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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning if a bit chilly, typical autumn weather. Not a lot else to report so its be back later.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. One thing I forgot to mention. Yesterday on our way to the Brentwood toy fair as we were going down the A127 near Dunton we spotted three paragliders above the road. They appeared to land just north of the road.
  3. If anyone wants to criticise models on this thread lets see your models first.
  4. Its quite probable that the business will be up for sale and such information should be available to prospective buyers. I do believe that he did all his own casting. The best method of producing grills IMHO is photo-etching.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but threatened with the odd shower by the seaweed wranglers. As I mentioned my friends young son acquired a complete and working Tracey Island yesterday. It was out on the carpet as soon as we got home yesterday afternoon. Also present was big sisters boyfriend who was soon on the carpet 'helping' with it. I suspect he is now on the carpet but with a different meaning. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. Or SKOL lager, the only liquid that could pass through the human body completely unaltered.
  7. Our Homebase, Just down the road from me had become a Bunnings a few months ago when I last visited.
  8. Thats because many have lost their V8 engines to other projects.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I passed my O levels in Maths, English, Geometry and Geography with quite high ratings in all but English which I only just scraped through. For some reason everybody who took their O levels had to take English. In fact I have never even seen my GCE certificates as we moved address soon after I left school and they were sent to the old address and never in the 54 years since have I been asked to show them. Least said about my woodworking efforts the better though the woodwork master did say I made the best firewood. Had a good day at the toy fair today, spent a few modelling tokens, in fact I spent a lot of them. My friend and his young son came with me and the lad insisted his pa purchase a complete Tracey Island, I don't think his dad who is/was a Thunderbirds fan needed much persuading. My purchases were mostly of the diecast variety but I did find half a dozen O scale tinplate enamel advertising signs for a tenner. They might be pre-war as they all have holes for pinning them to wooden buildings.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick hello as I'm off to the Brentwood toy fair shortly. Happy birthday Mrs Baz and Mrs GDB.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Tony's comments about school awards reminded me that I found my old school report book the other day. It made interesting reading, in the first term I was top of the class but after that it was downhill all the way. Not quite downhill as I was 'promoted' to the next higher stream where I bobbed along in midstream for the rest of my schooling. At the end I achieved four O levels so I didn't do to bad.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Thanks John for the update on Debs. Commiserations AndyR and get well soon. Remembered to obtain some modelling tokens today for the swapmeet at Brentwood tomorrow, saves having to make a detour in the morning. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. I agree, but will it be possible to access it as well as separate it from the other 99% drivel?
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cloudy and cooler this morning, winter drawers on. According to the weather reports the eastern Med is not the place to be, a massive storm is brewing and heading up the Aegean. C & C's where neccessary, be back later.
  15. The Bristol Lodekka was made by a company called MTS, nothing whatever to do with Tower Models. MTS also made an East Lancs forward entrance double decker that was offered with a choice of bonnets/radiators. AFAIK the only other bus made by Tower models was the London RT/RTL.
  16. My father had cousins who buried a very early single cylinder Morgan 3-wheeler (pre WW1?) in their back garden. The house they were living in still exists in Oxlow Lane, Dagenham but before anyone gets too excited this was about 90 years ago.
  17. Its a pity that the DVLA will not allow you to have a registration from a vehicle that was scrapped before the current records began. I would love to have the registration from my first car, 760 BUC.
  18. The Somerset could still be about wearing an 'age-related' registration.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin lorries dawn chorus, including the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon has been and gone whilst I was soaking in the bath this morning. Before running the bath I had to evict a rather large spider, using my cardboard tube from the centre of a loo roll method. After doing so where it had been was a small black spot (spider poo?) that needed a good scrub to remove. Tony, I agree owning and running a classic car or other vehicle takes a lot of commitment (and money). Up until a few years ago I had an old van, a Reliant Kitten. On the face of it an easy classic, uncomplicated mechanicals, fibreglass body so no rust, the chassis was sound but if required would be easily reparable. Then reality occured and I realised the unlikelyhood of my getting it back on the road so I sold it on. Muggatee # 3 awaits so I'll be back later.
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