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Everything posted by Alcanman

  1. I don't have any pics of NCB sheds but here are a few NCB locos from 1967/8. Backworth, Northumberland Bates Colliery, Blyth, Northumberland Crofton Pit, Blyth, Northumberland
  2. Not certain, but I think it may be a TCS 8 pin decoder. I have one that looks similar and the little plastic box is identical.
  3. Thanks. Here are the wagons at Crianlarich before they were loaded.
  4. Great pics of the D & L Alco Century (C420) and there is an Alco Century (C425) in the same paint scheme still working today on the MA & N railroad in NY state.
  5. Yes, It's a resin cast but not too heavy and the wagon runs fine.
  6. The layout is 4ft and has a thread here on RMWeb.http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/113995-twigg-street-was-twigg-avenue/?hl=%2Btwigg+%2Bavenue
  7. I gave up using magnets a few years ago and uncouple manually. I use either a barbeque skewer or Kadee do a special tool which are cheap to buy. https://kadee.com/htmbord/page241.htm
  8. Hi Jerry. To keep things simple it's best to start with the Kadee #321 uncoupling ramp. This can be simply glued on top of Peco Code 100 and with a little adjustment will be the correct height for uncoupling. You should be able to buy them from Hattons or similar model shops. It's also worth buying a Kadee height gauge and couplers must be correctly set ro work properly. https://kadee.com/htmbord/page321.htm https://kadee.com/htmbord/page205.htm Mal
  9. Good news and a 'like', 'agree' and 'thanks' for your post. Nice to see Jon posting on FB and I'm sure I spotted him at Perth Green buying some kadees, so there hope for his return from retirement.
  10. Guilford (Springfield Terminal) Alco Century C424 #70 at Marlborough.
  11. Hi Trevor. A very good question which I am only too happy to answer. I like the idea of having a run around enabling both facing and trailing spurs to be switched and I like to see a train arriving with the loco leading. However, when I began operating the original Marlborough layout, I realised the run around was too short resulting in operations becoming a 'switching puzzle' rather like a 'timesaver'. If I had more space, say 12ft, I would certainly include a run around. Marlborough Mk 2 and Palmetto Spur have almost identical track plans and I enjoy the more prototypical switching they offer. However, I feel that I need to come up with something different, track plan wise, for my next layout. Watch this space!
  12. Peco do these Hayes bumpers. https://www.peco-uk.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=3327&P_ID=17445
  13. I'm quite happy to use Peco Code 100. I like it's robustness and reliability. Looks OK when painted and ballasted up to the tops of the ties (sleepers)
  14. The snowplough would have been useful at Schuyler St, Utica for removing cars on this occasion!
  15. I picked up a third MDC Roundhouse FMC covered hopper for a fiver from Contikits at the Perth Green exhibition. The kit was made up and Kadees fitted. Cheap kits like this and Athearn (blue box) are a good way to try out your weathering skills. All 3 FMC hoppers turned up at Marlborough today!
  16. Hi Jerry. I've followed your small UK themed layouts and enjoyed them very much. Welcome to the 'Dark Side'. A good source of reasonably priced secondhand US locos and rolling stock is 'Contikits'. They attend a lot of exhibitions around the country. Yesterday, I picked up a very nice covered hopper car for a fiver from Contikits at a local exhibition and spent this afternoon weathering it. Mal ps That's me in the bottom right hand corner taking this pic!
  17. A CP ALCO RSC-2 with buffers but definately not Canadian Pacific.
  18. Thought you might like to see my pics of the LVRC. (1993) LVRC's chop nose Alco provided power for the excursion The train stopped so we could photograph the famous Fisher Bridge.
  19. Nice idea Mike. Not quite MNHV but ,of course, there was the NHV. I was lucky to see a few of their roster in the engine house at Morrisville, VT when I visited the Lamoille Valley Railroad back in the day. http://photos.nerail.org/showpic/?2002021006304010583.jpg:bysearch:nhv:SEARCHTYPE=SIMPLE&PAGE=8&BOOL=ALL&SEARCHSTRING=nhv
  20. Nice pics, Ian. I think 'Blink Bonny' may have been the first A3 I saw, dashing through Central station. Brings back great memories! Mal
  21. I love the Rock airslide hopper, always like the paint scheme since I first saw it on one of your diesels on 'Colonel's Crossing'
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