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Everything posted by Alcanman

  1. I have seen quite a few comments here on RMWeb and Youtube where people have had the same problem as yourself with TTS decoders. The sounds seem to be quite good but jerky running is experienced. As the PowerCab cannot read the decoder, perhaps the decoder is faulty.
  2. Looking great. The pic with the B1 reminds me of this one at North Blyth with a B1 in front of the coaling stage. This was the only time I ever saw a B1 at North Blyth. I found out later that the shed had a couple of B1s allocated towards the end of steam.
  3. After some deliberation, I decided to extend the concrete hard standing to allow wagons on both sidings to be unloaded. I'm aware there is not a lot of space for unloading, due to the space constraints of the layout, but it does add to operational interest. I can now shunt more wagons, instead of bringing in locos for stabling which had proved to be a tad boring.
  4. I gave up on Lima back in the 80s. I bought a newly introduced Lima class 20 only to find that the loco did not respond well to slow speed control, just took off like a scalded cat!. Ok for train set running but not suitable for a small shunting layout. I returned the loco to the retailer, he wasn't too happy. If you can afford the money, Bachmann class 20 and 37 are excellent.
  5. This looks like a great project with very impressive looking structures. I visited Grangemouth shed on 11th Sept 1982 during a grand tour which included HA, GM, ED, ML & PO. Here is 37167 at GM. My notebook shows 37147 & 37157 also on shed that day! Mal
  6. Should now be available at your local WH Smiths. I obtained a copy this afternoon, they had around 6 copies available. This is a superb publication and great value for money. Nice to see Blyth Cambois included. Mostly BR Blue pics bringing back great memories of shed visits in the early 80s.
  7. I've been looking for a few figures to add to the layout, but to be honest, I'm not too keen on figures in permanent action poses, such as PW workers. My Bachmann figures are too modern for the 1980s as they have full hi-vis suits.So, I was pleased to find these rail workers from P&D Marsh at the Newcastle Exhibition last weekend. They have the short hi-vis vests which look just right. One chap appears to be wearing a donkey jacket, perfect for the 80s! I've also managed to find another Duha wagon steel load.
  8. Back in the 1980s there were loads of BR Speedlink trip workings which featured large locos hauling short trains. I'm currently modelling Deanside Transit, Glasgow with trip workings from Mossend Yard. An ideal subject for a small layout.
  9. Recently refurbished 37693 (formerly 37210) is about to depart with the 6L80 Deanside - Wisbech pet food train.
  10. More 80s wagons have arrived at Deanside. I've been looking for Bachmann Railfreight OCAs for some time, without luck, as they are pretty rare on e-bay. Bachmann have a weathered version due but it may not be available until next year. However, I struck lucky when a couple appeared on e-bay listed as new but in the old Bachmann dark blue boxes. Appearing in the 2006 catalogue, I guess they most be new (old) stock. After weathering, they now appear on one of kick-back sidings into which I've managed to squeeze a little concrete hard-standing for unloading. When I designed the layout, I ensured that the (short) headshunt could accomodate a 60 or 66 and 2 OCAs. Having operated the layout for some time I find that, by using the second siding I can exchange 2 loaded wagons for 2 empties, adding to operational interest. Every inch counts with a small layout!
  11. The GBRf (ex Colas) 60s are regular performers on the Port of Tyne - Lynemouth PS biomass trains. I see them almost everyday.
  12. An inglenook is a very simple track arrangement and I like to keep things simple when operating. As the layout is usually small and points easily reached, I simply change them manually. For couplings, I prefer Kadees but again I prefer to uncouple them manually. However, if you wish to exhibit the layout then some type of electrical or mechcanical method and Kadees magnets could be used.
  13. I wouldn't go touch it with the proverbial barge-pole. I've also been looking on e-bay for a 25/1 and noticed a nice, nearly new one, sold for only £44.00 on auction last week. A bargain IMHO.
  14. Looks like an interesting project and very nice modelling. I visited West Hartlepool shed on 2nd September 1967 just before closure. Not a great quality photo, a couple of WDs, 90627 & 90360.
  15. Wonderful photos Dave, particularly the HST 43075 at Damdykes Damdykes looks like a great photo location but I'm struggling to think of the exact location. Is it on the road from Cramlington to Arcot Hall? Mal
  16. A return to the 1980s at Deanside Transit, when it was in it's heyday.
  17. Steel loads are unloaded at Deanside.
  18. They are designed to be used straight out the box and I've used them for many years without problems without modification. However, as mentioned, best practice is to power the frog for complete reliability. This , of course ,requires some sort of switch. The choice is yours.
  19. I had an similar experience with our school trips during the early sixties. The first was, I think in 1963 when Blyth station was still open. We also had a 6 or 8 coach set of 101 dmus via the Blyth & Tyne to York. The most memorable was 1966, with Blyth station closed the excursion began at Newsham, a class 40 and coaches arrriving via Morpeth and then we went on to Windermere, returning to Newsham very late at night.
  20. 67025 'Western Star' has now been added to the fleet.
  21. Duha loads are indeed excellent, but as mentioned above, difficult to find nowadays. I like their steel loads.
  22. Excellent tutorial! I have always avoided doing scrap metal because I couldn't think of a way to make it look convincing. However, your method is so simple I might give it a try. Marcel (that was my french name at school) ps The weathering on the scrap wagons est tres bon aussi!
  23. Thanks Steve. I picked up the pipe loads cheaply a couple of years ago at an exhibition. They are made by the Czech firm 'Duha' but are difficult to find nowadays. Mal
  24. I'm continuing to add to (and weather) my 1980s rolling stock. These 2 OBAs have been weathered and steel pipe loads added. They arrived at Deanside via 6S74 Cardiff Tidal - Mossend speedlink trunk service and then onwards on the T56 trip working from Mossend.
  25. Great photos. The West Highland Line always looks good, even without trains. Brings back great memories when I used to visit back in the 80s. This photo at Crianlarich includes a train.
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