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Everything posted by Alcanman

  1. Model Scene products are available from albionhobbies.com The scenic mats look good, I was thinking of trying some myself.
  2. I have been using Humbrol enamel track colour no 173 for many years and very happy with the results.
  3. Just have a look over at the Hattons Class 66 thread. Numerous reports of the axlebox covers falling off and also causing running issues. Hattons have responded by producing a video showing how to glue them back on! However, I did have a couple of HO Scaletrains tank cars which had axlebox covers and the worked fine and looked good.
  4. Added some low relief bushes behind the stone wall. There not glued in place and could be removed but I think they add depth to the scene.
  5. Yesterday I built a stone wall along the back of the depot using 9mm MDF covered with Wills 'dressed stone'. The coping on top of the wall is Ratio platform edging.
  6. Looks like an interesting project, I liked your last layout Lynchwood sidings. I built my Tees Yard WRD layout in a simllar size space to your project.
  7. Thanks. The bushes are made from seamoss trees covered with Noch leaves.
  8. Finished detailing the oil storage siding. I decided to keep the low relief warehouse as it looked OK.
  9. DB 66136 shunts TTAs at the oil storage siding
  10. Plenty of copies of the May issue in my local ASDA today.
  11. Working on the oil storage siding, I've added hard standing and piping. The low relief warehouse is probably just temporary.
  12. Thanks. Your comments are much appreciated.
  13. EWS/DB 66023 at Newsham, Northumberland with this afternoon's North Blyth - Tees yard coal.
  14. The yard office and portakabin have been bedded in place and a few details added. I don't think those workers on the left are observing current 'safe distance' rules! The office is very similar to this structure at Tyne Yard.
  15. Blue liveried GBRf 60026 'Helvellyn' has returned to the North East to work Port of Tyne - Lynemouth biomass trains. 2.00pm this afternoon at Newsham, Northumberland with 6N87 Lynemouth - Port of Tyne empties.
  16. Love all the detailing work around the depot. Great work!
  17. Added more hard standing, a walk way between the servicing shed and fuelling point and a few small details items.
  18. Great photos at Winning, one of my favourite locations on the B&T, which has changed very little over the years. Thanks for sharing.
  19. A couple of pics to show the current overall progress at Ashtown TMD. To add a little operating variety, wagons are occaisonally brought into the siding at the front of the layout. Today 47727 arrives will a couple of ZDAs loaded with ballast
  20. Started working on the concrete hard-standing at Ashtown TMD.
  21. I've just watched your video. Thanks for posting. After reading over 100 pages of posts here, I'm pleased someone has been brutally honest. Like many modellers, I was delighted when this model was announced, particularly when Legomanbiffo were providing the sound. Such a shame, superb detailing and sound let down by so many QC issues. I certiainly wouldn't touch one with a bargepole and it'll be interesting to see what happens when they eventually start appearing on e-bay. Buyer beware!
  22. The oil storage tanks have now been bedded on place.
  23. Well it looks like the North Blyth - Tees Yard coal has had a stay of execution. DB 66149 again providing power on Monday 30th March. This morning DB 66117 is at Newsham with the Tees Yard - North Blyth coal empties.
  24. After much deliberation, I decided to use the warehouse but add some overgrown bushes and security fencing to the space between the oil storage tanks and the road overbridge.
  25. Today, I've been thinking about what to use to fill in background areas of the layout. Originally, I planned a small line of trees between the road overbridge and the oil storage tanks. However, I placed a couple of low relief warehouses and quite like the results, so I may go with this.
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