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Everything posted by Alcanman

  1. 26032 appears to have returned to it's spiritual home in the Scottish Highlands!
  2. Well sooner than I expected, 2 new arrivals Eastfield's 37191 and Inverness's 26032. Back in 1984 I travelled on the Fort William - Mallaig line with with 'steam heat' 37191 for power. Moving forward to 1985, the arrival of ETH fitted 37/4s has seen 37191have it's steam heat boiler isolated and relegated to more mundane freight duties.
  3. More BR Blue coming soon, Deanside has gone back to the 80s!
  4. Thanks Neil. I followed your instructions and it works. I have my old VNC back, not having to trawl through dozens of posts. Shame it has to be so complicated, but then again, so is my new car manual. I guess I've spent to much time living in the 20th century and not enough in the 21st century!
  5. I've looked at VNC this morning and it's now defaulting to 'last visit', so that's fine. However, VNC is showing every response to a particular topic instead of just the last response, which is how the old RMWeb worked. How can I rectify this problem as it's taking ages to look through VNC. Thanks
  6. When I try to look at new content 'since my last visit' I'm still getting all the content I've already looked at.
  7. VNC seems has got even worse today. It's driving me crazy. Bring back the old RMWeb!
  8. I've admired Melangoose for some time but Platform 7 has got me intrigued. Is the track plan simply 4 parallel tracks without any points? The layout looks great. I've looked at 'Modelling the British Rail Era', there is a layout plan called 'Eastoke' but it has much more track and points.
  9. Continuing the 1980s theme, 37401shunts wagons at Deanside.
  10. Great Blyth and Tyne pics both old and new. The 37 at South Newsham is superb, and of course, South Newsham is still a great location for photos, not having changed much over the years. Here is a recent photo taken at the same location.
  11. A couple of Eastfield 27s 1982 27010 27103 and a nice clock!
  12. Not sure what these 2 CCTs are doing at Deanside. However, I've always liked them and remember the old Lima ones which could be improved with flush glazing. These CCTs were produced exclusively for Invicta Models by Bachmann. I thought they were a tad expensive at £30.00 each, however, I've since discovered Bachmann have now got around to producing some for general release at around £40.00! The one on the right is factory weathered and the one on the left is my effort.
  13. My first ever sighting of a class 26 was at Inverness station. I walked into the station to the wonderful sound of a pair of 26s idling. Inverness Class 26s are my favouites, with snow ploughs, headcode discs and 'headlamps'. They never looked better IMHO!
  14. They come with 5 individual cradles which have to be glued in place. It's possible that only 3 have have been used on your wagon. Only 3 coils are provided with each wagon.
  15. I can wait and support my local WH Smiths, I'll check on Friday. They still have copies of parts 3 & 4 in stock
  16. Having built several small US 'inglenook' switching layouts, I would go along with Ray's (long island jack) plan. It is always advisable to plan the placing of industries/structures and then fit the track plan around them. The mistake most beginner's make is to cram as much track in as possible and then find that the plan is not workable or there is no space for stuctures and scenery.
  17. Great video. Looking forward to module 6! Mal
  18. Great to see you posting pics again, Peter. Look forward to seeing more.
  19. Is the path that leads to the ECML at Plessey? I remember cycling from Blyth to Plessey back in 1966 when I was lucky enough to catch 60024 'Kingfisher' and 60835 'The Green Howards. The photos are poor, taken with my old Brownie 127.
  20. A couple of 26s at Edinburgh Waverley 26006 26040
  21. Just trying out the new look RMWeb with a couple of pics Deanside
  22. With the space you have available an 'inglenook' shunting type layout would be perfect and a Roco BR290 diesel ideal for slow shunting.
  23. During the early 80s, Class 27s with 4 coaches were the usual formation for Edinburgh - Dundee services. As there was no run around, a second 27 was used as a pilot to pull forward the coaches and release the train loco. The pilot loco would then back into the platform and take the next train out. 27012 arrives at Waverley on a very wet day. 27020 27037
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