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Howard Smith

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Everything posted by Howard Smith

  1. BRM September 2018 16 LIFE-LIKE 3D IMAGES - Free Pendon Booklet, exclusive to buyers and subscribers of BRM! https://pocketmags.c...elling-magazine Digital edition on-sale now, print copies in stores from August 16. https://pocketmags.c...elling-magazine Here's what's inside this month's digital version: INCREDIBLE 3D PENDON SUPPLEMENT Amazing scenes from the nation’s finest model railway – it’s just like being there! 2 extra videos: - Guide to using bending bars - Kernow Model Rail 10003 unboxing video 20 extra pictures! Full BRM DVD footage included: - Marsh Chipping, an N gauge layout set in the Cotswolds at the end of steam - Build a plastic building kit based on Mortimer station - Howard Smith troubleshoots common Peco point problems CUE 3D PENDON REACTION VIDEO MAGIC INSIDE THE SEPTEMBER 'SKILLS' ISSUE... HEBBLE VALE GOODS (EM) - Karl Crowther’s layout is a lesson in the skilled manipulation of textured sheet materials and a study in stone-built architecture, with plenty of lessons to learn RIPLEY (OO) - With several layouts already exhibited, a walk in the Derbyshire countryside supplied the source material for Shaun Robson's next venture. MARSH CHIPPING (N) - Dave Westwood's layout demonstrates the scenic potential of modelling in N. The Cotswolds countryside at the end of steam makes for good modelling too. AWNGATE (OO9) - The Wantage Tramway informed Michael Campbell’s diminutive model, hence its anagrammatical moniker. The rest is fiction, but is enjoyable nonetheless. BUILD A BRASS SHED - Here's the ideal brass started kit for you this weekend... POINTS IMPROVEMENTS - Unhappy with the appearance of your Peco points? Here's how you can improve them... REPAINT A CLASS 31 - Michael Russell completes his Hornby model transformation, turning his attention to the paintwork MAKING HOLES - And all the tools you need to make them! A BRACE OF V2S - Building kits is rewarding. This pairing of Gresley V2 kits should please fans of brass and resin alike! WORKBENCH ESSENTIALS - And some tips on their use - every modeller should have these! FIT PICKUPS - Tired of poor running on RTR or kit-built models? We've the ideal solution... Trade News Howard Smith rounds up the best of what’s heading to retail right now. The latest railway books for your collection New models and the latest new gear Reviewed: Heljan 47XX and Kernow Bulleid Diesel PAINTING SKILLS - Airbrush artist Lisa Munro has practical advice for priming, masking, painting and finishing your models GAUGEMASTER SHOW - The Gaugemaster shop is a Mecca for modellers, with a railway station on its doorstep. Here’s a preview of their bi-annual show TINGS PREVIEW - A must-attend show for many modellers, here's our pick of the 30+ layouts on display at this year’s international N gauge event PROTOTYPE INSPIRATION V2s - Nigel Gresley’s imposing 2-6-2s are regarded as among the man’s finest works. Tony Wright looks at their history and operations Inbox: your letters, thoughts and modelling projects TAIL LAMP - Anne Martin of Great Eastern Models, extols the benefits of running events for customers, local clubs and manufacturers https://pocketmags.c...elling-magazine We hope you enjoy it, Howard
  2. Progress... the body will be dropped soon. Tracking wasn't done in the below shots. Let's hope it starts first time!
  3. Hi Jason - thank you. Yes, it's not something that should be sprayed indoors and I'd recommend anyone who really must do it indoors wear a face mask. In other words, do as I say, not as I do...
  4. OK, you all caught me out... i didn't have an iron in the studio at the time, so thought a pen and photoshop would go unnoticed! Next time, it's point motor installation, though not as in-depth as I'd have liked because our crew have bigger fish to fry... hopefully you'll all still enjoy it though.
  5. I think Andy got ahead of himself there This month's DVD is a scenic layout renovation (on a budget) to tie-in with the scenery theme. Called 'The art of compromise', Phil and I took on its transformation over two days - it was a great blank canvas for demonstrating a crash course in layout transformation. Pick up a copy of BRM or grab the digital edition for those of you who haven't seen it yet.
  6. How did you know? Have you not finished that book yet?
  7. Never a dull moment with Adrian and complementing his piece as part of the mini signalling theme is Mick Nicholson, who introduces some key semaphore signalling practice of use to modellers with prototypical examples. And no, we're not done with Adrian yet - he still has plenty of tales up his sleeve to be told, some of which fit nicely with forthcoming layouts and articles.
  8. OUR BIGGEST-EVER DIGITAL EDITION! https://pocketmags.com/british-railway-modelling-magazine Digital edition on sale June 15, print copies in stores from June 21. https://pocketmags.com/british-railway-modelling-magazine Here's what's inside this month's digital version: Free copy of Garden Rail! 5 extra videos: - Stirling Single review - Sidmouth layout in action - Phil Parker interviews Rapido's Jason Shron - Unwrapping Rapido's 'Brummie' bus sample - Allanbridge layout in action 93 extra pictures! Bonus trackplans: Rivendell & Tower Pier Bonus layout: Ellesmere Full BRM DVD footage included: - Oakley Green - a stunning blue diesel-era layout with cutting edge technology - A beginner's guide to drybrushing techniques - Making two great wagon kits from the N Gauge Society https://www.youtube.com/embed/ArHwLorupbw INSIDE THE JULY ISSUE... Kensington Addison Road Station (O) - the inspiration, research and space considerations that entailed in its creation Sidmouth (P4) - an admirable and accurate depiction of its prototype Allanbridge (OO) - how one club dismantled its layout and built a bigger and better one with the same name Shelfie (OO) - an exhibition favourite proves size is no impediment to operational enjoyment Detail a Hornby Class 31 - Michael Russell upgrades this model with details befitting the prototype Print and build a coal office kit on a budget - we show you how Make coal loads look more realistic - real coal is the only way! Cakebox Challenge - Howard Smith creates a London rush hour feel on his Underground diorama Trade News from Hatton's, Zimo, new locomotives and more The latest railway books for your collection New models and the latest new gear Reviewed: Locomotion Models GNR Stirling Single No. 1 Make a budget garden railway A beginner's guide to signalling with semaphores A lifetime in signalling - a signalling professional recalls an eventful, fulfilling and occasionally exhausting career Postcards from Canada - a visual guide to Phil Parker's recent trip to Canada Inbox: your letters, thoughts and modelling projects Tail Lamp: Collecting vintage DCC equipment https://pocketmags.com/british-railway-modelling-magazine We hope you enjoy it, Howard
  9. No influence at all, entirely my fault when recording voice overs - was able to correct for the digi edition, but the DVDs had already gone! Of all the mistakes!!!
  10. Redownloading the issue should fix this - there's been a link change...
  11. Incidentally, an article on such is due to appear in BRM soon...
  12. Hello, The BRM DVDs have always consisted of a few 'sections' to break up content and give it more of a programme feel. Traditionally this is: - Layout of the month - Practical BRM or Tried and tested (usually Phil or me) - A third section (Heritage railway/retailer/artisan visit) Recently a 'decision' was made to experiment with a 'road-trip' style format which it was thought would help our video team time-wise. The first of these with Phil and Andy on the February DVD to Pendon might have included 'Real railways', but I think the main emphasis was on Pendon which continued through to March. Spring issue saw us explore the North Norfolk Railway, its on-site model railways and model 5 1/2 in gauge railway with some interesting facts on driving a DMU, artefacts from the line and more. And who wouldn't want to get a footplate experience? It has been realised that this different format is counter-productive time-wise as you'll see with the April DVD as we revert to the tradtitional format, a trailer for which you'll be able to see on our Youtube channel soon. This DVD will see Clydach as our layout of the month, applying water-slide transfers to an Oxford Diecast van with flashing lights to make it layout-ready, in sharp contrast to the excellent work of the staff at the Llanfair and Welsh Highland Railway who are carrying out some of their winter work - coach lining and track renewals inside a tunnel, details from which could be of use to modellers. Incidentally, it is on the Llanfair and Welsh Highland Railway where Baldwin 10-12-D No. 794 is located and being restored. A review of Bachmann's new 009 model will appear in the same issue. Future episodes will continue to see Practical BRM modelling by Phil and I - don't worry
  13. Hello Simon, Thanks - 48cm width, around 70cm in depth (ideally 65), but I guess I could dry sump the engine if needs be... are they diesel?
  14. Hi Nick, Not as yet I'm afraid...I've a little project on the go to finish yet...
  15. Hello Ian, you might be surprised to read the Inbox section of the Feb issue which went to press last week then...
  16. Yes, this is our current policy. Micro and small layouts won't be treated to a trackplan, however a raised 3/4 view shot showing more of the layout in its entirety where relevant is useful. Howard
  17. Win a Bachmann 12 Ton pipe wagon OK folks, there are 30 layouts attending the show. Who's seen the most? List those you've seen and three things you like about each - no cheating now! The winner who has seen the most layouts wins this Bachmann 12 Ton pipe wagon in BR engineers olive green, to be collected from the BRM stand at the show. See you there! Howard
  18. Hi Huw, The electrical side of things is kept simple, mainly because there's little deviation from the trackplan that you get with a train set box. As such, if you build it like it is, perhaps adding another siding, that's it. It's too easy to put people off and because different trackplans might be constructed, it's a bit like opening a can of worms. In fact, it's hardly mentionned because this guide is aimed at the ultimate beginner, by that, read someone who isn't D.I.Y. competent, electrically-savvy or handy at building anything. It's more about helping parents who'd like to build a train set for their kids at Christmas or those who'd like to give the hobby a try. Products used are largely sourced from Hornby and Gaugemaster to keep things simple. A shopping list ahead of each chapter allows you to buy ahead of each segment so you don't need to wait for things to arrive in the post. Even though this bookazine has a slightly longer shelf life at newsagents than the monthly magazine, just like most publications, it won't be around forever.
  19. The reason for this poll is that I was sent a letter that 'nobody' uses DCC and that we 'insist' on featuring DCC layouts in the magazine. I was curious to find out the split - it's not something we really do and I'm sure the adoption of DCC has changed considerably over the past decade. Granted, we're only polling the online community, but from the results thus far, it appears that more use DCC in one form or another than initially thought. We won't read too much into the results as we can't poll every modeller in the country, but running the same poll online every 5 years might indicate the changes within the online community.
  20. Thanks for the link Giles, the standards will be very helpful - don't want it to be incompatible with track!
  21. Thanks for this Jack - I'll try to make contact with the owner, unless he's already on here?
  22. Thanks Huw - add brave/insane to the list too!
  23. Hi Giles, I'm keeping things as close to scale as possible, working from the track gauge, so 1/5.51. I'm not a fan of oversized bodies on small wheelsets.
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