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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. At least RMweb is now up to speed. Last night was pretty dire, so slow that it 'timed out' a couple of times. I see that Rails of Sheffield are to produce a model of the recently restored 1904 NER petrol-electric railcar, I've already paid my deposit for one. Not much else to report, C&C's where neccessary, be back later.
  2. Rails of Sheffield are commissioning a 00 scale R-T-R model of the railcar. http://railsofsheffield.com
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Apparently the engineering overrun this morning was due to the discovery that a section of track that was meant to have been left in place required urgent replacement. That is according to some news reports but it must have been really bad for it to require immediate replacement.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am sooooo glad this morning that I no longer have to commute what with all the chaos this morning due to overrunning engineering works which means that a lot of stock will be trapped in its depots, oh such joy. Decidedly nippy this morning when I went out to get the milk in, so cold in fact the milk is now warming up in the fridge. Which reminds me of the school milk when I was a youngster, one winter morning it was so cold that the milk froze in the bottles and as it expanded it pushed the caps off. Now time for muggatee, be back later.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Tried to get to Tesco's this afternoon but failed due to gridlock in Pitsea that headed down the A13 as far as Stanford-leno-Hope, I went to another smaller Tesco's instead though they didn't stock all what I wanted. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  6. Many years ago (40+) I knew someone who lost his licence for being in charge of a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of drink despite someone else being behind the wheel. He was teaching his girlfriend to drive and on an evening out he had rather too much to drink he persuaded the girlfriend to drive the car. He promptly fell asleep in the passenger seat, the girlfriend panicked and 'froze' in the middle of a busy road junction. Thats how the police found them and he lost both his licence and his girlfriend.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Yesterday I purchased a few books at the Southend show, only to find that I already possess a copy of one of them. Not to worry as it wasn't expensive and will be passed on to a worthy cause. Had to take a detour to collect my friend at South Benfleet as they were digging up the A13 again. Now to make the most of the sunshine, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at the Southend show today. Disposed of quite a few modelling tokens while I was about it, one of the traders was selling some rather good dioramas, I grabbed a petrol station/workshop one for £18, and it turned out to have a couple of 'ready-to-plant' resin buildings either of which were worth the money for the whole thing. My friends young son snaffled another with a couple of shops and a piece of roadway for his model buses. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. Worn selectors seems a common problem with 'three on the tree' gearshifts. I once had a a Bedford CA Dormobile where the linkage was outside the steering column and if anything went wrong under the floor it could be accessed without leaving the drivers seat.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not stopping long as off shortly to the Southend show. A bit nippy out but clear skies and dry. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sounds as if Ian's missus caught the same bug as me, so did a few other people I know. Mostly gone now but I'll keep up with the Lemsips with a bit of spiritual fortification. Not much else to report, be back later.
  12. Still available from Dapol but a bit more than 2/- now.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very dreich this morning, so wet out that it appears to have been raining but its just a heavy mist. Looking forward to the Southend show tomorrow, hopefully my 'secret' parking spot close to the front door is still secret. I discovered when doing my family history that I am a (very) distant cousin to Jacob Rees-Mogg on my mums side. On my dads side I am related by marriage to Eddie Izzard. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Mog and fist outside at the moment, so its time for bed, night all.
  15. Fords were getting into their 'World cars' then when some models such as the Granada were built in both Germany and the UK.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I spent Christmas at a hotel in Ostend about 1978 with my parents. When we arrived there were two mates of mine from a local (Romford) mens club sitting in the bar. They had been spending Christmas's there in the same hotel for several years. They pointed my dad and myself in the direction of Trappist beer which I have had a taste for ever since. Also staying at the same hotel was a young lady who I had met on a singles holiday the year before, she had tilted her cap at me but I wasn't interested. Luckily she was there with her fiancee so I didn't have to hide.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is a bit late this morning but the lesser spotted glass and bottle can be heard in the distance. I see one of our missing ER's has posted on another thread, the one who was in RMweb jail, but he's not posted on another Wheeltappers thread where you would expect him to, parole conditions? Thats it for now, be back later.
  18. I am aware of that but it is accepted use and practice, so much so as to make the original meaning misunderstood.
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