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Everything posted by Alcanman

  1. No. I'm happy just to simply rotate cars. Just finished an operating session which lasted around 30 mins.
  2. Great photos, Dave. Thanks for sharing. Hard to believe it is almost 10 years since GBRf surprised us by hiring a Deltic to work the North Blyth - Lynemouth alumina tanks.
  3. A socially distanced discussion regarding corn syrup unloading at the food processor.
  4. Yes, the layout is enjoyable to operate. I'm currently trying out a sequence of switching moves and rotating cars on and off the layout. It's surprising how many permutations of switching moves are possible despite there being only 2 switches. Here is R&N #1540 switching a corn syrup car.
  5. You certainly have a lot of space to create a convincing modern US industrial spur. Lance Mindheim's books are well worth a look at. In particular '8 Realistic Track Plans for small switching layouts' These plans are not really 'small' to those of us in the UK, as they are designed to fit in a room 12ft x 11ft. The plans are all U-shaped like your plan. The other book by Lance Mindheim is 'How to operate a Modern Era switching layout which includes a lot of info regarding typical industries found on Industrial Spurs. Welcome to the fascinating world of US switching.
  6. I've added more static grass and grass tufts. A lot of the tufts are home made. The advantage of making them yourself is that they can be any size you like whereas commercial products tend to be small and often all the same size. The layout is now finished, just a few details to add. I'm enjoying switching this layout more than than any other since my old 'Palmetto Spur' which was 10 years ago. Operation is different, as trains must first arrive at the interchange track before switching commences. The main industry spur has multiple spots for a covered hopper, corn syrup tanks and boxcars. There is 1 spot at the Transload area and 1 'off-spot' on the same spur. These 2 photos show most of the completed layout and show a NS geep shoving in 4 cars. The blue RBL boxcar next to the loco is destined for the Transload. The yellow Cargill covered hopper is 'off-spot' and will be re-spotted later at the silos by Reading & Northern.
  7. More progress as I work from left to right on the layout. A yard office and parking lot have been added and in the the background, shipping containers and another non rail served low relief warehouse.
  8. As a life long Blyth resident, it's always great to see your Blyth & Tyne photos. Look forward to seeing more and thanks for posting. Happy New Year. Mal
  9. Nice work. I used the Walthers Commissary building on my last layout, 'The Marlborough Branch'. I do admire that you painted the window sills and lintels. I didn't on my model. Look forward to following your progress in the New Year.
  10. R&N #1540 switches cars left on the interchange track by NS #5664 (see previous photo)
  11. More static grass and grass tufts added to create an overgrown look and NS GP38-2 #5664 makes an appearance.
  12. Yes, and the Reading and Northern currently rosters several old end cab switchers including my Atlas MP15dc #1540. When I resarched the R&N, I discovered that the railroad interchanges with Norfolk Southern at a few locations in Pennsylvania. This gives me an excuse to run my NS GP38-2.
  13. Merry Xmas. Nice to see that not everyone has 'gone' and there still a few who still follow the 'USA and Canadian Railroads' forum. I'm enjoying my little switching layout more than ever.
  14. A photo showing the current progress of the layout. The left hand end of the layout is mostly finished but still a lot of work to do on the rest of the layout.
  15. Welcome back to US modelling! You have got off to a good start with that geep in the SP 'Black Widow' paint scheme. Love it. I used to have an Alco RS11 in that paint scheme. Like Ray (long island jack), I would recommend Contikits. I picked up these old MDC Roundhouse covered hoppers for a fiver each from them a couple of years ago. Look forward to following your progress.
  16. I think the reason Peco didn't modlfy I think the reason maybe that Peco Y points sell in relatively small numbers compared to other types of point and it simply wasn't worth the cost of re-tooling Y points. This has been discussed before and this was the conclusion some people came to.
  17. A little bit of model shop good news. Model Junction have stated on their website that are extending the date when they intend to cease trading ,from 31st December 2020 to 31st March 2021.
  18. NS GP38-2 #5664 has just arrived on the interchange track with a short cut of cars.
  19. A little more progress. Static grass and grass tufts added to create an overgrown look on the layout.
  20. Shipping containers make useful low relief structures. These have been added as I continue to work along the back of the layout. Still a lot of work to do along the front of the layout.
  21. Thanks. I've used bushes and trees to hide the end of the layout on previous layouts. The seamoss can be 'squeezed' resulting in low relief bushes which are only about 1 inch thick so don't take up precious space on a small layout.
  22. Very nice model. I remember these units from holidays in Austria. This one, in the newer livery, is at Zell an Zee 1995. The 6010 number indicates a driving trailer unit, I believe.
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