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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The rain predicted for earlier this morning has only just started about half an hour ago, I only hope that it finishes on time. I'll have to look in again on the diesels on Pendon thread but I'll have to resist the temptation to pour petrol diesel oil on the flames. Nothing planned for the bank holiday, my friend and his lad are away visiting family over the holiday and I don't fancy driving anywhere on bank holidays anyway. Muggatee awaits so its be back later time.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a pleasant evening at the club tonight, mostly spent outside the clubhouse as it was to warm inside. The clubhouse is situated in a park and as dusk fell bats were observed flying over the clubhouse. I'm not sure of what breed of bat but they were quite large and I can only assume they roost in some of the many trees that surround the clubhouse.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a good nights sleep last night despite the sciatica which hasn't manifested itself this morning, probably due to the co-codamol I took before going to bed. Jamie, I hope you can cope with the autistic teenager, my friends daughter (also 16) is also autistic, I was going to say they are difficult but challenging is perhaps a better description. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. If you want some entertainment just take a gander at the 'Diesels at Pendon' thread. So far seven pages of posts froth varying from the apolectic to the couldn't-care-less.
  5. I'm sure that some items must have an invisibility cloak. Otherwise how does something seem to disappear and then suddenly reappear in its usual place when you've stopped looking for it.
  6. I read somewhere that the 'dockside crane' was not actually a dockside crane but a shipyard crane of the sort found in dry docks or ship repair yards.
  7. I have found a way of defeating the sock goblin, I buy socks in multiple identical pairs.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. GDB, I also suffer from a form of gout which itself is a form of arthritis. I was advised to avoid red meat, red wine and tomato's, (red for danger?). That though was 35 years ago and I have slipped a bit as I have cold sliced beef and tomato's in the fridge. He should eat plenty of oily fish as well but I'm sure the dieticians will point him in the right direction. She should be prosecuted as a good few of her fellow passengers were leaving the ship at Venice and as a result missed flights and suffered other delays.
  9. And alcohol was involved somehow.
  10. Jesus Christ is regarded as a prophet in Islam, second only to Mohammed himself.
  11. Just had a phone call warning me that the electricity is about to be shut off locally. The call was apparently automatic but my suspicions were aroused because a) There was no pauses such as you get with automated calls b) The postcode they quoted was wrong and c) unless its an emergency the electric supply companys give plenty of notice but not by telephone. I was 'invited' to press button one for more information which would no doubt would have connected me to a premium number. I just put the phone down but watch out for this scam.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report today so as a muggatee awaits its be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still feeling a bit tired, not helped by the sciatica playing up again. Still got things to do so I'll be back later.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still feeling tired after yesterdays exertions despite several hours in the land of nod. Chrisf, I went over to velcro several years ago and now cant remember last time I wore lace ups. Andy, I hope you can get that black dog back in the kennel ASAP. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a great day at the Bishops Stortford exhibition. Spent a few modelling tokens but still have a few left. Catering was a mobile burger bar outside the venue where lunchtime I partook of a very good bacon butty and a portion of equally good chips, well more like half a portion as my friends young lad took the instruction to help himself to a few chips rather too literally and I had to grab some while I could. Glad to hear that Debs is OK even if temporarily out of contact though some here must be trembling in awe of the awl.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Brian and many more of them. Talk of The Magic Roundabout always makes me think of the Jasper Carrot version. The BBC banned it but had a problem when the record went to # 1 in the charts. Got to go now, on my way to Bishop's Stortford shortly.
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