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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I always thought that a red light was an order to stop.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit miffed, I got a card through the door this morning saying there was a customs fee to be paid on a package. I am expecting a package from Hong Kong containing four diecast models. I have paid the fee online and now expect delivery on Monday. One time residence of some of the more dodgy traders from Romford Market. A colleague was assaulted by someone who grabbed hold of his tie, after that we refused to wear ties. We're prepared to wait and listen.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Much fist and mog here earlier this morning but now beginning to clear. At least the forecast is pretty good for today as tomorrow it will be fasten down all hatches according to the seaweed wranglers. Just as well I have nothing planned for this weekend. Not much else to report, muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  4. I had a Bedford CA Dormobile in '76. It was fitted with webbing loops that slipped over the inside door handles to hold the doors open.
  5. Looks a bit unbalanced, why not replace the pony truck with a four wheel bogie?
  6. Pre facelift, I can just make out the oval sidelights.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear about your friend Chris. Tony, it was still misty here at 10 this morning and there's still low cloud. The usual bin wagons dawn chorus was again accompanied by the sqeaky one and they were accompanied by a skip wagon delivering a skip next door. My next door neighbour will be taking the four stools, his mum runs a pre-school group and they are ideal for toddlers. As a return favour he will be letting me throw a few things into the skip. Muggatee awaits so I'll be back later.
  8. Where do they get the water from in the first place?
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Checked out the folding table, nice and steady and a suitable height and quite strong and sturdy. The four folding stools however are ridiculous, only about a foot high and so small that I will have to use two, one for each cheek. I don't need the stools anyway and as I got the table half price I am happy to give them away.
  10. Something to amuse you this morning. Jamie Oliver is producing his own brand of sausages, on the packaging is a picture of himself holding one of said sausages on a fork. Alongside the picture it says 'Prick with fork'.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Received a bit of sad news last night. A chap I know on Facebook through a couple of modelling groups has been killed in an accident. It made the BBC London News yesterday evening, he was killed by a window that fell from the penthouse of a block of luxury flats, poor devil didn't stand a chance. Now look what I've started - please accept my apologies, Phil, it was meant as light-hearted banter. No offence taken.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just returned from a most enjoyable talk by Jim Connor. The talk was about the early years of Railway enthusiasm and model railways. He illustrated a program from the 1953 exhibition at the Central hall. I was surprised to see the price of the program was -/9d (3.5p) and this was on top of the entry fee of 2/6d (12.5p) adult and 1/6d (7.5p) child. This looks like a lot of money compared to todays entry fees compared to average earnings. They were grey to begin with.
  13. The towels were required to replace some worn out ones. The boxes are a bit larger than sandwich boxes, they are about the equivalent of two shoeboxes each and are now full of modelling items. The table is also required for modelling purposes and can be folded away when not in use.
  14. About the only A30 bit left was the bodyshell.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. When I went out just after lunch there was a white van parked in the short space between my drive and the corner. When vehicles are parked there it makes it difficult to reverse onto my drive. I was pleased to observe that it had a parking ticket on the windscreen. I was on my way to Tesco's, for the last few days they have had a special offer on folding tables + 4 stools for £25, today they were at half price 'to clear'. So I grabbed one, of about four that were left and when I left the store there was only one left. I was considering buying one but the £25 cost put me off, perhaps I should have got two.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rained a fair bit last night, enough to rattle on the windows but not enough to stop me going back to sleep. The morning dampness was soon dissipated by the strong breeze helped by the odd spot of sunshine though its now clouded over. I received a missive this morning from a company called Bluecrest health screening inviting me for a check-up, at £270 a shot. Something that I can get done on the NHS for free. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  17. Fords are recalling their 1 litre and 1.6 litre Eco-drive engined cars due to reliability problems.
  18. Autocorrect is the work of the devil. Its a right PITA at the best of times but when it alters your passwords...
  19. More like Tony Benn was to the Labour Party than Ted Heath. Both Tony Benn and Boris Johnson are cases where ambition exceeds ability.
  20. Turbochargers have been around for a long time. One of the first turbocharged diesels were actually made by the British AEC company in the early 30's for use in South America at high Andean altitudes. The big advantage of turbocharging was that it automatically adjusted for altitude, the lower outside pressure meant that the exhaust was going faster and the turbo with it and pushing more air into the cylinders.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found some bargains in Tesco's today. There's often items that are slightly damaged in the bargain bins. Today I found two 10 litre plastic boxes sans lids at 75p each (normal price £3). I was pleased to find that they stack without the lids, very useful. Muggatee awaits so its be back later.
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