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Blog Comments posted by 46444

  1. Evening Pete,


    Going to throw my two pennies worth in to this debate just to confuse the issue even more!!


    I'd go with Jamie and Mikkel on this one.


    The other options appear to overpower the layout itself and look like a bad day in Princetown!


    Hope that's of some help if you haven't hit the G&T's already? Plymouth Gin of course!





  2. Absolutely wonderful stuff Pete.


    That backscene looks excellent and captures the ruggedness of the terraine nicely.


    Presentation looks fantastic too and as others have said the grey paint adds to the bleakness and doesn't over power the actual layout itself.


    Bet you're really pleased with the progess you've made?


    Just needs a Class 153 26 idyling at the platform with few Mk 2's.


    Next instalment waited with baited breath!





  3. Hi Pete,


    Oh B*gger!


    Not much to add that has already been said and the PVA not setting looks like the proverbial pain in the @rse. However, all is not lost. That much I do know with your modelling skills and high standards. There' s a solution in there some where and I'm sure you'll rectify the problem after having had a brain storming session aided and abetted with a few Bombay's!


    Some of the best water with real depth I've seen modelled is on 'wiggoforgold's' (Alex) Diddington layout. Have a look on his blog at the pictures. Superb stuff. May be worth contacting Alex for some advice?





  4. Evening Pete,


    Amazing what lurks in those 'half finished projects boxes'!


    Does look like a nice project though and will certainly hold its own against the Dapol Class 26.


    Don't be afraid of the airbrushing-to be honest it isn't really that messy and spraying the one colour should be quite easy. Of course, you'll be varnishing and weathering no doubt at a later date.


    With regards to the headlights-not sure if this company can help?




    Scroll down and there are a number of headlights/sidelights available in a variety of sizes.


    Also as Bryn says the Grampus looks 'tasty'.





  5. Thanks Alex for your comments. As I've said on your blog I'm going to have a go at the 'Golden Syrup' Van next time I see one.


    Is that a small diorama they are sitting on...or the start of the new layout perhaps? :P

    Thanks as well Pete.


    New layout-not yet but I'm thinking of going off to the timber merchants this morning for a quote, so hopefully a layout isn't too far away. Need to make my mind up what I want to do as space is a premium and I've got three ideas floating around in my head. Reading a few Iain Rice books too for inspiration or should that be perspiration! :biggrin_mini2:


    Yes-It's a very small diarama-very small. I should make a bigger one and put a back on it as well for photographic purposes.


    Now where'd I put the Lynx! :laugh_mini:





  6. Morning Alex,


    Nice work as ever and some lovely atmospheric shots of Diddington as well.


    The 'Golden Syrup' (LMS) van has certainly got me thinking. Think I'll be doing one or two of these on Parkside chassis. Just found the Diagram number (1/204) so I'll keep a look out for some 'Golden Syrup' and other spurious liveries.


    Hope you've had a good ride?





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