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Blog Comments posted by 46444

  1. Hi Will,


    Thanks for your reply.


    There's quiet a bit of excitement about this little loco and what else could appear in the range if it progresses.


    Some peeps on NGRM have started work on their's stripping off the paint and detailing.  It looks as if the 3D printing folk are going to have a field day here with Skaloey.


    The face is plastic and from what I've seen easily removable.  CWR are already selling printed smokebox doors:




    I'm looking forward to getting on with this project and I've another one too.





  2. Hi Mark. What a nice machine! That flush glazing looks very convincing from *both* sides. Thanks for the tip on the sheeting, hadn't thought of tape.


    So what's next? You weren't thinking of resting, were you?


    Thanks Mikkel ;)


    As for another project I've a number of locos (57xx/8750/4575/?93xx) to renumber to NA allocated ones and detail.  


    There's also a number of wagons as well which need starting or finishing 


    I've also got a 64xx which I fancy converting to a 74xx if I'm feeling brave enough to take a knife to the cab/bunker area.


    I've just been reading your Bachmann 64xx thread by the way looking for some tips.


    So no rest...... :D

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