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Blog Comments posted by 46444

  1. Another different project.I can't keep up with you Mark.Nice work but it's not a 'Castle' I'm likely to model is it.


    Hi Robin.


    Just a one off.  One of my favourite classes of engine.  It does have GWR green paint on it as well. ;)


    Saying that they had 'Halls' and 'Castles' named in the same class.  Sounds a bit disorganised to me? :D





  2. OK but I would have queried the spelling had it been me.A big fan of 'Friends' that I was. ;)


    Were you now! :)


    This had nothing to do with Friends however. It's one of my favourite girls names though and because the loco will be used on Juniper Hill and the Teign Valley layout I thought a name would be better than something location specific.


    Kind of adds to the charm of the loco though.  Saying that it next time I put an order in with NP I could get a corrected set made up.





  3. I'm worried about the guard, though. I didn't know they had quicksand in Devon ;-)


    You never know what you'll find on the edge of Exmoor! 


    Thanks for your comments as well.  This brake and a few other bits will appear in the months ahead awaiting your fellow countryman at Heljan to produce the Manning Wardle tanks associated with the L&B.


    Jaymz has kindly supplied me with the information for the lettering positions so I need to do some adjustments to the transfers.


    Thanks once again.




    PS: I'm sure you could be tempted into 009 with either the VoR/WLLR in GWR times. :)

  4. Looking at the drawing of the bogie brakes in the Brown/Prideaux/Radcliffe book on the line, the S R lettering is a little high, the stopper for the sliding door should be the centre line for the letters, and there is a single plank width between it and the S. The van number is on the lower left hand side, inboard of where the dog box door would have been and the the weight lettering (8 Tons, Tare 5:18:2) is staggered over two lines with the 8 starting to the right of the panel line which passes through the centre of the R!


    I hope this is of some use!


    The van looks ver smart indeed, its something I've been tempted by having a go at for a while now, although I'm rather keen on the ducket van (No14)






    Thanks Jaymz,


    That's very useful.  


    So essentially the lettering is in the right place and needs lowering so the centre of the letters is level with the door stop and the 'S' needs moving across one plank.  


    I was working from one of those 1935 films on the line couldn't quite make out the correct position.


    I need to get a copy of the Brown et al book and have 'The Lynton and Barnstaple Railway Measured and Drawn' on my Christmas list which will be great use.


    Thanks as well for the comments.  These are nice little kits and build up well. Only the ride height needs sorting out.


    The ducket brake van No: 14 is as you say rather distinctive and may be another project as well at some stage using this kit.





  5. Morning Roly,


    Glad you had a good time back in the UK and enjoyed the railway trip.


    I once caught the train from Plymouth-Masstricht.  A great journey!


    Nice to see another post.  Hopefully, you'll be able to work your wonders on this J72.  Perhaps a couple of the LNER modellers on here will be able to advise on livery details.  Worsdelforever and jwhealans spring to mind.





  6. Quite fit if I remember right..


    I believe she had something about her! ;)


    Regarding GWR stock-there's another Starfish in the shops and I'm still wrestling with converting the Ratio ???AA19 to a AA13. The handrails have stumped me a bit though.


    I need to put an order in with POW Sides for some Teign Valley Granite wagons as well.  Saying that, they use Slaters Kits distributed by Coopercraft. Hopefully, with the current supply problems I can source a few.





  7. Like the Tamar touch.


    Did that star Gill Gasgoine? :D *


    Thank's Robin.  You're right though.  My interests vary but I guess some of it stems from enjoying modelling.


    These were a quick project, which may eventually lead to something.  Who knows? ;)


    Fear not! There's GWR stock on my workbench for the Teign Valley project. 






    * Showing my age there a bit. :)

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