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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening yet again from Estuary-Land. Just watched the finale of The Great Model Railway Challenge. I'm glad I'm not a judge as it was too close a call, all five layouts were that good. (I'm not going to reveal the winner in case anyone wants to watch it later.)
  2. Until it was announced I thought any one of the five would be the winner, it was that close a call. Congratulations to Aberdeen.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I mentioned this morning about the SEERS track night. This is held in Leigh-on-sea, normally half an hours drive including collecting my friend and son. Last night it took over an hour, the reason was roadworks everywhere. Apparently they are going to continue for the next few weeks, oh joy.
  4. http://www.skylinewebcams.com Thats better.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was feeling better yesterday evening so I went to the SERES (South Essex railway enthusiasts society) track night to test a few locomotives. They have a large test track oval catering for 00, 0 and 1 gauge. The test track will be set up at the Southend exhibition tomorrow week. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  6. Below the knees is better, its not that obvious where it came from.
  7. That was the first thing that my friend remarked upon, the cost of DCC. I don't think the lad will be going DCC any time soon. The lads other passion is his tablet, better not mention controlling DCC trains using a tablet. That was the first thing that my friend remarked upon, the cost of DCC. I don't think the lad will be going DCC any time soon. The lads other passion is his tablet, better not mention controlling DCC trains using a tablet.
  8. My friends 10 year old son usually comes with us to shows and exhibitions and is known to many layout operators who often invite him to 'have a go'. He was allowed recently to operate a DCC layout and now wants to go DCC with his own trains.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The usual bin wagons dawn chorus this morning, including the lesser spotted glass and bottle. They do discourage the Chelsea tractors on the school run. One of said CT's tried to mate with one of the bin lorries a few weeks ago according to one of the bin wagons human attendants, or as he put it "It was well and truly f****d!" Mine is rubber tipped, the tip does have an affinity for feet though. Have you ever seen someone wearing a heavy haversack trying to hop on one foot without falling over? The only problem is that hopping on one foot helps distribute certain odours.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The fireworks outside have ceased, there is quite a large Hindu population hereabouts and today is the principle day of Diwali hence the fireworks. Good luck with the walking stick. You will find it very useful at exhibitions. You will find that if you hold it between 20 and 30 degrees from the vertical its ideal for removing haversack wearers when they shove said haversack in your face. A quick whack across the shins keeps them out of the way.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Despite the cold easing somewhat today I'm still a bit sniffy so I'm giving the model railway club a miss tonight.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a better night last night than the one before, at least no barbed wire in the throat but the cold still persists. Its still debatable as to whether I will make it to the club tonight, I'll see how I feel. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  13. Happy birthday Aditi. My votes in as well. Goodnight all.
  14. An old railwayman, sadly no longer with us, told me that even steam locomotives could adopt stealth mode.
  15. Lazy loading, should have loaded the excavator first and have it facing the rear.
  16. When SWMBO finds out you may well be wearing it.
  17. When I went into Tess Coes today the C*******s carp was already on display, at half price!
  18. Just looked at my total of likes etc. 57666, I won't be answering the door tonight.
  19. Morning/afternoon from Estuary-Land. A bit late today as I've just spent half an hour chatting to my new neighbour. Had a rough night last night, I have a slight cold that manifested itself in the early hours when I woke up with a barbed wire fence stuck in my throat. The cold seems to have abated this morning, just as well.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I seem to be surrounded by the sound of battle at the moment, its coming from all directions. Earlier today my neighbour discoved that the internal walls are constructed of box tile, horrible things to drill into. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  21. Some were also converted from BR Mk I horseboxes.
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