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Simon Moore

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  • Location
    Near the Settle & Carlisle
  • Interests
    Pre grouping trains mainly the Lancashire & Yorkshire railways, The Ex Great Northern around the West Riding & Swiss metre gauge trains.

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  1. Well my TT holiday lasted 48 hours. Freak force 8 gale destroyed our tent & ruined our holiday :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      It sure does. I got a third degree burn to my finger after arriving from a exploding cup & boiling water then we had to go to hospital because my wife was poorly then the tent blew down & to add to all that the crossing home was shocking with 30ft waves :(

    3. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Not surprised. Went there in 1987.Had rubbish return voyage with loads of damage done to bikes on board.

    4. backofanenvelope


      Sorry to hear Simon. Was lucky both times I went long time ago. Don't like ships! :)

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