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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. These sort of vehicles were used as 'calling up' buses for footplate staff, usually at the larger sheds.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Jamie, the term Jerry-can came about during the North African campaign. The 8th army found the German containers for water and fuel, nicknamed Gerry cans, were far superior to the containers issued to the British forces. So much so that the allies started copying them.
  3. I don't think it lasted all that long before they were changed to the normal arrangement. Not all of them, a massive fleet of new buses had to be ordered including many from Leyland. A lot of Scania buses were disposed of in Ireland but they were not compatible with the then UK fitness regulations.
  4. That was continued on the Routemaster buses as they replaced the trolleybuses and many of the drivers were ex trolleybus drivers.
  5. I can usually remember the registrations of cars that I have owned before about 35 years ago but I can remember few if any since, and that includes my current set of wheels which I bought brand new ten years ago. I can even remember the registrations of my dads cars from when I was a nipper.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as reported by Tony. After the dry hot weather followed by the rain the patio is sprouting a few weeds so while the weather remains dry its out with the roundup before its banned and then the device for cleaning between the paviors. The device consists of a wire brush and a scraper attached to a broomstick, very useful. Great place to visit Heidelberg, I went there many years ago when some of the trams dated back to the 1920's. Thats it folks, be back later.
  7. Forgot to add, the Saxon is # 11 on the list. Usual retail price is about £7-8.
  8. The same arrangement was on the pre-1948 Ford E83W vans, and was continued on the LH drive ones until production ceased c. 1958.
  9. They are made by a Hong Kong company called Tiny. Though they are 'fit the box' scale they use particular scales for certain types of models, 1/64 for cars, 1/76 for light commercials and 1/120 for buses. http://www.tiny.com.hk/v33/product_list.asp They can be found on E-bay.
  10. Usually at the normal rate. It should be laid down in your conditions of employment and any variations noted such as working bank holidays.
  11. He was 82, not a bad innings.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I didn't get down to the charity shop after all, I went hunting for more stuff, and found it but by then it was too late. I'll now take it down there Monday. Bin wagons dawn chorus as usual this morning accompanied by the one that needs oiling. Nothing else to report so its be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning with a few clouds but it should stay dry. Not a lot to do today except to take the stuff down to the charity shop, theres so much that it might take two or even three journeys. Thats about it, C&C's to all that require them, be back later.
  14. The Saxon APC's are available in 1/76 as a diecast model.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just back from the model railway club, we have another prospective new member, a lad of 13 and our oldest (91) member Len was granted life membership. I make friends very easily, I suppose I'm a 'people person' by nature. In my job before I retired I was dealing with a variety of people and I've coped with most, even one poor chap who was being mauled by his black dog (a complete nervous breakdown). Another time I told a trade union branch secretary to f**k off, I was in the right and he was a well known member of the 'awkward squad' but I informed the union regional officer (same union as myself but different branch) and he agreed with me that the branch secretary was in the wrong and he had to appologise to me.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. They said it would be dry today but it looks rather damp outside, at least its stopped falling from the sky.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A rather damp start this morning but its promised that the sun will shine later. Not a lot else to report, muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Checked myself out on the 'How old is your heart' websight. Got quite a shock as according to the website my heart is 78! However it turns out that if you cannot quote things such as cholesterol or BG it assumes the worst. I used to have regular check ups when I was working and those two figures were very low resulting in a 'heart age' as much as 8 years below my actual age.
  19. The Allegro wasn't as bad as was made out. I had a series II estate 1983-1986. During that time it was struck by another car pulling out of a side turning leaving a gash from the B post to the wheel arch on the nearside. When I took it in for repair the repairer said that if it had been an Escort it would probably been written off. What did for it in the end was the high mileage, 40,000 per year which would have knackered most of its contempories as well.
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