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Blog Comments posted by 46444

  1. Hi Marcus,


    Sorry for the late reply from GoC.  Would have been good to meet up at Taunton as well if moving hadn't got in the way.


    Brilliant to see progress in Buckden and look forwards to the next instalment. Some lovely modelling too.


    We'll all have to get together one day and 'chew the cud' over the Kettering-Cambridge line. 






    No horses harmed in this instalment!!!

  2. A new theme! I reckon it's only a matter of time before you do a Settle & Carlisle model. If its going to be this good, I can't wait.


    Hi Alex,


    Yes part of the consolidation process and this and the Teign Valley project will be my projects for the future.


    Thanks for the kind words as well.


    As for the S&C I'm sure a trip up there in the summer may be on the cards. As for a layout the lines around Whitby/Scarborough and Filey have more appeal. 


    Then again the J15 is due this year isn't it?





  3. Looking good. You've certainly picked up the right colours and there's some nice tonal variation particularly on the brakevans. 


    Do you use Paul Bartlett's website for reference photos?


    I remember these Yeoman PGA's being very popular in the 1980's/1990's. Nice to see them again. Certainly capture that era nicely.





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  4. Can I make a suggestion about your plan though? .......


    Evening Castle,


    I think seeing's you've driven one of these fine engines that's ok :D


    Totally agree with your suggestion. :)


    Mine was a very simplified overview of the finishing process.  


    However, these kits are made from a very hard nylon and not too responsive to sanding.  I'll do what I can but the ribbing effect on the boiler will remain I'd imagine.


    Thanks once again.



  5. Some nice enhancements there Mark :good:


    Once that mist coast of grey primer has been added it may give further clues on the final finish and your excellent painting and weathering skills will have that in hand...


    Thanks Pete,


    I'm pleased with how things are progressing.  


    Once this lot is all glued on I'll start on the spaghetti of pipework :O





  6. Hi Mark, this is coming along very nicely, I think. Amazing what a difference the brass has made already. I like the idea of seeing 3D models as "blank canvas" as you say. It means each loco will be a little different.


    Thanks Mikkel.


    It's interesting you mention each loco will be a little bit different.


    On NGRM there's about 5 of these kits on the go from TT-009 scale plus a scratch built one so it will be good to see how people approach their builds.





  7. From the photos there are distinct lines in the boiler barrel giving the impression it is not completely circular. I presume in real life these are not visible from normal viewing distance. 


    Looking forward to the project developing as the work so far is excellent.


    Hi FP,


    Totally agree with you.  


    This is one of the problems with 3D printed kits and not down to the design of this kit in particular.  


    Because the plastic is an hard nylon it isn't very responsive to sanding etc. Even filler primer doesn't eradicate the lines.


    In this case I think it's a case of accepting the limitations of the kit and making the best of it.


    There will be a lot of pipework on the sides so hopefully this will draw attention away from the boiler itself.


    Thanks for the comments too.  At the moment this or scratch building is the only way to go to get a Px48.  Eventually I would imagine the likes of BEMO will produce a RTR version but this would be in the

  8. Looking good Mark.


    I am sure when it's got that first coat of black paint on it will start to look the part.


    Then you can photograph it amongst some static grass...job done :D


    Thanks Pete,


    This one's going to be the fancy one with a bit of green on the cabsides too!  :)


    As for the static grass I've started bulk buying the stuff! :D


    These Px48's will look in their element with a couple of Rollwagens in some long grass. ;)

  9. Is there no bounds to your talents.Eclectic as ever.Superb whatever you do.


    Blimey Robin! You're making me blush! ;)


    Thanks for those kind words.  These have been sat waiting to be finished for about a month now.


    There's a few bits kicking about-some GWR themed you'll be pleased to know ;)


    Saying that-there's been a major distraction which has Eastern origins and were not talking Suffolk either!


    That Castle on here as a lot to answer for! :D





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