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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Following on from the aerial photos I was able to produce a semi scale plan to work on. Little tip if you wish to do something like this on your layout, when taking picture/s lay a ruler somewhere visible. After you print the picture, no matter what size it comes out, the ruler will alter to the same proportion so can be cut out and used to scale off that same picture. I haven't here as I will be making a full size template of the area to work off. A few sketches drawn, a full size template made, then altered and finally laid on the layout for checking. I'm planning to make three separate modules, red line indicates where, as that will make them easier to work on plus still giving me a chance to tweak the next one if it doesn't fit or something. The next job is to make some draft buildings out of cereal boxes etc.... and see if this gives me the skyline I was after. I will say that at the moment I'm not happy with the layout (prior to all the recent posts) plus taking the pictures that Bgman (C.O.B. man) posted into consideration this has me going in a completely different route.......!!! This going to take some research so I'll be a while.....before any building work starts the labourer, wheelbarrow and unpainted dog can go home for now.
  2. KNP

    Little Muddle

    That'll be interesting as a former Building Surveyor I think I could put up quite a rear guard action - well appear to be as I will keep waffling on then one day post some pictures saying all done........it would then be down to the courts to decide if they have to be demolished..... Cob and Straw is that the name of your local pub by any chance?
  3. KNP

    Little Muddle

    All joking aside for the moment that's a very nice building. I haven't had a go at thatch or cob yet.....hmmm old grey cells whirring now and it'll be down to you if I have to ditch my current ideas!
  4. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Oh, please don't object as I will have nothing to build. I promise to use only the very best locally sourced cardboard (well e-bay as our local Hobbycraft appears to have stopped doing greyboard when we called in.....!!!) that was Saturday afternoon, went on line that evening and this morning 10 A3 sheets arrived in the post at a fraction of the cost I might add - their loss my gain. The buildings will be designed to the highest possible standards, construction materials to blend in sympathetically with the local surroundings and the ambience of the locality maintained and enhanced. I also promise to ensure everyone's thoughts and considerations are taken into account. Do know what I think I found under the work bench, better stick them back on......
  5. KNP

    Little Muddle

    On his third pass he spotted some activity in the field so went in for a closer look. My, this builder is really throwing the recourses at this development.... One labourer, a wheelbarrow and an unpainted dog! Plus the building seemed to have disappeared.....
  6. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Following on from yesterdays surprise at the land being developed behind the station I thought I better have a closer look. So I had a word with the Squadron Leader who wheeled out his old Sopwith to carryout a quick aerial recon of the area. With the joystick held firmly between his knees and finger on his Hasselblad a few shots where taken. On his second pass he took a direct down view so I could form a combined picture of the area for planning purposes. He caught a rare glimpse of the railcar in the station as well. Now to start some planning of what needs to go there......
  7. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Ah, now this is interesting. It appears the land behind Little Muddle station is up for re-development as I heard rumoured the other day whilst having a bevy in The Station PH. No doubt more houses and industry on it's way Better check into this and see what's a foot (or should it be 304.8mm now)
  8. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Agreed, but for these pictures I was testing out the camera to see what it could do. I use either the program embedded in Windows 10 (which is quite good) or I have Serif PhotoPlus X7 (when remember to fire it up....). Thanks for the comments though
  9. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Tried the old days setting on the camera. Yahh.......OK next The one main problem using these modes is that you can't alter any camera settings, i.e. F stop, because they are locked hence all the pictures lack depth of field. Last one sunshine over the trees, not to bad but again no DoF. Time to stop messing about with the camera and get on with some work on the railway.
  10. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Glad you like the buildings, thanks For the brick papers I use light weight print paper 110gsm, score the reverse side with a blunt scriber on the fold line, fold using a small metal ruler and press into place. Works - most of the time...!
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Many thanks for your kind comments. Being a retired Building Surveyor I understand the mechanics of building construction so try to bring this to my models and make them look as realistic as possible which appears to be working!!
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Nah..... different dress and hat!, spitting image though.....
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    It's a Panasonic TZ-100 and to help you choose for most of my pictures I use the following settings: A - with it set on F8 to give the maximum depth of field it can. Higher the better but this is it's extent ISO - fixed at 125 Pinpoint focus so I can centre where I want the main focus point Tripod mounted 2 sec timer so I don't cause any movement when I press the shutter Natural colour setting Multi metering Large picture size (allows you to edit the picture by closing in and while still holding lot of resolution i.e. graininess) Macro zoom on this one No flash, just layout lighting There are many others out there to choose from but this has a full size sensor, 21 mp, eye piece, touch screen, 4k technology and a 22 - 250 zoom lens to name a few. A good solid well made camera made mainly of metal so has some weight and feel about it. Plus it's small and can fit in your pocket. Hope this helps
  14. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Oh dear...... Looks like someones mother-in-law is paying a visit and staying! Better hide the gin and biscuits. Everything in this picture is made from card and brickpaper, the bridge vertical boarding is scribed postcards, valance is a modified LCut GWR one, the slope was made by cutting them into individual strips and gluing to a sub base shaped to the fall. Corrugated roof plastic and by .......... I have no idea where I got this from other than at an exhibition, luckily I have quite a few sheets so enough for the next project.
  15. KNP

    Little Muddle

    When you look at the sunshine effect you can almost feel the heat coming out of the picture........ Here is another one with the same setting shining over the train but I don't think it has the same effect as the farm one but a useful function to have if used wisely.
  16. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Yes I feel a few non colour pictures will follow, I have a setting called old days which looks good. Thanks
  17. KNP

    Little Muddle

    No nor have I and it wasn't till I sat down the other day and actually had a good look at the mode dial that I spent some time experimenting with the creative control mode. As I said in an earlier post it's a Panasonic TZ-100, I've had a few months now so still finding things out about it but what I can say is it's powerful little camera and can get places on my layout that my Nikon D5100 would demolish. I shall carry on messing about with settings from time to time.
  18. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Been messing around with settings on my camera called artistic and these are what I think are the best. The farm yard one is using a setting called sunshine and looks promising. The second one looks OK which is sepia.
  19. KNP

    Little Muddle

    It you look closely you can see my eyes watering, not sure if it is the drink or the post causing it......?
  20. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thanks That's funny nobody comes anywhere near me when I'm out and about in the town dressed like that!!! The scarecrow is from Unit Models but with the crow removed from the hat. Please pass on my compliments to your daughter but I'm no artist just a retired building surveyor..... So what's stopping you making that tree.......? Look forward to seeing the results.
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    It's MiniNatur Agrarian land strips with leaves - spring 766-21, reading off the box as my memories not that good!!!! but I laid them in short strips of varying length to give individual plant effect with gaps. EDIT - the only place I have found large packs of these land strips is at present Scenic Express from the US. Excellent site it carry's a huge range of scenic materials plus those trees (but be sitting down when you look at the prices!!!! - availability is also a problem as being a plant it is seasonal).
  22. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Here's me in disguise?????? so you should be able to recognise me if ever I get that far South!
  23. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Modelled on me....!!!
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