so early riser this morning, after my Sunday morning soak in the bath I laid on the bed to air dry* and promptly dozed off. Now duly breakfasted and muggatee # 2 in hand I am ready for nothing today, well almost nothing, now that it's a bit cooler I'm going to start clearing a lot of clutter. Thats it for now, be back later. *(All those towells are laid on the bed so that the sheets stay dry.)
  18. I notice that the Moggie van is an early split screen model. Obviously repainted as no one bothered to mask the bonnet badge. I wonder if the two large horns on the front indicate a bit of DIY wiring, a possible contributor to an electrical failure?
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. They've replenished the towels at reduced prices in Tesco's again today, yet another colour (mid grey), I now have sufficient towels for the next few years. Now its time to put the kettle on, be back later.
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