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Blog Comments posted by 46444

  1. Hi Simon,


    Thanks for your comments.


    HMRS transfers can be a problem speaking from experience.


    I use a fresh scalpel blade to cut them from the backing paper. Then place them on the area required.  I do't press them down too much so as when you remove the slip paper when its wet you can finely adjust them with a cocktail stick.


    One trick I does use to get numbers straight is use a piece of Tamiya masking tape as a straight line. With these coaches I measured the window width and put a mark in the centre of the tape.  From there I worked from the middle outwards.


    Hope that helps.


    PM me if you want some more advice.





  2. Excellent work there. The last photo, with the crew posed with the loco, is very good.


    Thanks Dave for your comments.  


    You don't have to look too carefully to see elements of your Ixion 7mm versions in my take on the subject.  I was going to paint her green but she'll have a dual purpose on my Teign Valley Project so I wanted to make her different to the other two locos on JH.


    Thanks as well for for your help particularly with the boiler/saddle tank height. 


    Glad you like the photo as well.  ;)





  3. Morning Alun,


    Again I'd probably be tempted to use German Grey for the roofs on Crimson and Cream stock for that weathered look but I guess a shade or too lighter would be suitable.  Have a look on Coachman's thread on coach building.


    Yes, think you're right re: Phoenix and their frame dirt.  Railmatch also do a similar product I believe, 


    I look forwards to seeing how you get on.  I may respray one I have into BR (SR) green for a friend of mine.





  4. Very Good Mark!


    Do I dare say it but, will it be weathered slightly?


    I only ask as I think it will make this loco go from great to greater!



    Thanks as well Robert.  


    Like I said before with your excellent castings and Phil's article it turned out to be a really good build.


    Would you ever consider doing a kit of one of these?


    As for the weathering the answer is yes.  I'm awaiting some name/works plates from Steve at Narrow Planet then we're away.  I'm going to keep her fairly clean though.  What I'd like to achieve is that oily look about the weathering, toning the black down.  A few coats of Klear and a light spray of matt should a good base for this effect.





  5. Nice. This is modelling at its best - making what you want from something else.

    I wasn't familiar with the class, but it does look paticularly Manning-Wardle like round the tanks and chimney, and its interesting to see what can be done using the Pug as a basis.



    Hi Alex,


    Just got in from a late shift.


    Thanks for those comments.  Yes I'm pleased with how it's finished up.  Phil's article made things pretty straight forward.  There were a few guestimates to measurements here and there.


    Robert's (RT Models) castings for the buffers, chimney, springs and filler cap add the essential Manning-Wardle ingredients and as I've said before.


    I think he should look at a kit for the 'H' Class if possible. Hint ;)





  6. Stumbled across one of these in WHS last night whilst being hounded by the boys to get them some 'pick n mix' :D


    Not sure of its origin (will have a read of that associated thread) but you have made a nice job of it Mark - once again that colouring looks spot on.


    An interesting visitor to JH too...that nosy busybody photographer who frequents JH seems to have missed out on this one... ;)


    Morning Pete,


    Good to hear from you. ;)


    Thought you were going to say you'd brought a few of these coaches :D


    Thanks for the comments.  As for JC-well I think he's saving his AGFA film up for a special occasion! :)






    PS: Pick-n-Mix sounds good. Loads of 'E' numbers :D

  7. Hi,


    I've got a 4th now, I couldn't stop myself, there was one left in the Spar when I stopped off on the way back from the park with my youngest!


    You've inspired me to do a bit more than just put the numbers (and roundels?) on, but as I'm not set up for it, I'll probably try the Phoenix aerosols.  I'm guessing a satin varnish after painting the roof and a gloss to finish off the body sides?


    I couldn't agree more about spending money on detailing parts defeats the object.  If I can get 4 reasonable coaches for circa 35 quid and learn something along the way, that'll do me nicely.




    Morning Alun,


    Sounds like a nice little project sorting your 4 coaches out. ;)


    Not sure if you mean you're going to repaint the sides altogether.  You'll loose the crisp lining on these coaches if you do though. I did't repaint mine 


    Have a look at using Johnson's Klear-the old clear formula-not the recent cloudy stuff if you can find it.  Alternatively, I think Humbrol have recently inrtoduced a similar product called Clear which I believe has the same properties.  Brushed on it doesn't leave brush marks and gives a nice satin finish.  It also leaves a nice finish for applying decals. 


    The roof could be finished with a spray can of Humbrol/Tamiya German Grey following priming. Again Klear brush painted on the roof would take away the matt finish too.


    Be interesting to see how you get on.


    Post a few entries on your progress when you get started,






    You don't hang around do you Mark.I thought you were lettering some GPV's !


    Don't you mean GVP's? :D


    Those I built a few weeks back needed the decals finishing off on one side and the end. I'd just received an order from Fox so thought I'd finish them off quickly! Though paying attention helps.


    I bet Larry will spring something upon us.





  9. Ha,


    Been, comeback, now the not so proud owner of 3 new SKs!  I think what stopped me is that although I have a some old Triang-Hornby and Airfix locomotives and wagons from when I was a kid, I replaced all my old Mk1s with Bachmann's a year or 2 ago.


    What I'm going to do in the short term is get some of the HMRS transfers and find 3 maroon SKs on Flickr so I can have a stab at getting the roundels right, although strictly speaking I would need to see both sides of the coach.  It is not unheard of for a corridor side to be decorated differently to the compartment side and even to see left hand facing lions (apparently).


    I have some old LMS and GWR origin coaches that the Mk1s will sit very nicely with.


    Thanks for helping me make my mind up!




    Hi Alun,


    Glad you found some. Obviously not a feeding frenzy in your neck of the woods then? ;)


    They are what they are and I think spending money on detailing parts kind of defeats the object.  If these were my coaches I might have a go at scratch building the the trussing and add the water filler pipes but other than that I'd just do as I'd done in the article above.


    I did think about the crests but couldn't find any examples on the internet. Hope you have fun doing yours up.


    It would be interesting to see what Coachman could do with one of these.





  10. I'm seriously tempted to stop being sniffy about these and get back down the corner shop!  Can I ask, did you find a photograph of E24159 or have you a rule as to whether the BR logo should be applied or not?






    Hi Alun,


    They might have already disappeared from the corner shop by the time you get down there! ;)


    No particular reason why I chose E24159 other than I found a picture of a Bachmann crimson and cream version of this coach and David's excellent reference.


    Also I went with the Bachmann positioning of numbers too so it doesn't look out of place running in a rake of Bachmann MK1's.


    When you say the BR logo, do you mean the roundel.  I'm not sure on this myself so I guess pictures are your best bet. The same for OHL warning flashes.


    My friend still as the other coach and seeing it go around his layout in a rake you never noticed the lack of underframe detail,  For this kind of use I think they're fine and with a few tweaks like above unless the layout is at eye level then I think you'd never know.





  11. Morning Alex,


    Great to see a post on the progress of Diddington.


    This coal depot has come up really well and is an excellent piece of modelling. Well observed and once again weathered nicely.  Everything blends together.


    That Cambrian Type A container kit has also come it nicely.  It's just a shame the Woodhead range of transfers are no longer available because they were really good to use and filled a gap between Fox and HMRS ones.


    Once again-really nice work and looking forwards to seeing further updates soon.





  12. Evening Mikkel,


    Blimey! I'm blown away,  A truly beautiful build and everything is crisp and not full of scribblings and pen marks like in the case of my Manning Wardle scratch build.


    The attention to detail not just in the wagon itself is wonderful. Truly inspirational.


    I'm not familiar with the wagon type but I'm looking forwards to seeing it finished. Looking at this I need to get my skates on on complete my Diagram AA13 brake van that's sat next to me.


    Look forwards to the next update.





  13. Thanks Phil,


    I bet it's funny seeing one of these built from your drawings and words?


    Like I said in the first instalment I saw your version on Chris Nevard's Polbrook Gurney.  I don't think you where around at the time and Chris had a rugby scrum around him whilst trying to play trains ;)


    Your Manning Wardle stood out-perhaps the brightness of the blue against the grimness of the colliery surroundings but it looked every bit as good in the flesh compared to the pictures in the article.


    Like you say-they're not perfect but the essence is there and unless you fancy fettling brass other than scratch building it's the only way to go.


    I'm doing a few bits on it tonight-around the buffer beam area but the sub-assemblies won't be fixed together until later next week.


    Thanks once again.



  14. This is really good, and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. Given the number of conversions of the Airfix/Dapol Pug kit over the years, it has always surprised me that the rtr mdel hasn't received the same treatment. Yoiur model shows what is possible and I'm pleased you are redressing the balance.


    Morning Alex,


    Thanks for those comments.


    Yes, I'm surprised there hasn't been developments on the Pug theme too.  I guess there will be a time when we see some ready to run industrials as I mentioned in my reply to Mikkel.


    Once this is build is finished I'm tempted to have a go at another-though using the Dapol/Airfix kit as a starting point to represent a non-working scrap line loco.





  15. Great work. Those are not easy shapes to build in styrene, but even now with a Bluetack assembly they look right. The whole model just oozes character, very inspiring.


    Thanks Mikkel,


    This is a great build and owes it's inspiration in Phil Parker's original article in Hornby Magazine.


    Like you say there's some interesting shapes to form but thankfully all as come together nicely.  Now the sub-assemblies are complete it's just a case of bringing it all together and adding the little details to bring it to life.


    Industrials offer a degree of flexibility and I'm surprised we have seen the likes of Bachmann introduce an industrial design.  Watch this space! 





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