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Everything posted by Alcanman

  1. Great photos of North Blyth and Cambois. 37212 in good old BR Blue with the North Sea in the background is superb and my favourite location on the Blyth & Tyne. Thanks for sharing.
  2. I've also used Woodland Scenics 'coarse turf' on seafoam trees but obtained better results with Noch 'leaves' . They come in different shades of green and are available online from Gaugemaster.
  3. This is sad news indeed. A superbly crafted small layout full of North Eastern character. I can sympathise - my small layouts always end up on the local tip! I hope we see another layout from you in the not too distant future. Mal
  4. This looks like a very interesting project and great work so far. Look forward to seeing more progress.
  5. Great video and nice to see a steam loco for a change and quite an unusual one too. I did manage to see a few Crosti boilered 9Fs back in the 1960s including 92021. Didn't take any photos but here is a pic of a more conventional looking 9F.
  6. Nicely weathered wagons. Look forward to seeing more from Narrow Lane in 2019. Meantine, Happy New Year for 2019. Mal
  7. Brilliant set of photos and a superbly crafted layout. A great example of less is more! You really have captured the look of the West Highland Line. Inspirational work reminding me of visits to the WHL. Mal
  8. Ashington Colliery in Northumberland ran passenger trains for miners well into the 1960s using ancient stock. Ashington had a system of several, connected collieries. https://www.flickr.com/photos/36891793@N08/14259299364/
  9. Yes, you are very welcome to use the photo. Here is another photo taken on the same day. After we arrived at Kyle of Lochalsh, 37114 proceeded to shunt a few ballast wagons before powering the return passenger train to Inverness.
  10. I noticed that too, Dave. Also, on my photo the crossing gates are open as the 20s cross Newsham Road with a man in attendance. A year earlier during the last week of steam in Sept 1967, there were no gates at Newsham Road as a 4MT crosses the road!
  11. Great photos and memories. Thanks for sharing. I was at the South Harbour last week and nothing much has changed from your first photo. I seem to recall an old steam powered crane being in use at South Harbour back in the day. I drive along Newsham Road every day and it's hard to imagine that seeing a 37 crossing the road was quite a common sight. This photo shows the same location as your 4th photo taken in 1968
  12. Great work! Crosshill station is my favourite module on your layout.
  13. Crosshill station looks great. Very nice modelling. 37114 lurking in the background looks good too! Here is my photo of 'Dunrobin Castle' at Kyle of Lochalsh.
  14. More great progress and I found another pic of 37022. Departing Glasgow QS. I do have a liking for steam heat 37s on the WHL as most of my spotting in Scotland was in the early 1980s.
  15. Thanks. They are my own photos, I haven't uploaded them on to Flickr. I simply post them from here on RMWeb from time to time. They are mostly from 1981 to 1986 when I used to travel to Scotland every year.
  16. Deanside Transit is now firmly established in it's 1980s heyday Research showed that grain from East Anglia was one of many commodities handled in the 80s. I managed to pick up a couple of old Bachmann (ex Trix) bulk grain wagons cheaply on e-bay. The 'blues', with a little weathering have turned out quite good, despite the lack of detail we expect from modern wagons.
  17. Great to see your layout progress and the scrapyard looks good. Superb modelling!
  18. Great work! Your layout is really coming together nicely. Not only have you captured the WHL ballast nicely, but the loco shed is looking good too. Mal
  19. Looks like it's going to be 27012 for me.
  20. As Dave says - 'It still is' ! Especially now that GBRf (ex Colas) Class 60s can be seen almost everyday on Tyne - Lynemouth PS biomass trains.
  21. My local WH Smiths has re-stocked after selling out and plenty at the Metro Centre on Saturday. I prefer to support my local WH Smiths, we can't afford to lose any more local shops. Seems to be selling well here in the North East. Looking forward to the next one part 5 -Scottish Sheds.
  22. What a fantastic video. I spent many hours back in the 80s trainspotting at Waverley. The west end of the station was my favoured location as I loved watching the 27s working the Dundee services. Sadly, as I concentrated on collecting numbers, I didn't take many photos. Here is one which just shows how realistic your model is. Thanks for sharing.
  23. Here is a pic I took at Crianlarich and the red coloured ballast can be seen .
  24. Great work and you've captured the colour of West Highland line ballast very well.
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