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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The point I was making was perhaps the engine could have been made even quieter, perhaps with more insulation. The army once tested a special silenced diesel generator for use near front lines, what was remarkable was that the engine that powered it was an air cooled two stroke diesel.
  2. Morning all from a windy Estuary-Land. At least its dry, at the moment. The fourth packet arrived yesterday, containing one of the two largest items ordered, in a Jiffy-bag! No sign of any slugs this morning so hopefully there is no more. Not a lot else to report and muggatee awaits so be back later.
  3. A quick hello as I should be somewhere else in ten minutes, be back later.
  4. I disagree, for me the diesel sound detracts from the image of what was a petrol vehicle. Perhaps its not possible to quieten it any more and there are problems with using petrol/LPG alongside live steam.
  5. The original intention on grouping was to have five companies, the 'big four' plus a separate company for Scotland until it was realised that such a company would not be financially viable. Of the companies that made up the LNER the GER was the most efficient considering it had very few mineral sources or industry in its area. In fact the GER railway posed a financial problem in a surprising way, part of the grouping agreement was that wages would be set at the highest rates (for the grade) of each group. The GER generally paid the highest rates, as much as 10% more than some of the other LNER companies. The cost of bringing the wage rates into line would have affected some of the lines in Scotland in particular.
  6. My friend collects Beatles LP's and now he has them all except one, he needs Help! EDIT Where's my hat and coat?
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I may have found where the slugs are getting in, through a vent in the kitchen. This morning as I went to empty the washing machine I found one in the washing basket with its trail leading back to the vent. I disposed of the slug and cleaned the basket and in future will check it for any more. I assume that the ones in the lounge were imported on the bottom of the basket. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. During WW1 some of these guns were captured including a German gun captured by Australian forces that now resides in an Australian museum.
  9. Even cheaper, I once found a few 'forgotten' spuds at the back of the cupboard. As most were starting to sprout into the ground they went and we got quite a good crop.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A third parcel (of four) arrived today, a larger object than a key-ring but in the smallest box so far. Not a lot else to report now where's that muggatee.
  11. Bring in the almond, hazelnut and sennapod biscuits next time.
  12. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Our local Debenhams seems to have moved to the back of the store, the front is occupied by the likes of Costa and Patisserie Valerie (who's cheesecake is to die for). Most of the other big names have gone from our local shops including M&S. Muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just popped down this morning to catch up on the news and weather before running my bath. As I sat down I felt something cold and wet against my foot, it turned out to be another slug, so a good dose of salt and into the bin with it.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The Keyring in question would fit in a Jiffy bag, as would a second keyring that arrived last week in an even bigger box (though I was at home when it arrived). The keyrings are produced by Universal Hobbies and feature model agricultural machinery which although of a smaller scale than my usual 00 it is not obviously so.
  15. Yes, every Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00 and until 20:30 Wednesdays. Only problem is on a Sunday is the queues, often out of the door and down the street. The parcel that I collected was 6 X 6 X 6 inches and contained a key ring!
  16. There are pictures of pannier tank equipped Dean Goods unloading wagons from a ship at Cherbough shortly after D-day. They were also fitted with condensing gear almost certainly to reduce giving away their presence so near to the front.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As per Tony not much happening here except having to pop down to the sorting office to collect a parcel.
  18. The reason the GWR were looking into the electricification of the SW main line was the cost of transporting locomotive coal. The Somerset coalfields were in decline and the next nearest were South Wales, quite a distance by rail from Cornwall, in fact London was nearer (by rail).
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had an enjoyable day at the Shenfield exhibition, spent very few modelling tokens but they'll do for the next one (or toy fair). I received a new magazine in the post while I was out called 'Model Diorama'. Not bad but I'd prefer a few more words with the pictures which by the way were excellent. It covers a wide variety of modelling genres and scales from airports in 1/400 scale to garage workshops in 1/18 scale with some actual model railways in between.
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