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Blog Comments posted by 46444

  1. Great start James. Love the Manning Wardles.


    I built an 0-4-0 H Class MW on an Hornby L&Y Pug chassis using an article written by Phil Parker. Look on my blog if your interested.


    One thing I did find useful was the RT Models range of parts. Robert sells a number of castings and etchings from his MW kits including buffers, chimney and smoke box door. May be worth a look if you weren't aware.


    Look forwards to further updates.





  2. Very nice! I am enjoying getting into Minitrains based 009 locos. Somehow the shiny flywheel does not offend my eye too much but you can always have fun hiding it. My latest project is with the short cabbed Baldwin, creating an approximate Ffestiniog 'Mountaineer' cab around it, which more or less hides the motor and 'wheel. 


    The L&B carriages look great in blue as well.


    Thanks Will.  Much appreciated.


    Like the sound of the Mountaineer project.  It's a good use of the Minitrains Baldwin as well. Would be nice to see some photos and progress.


    If you're not a member of the 009 Society its worth joining as you get a quality monthly mag and a very good discount on Minitrains locos and stock.


    I think with the Minitrains Baldwin folk are holding off until the Bachmann version appears.





  3. Congrats on your retirement CK.


    Hopefully this visit has resorted in blowing the retirement lump sum on a BEMO spending spree?


    Great photos and thanks for sharing.


    Hope your retirement brings a more fruitful modelling period and the draw of the Forest is strong?


    Best wishes,



  4. Hi Mark,


    The quick answer to all three questions is theoretically YES. However it is seldom that simple!


    Kirby Hall was a late 1939 build, so almost certainly was out-shopped in lined green. Looking at its Engine Record Card data shows visits to Swindon in Oct 42 (probably received wartime black) and again in Aug 46 (probably plain green). The RCTS states that only a few of the original Halls gained lining again post war, and that was from Jan 48 onwards. She was back in Swindon for an Intermediate in Sep 48, when BR lined black would have been applied. So in a nutshell, if you want her post war……it's probably plain green.


    You might find some more useful livery info here http://www.ianrathbonemodelpainting.co.uk/gwr-locomotive-liveries-1923-39.php






    Hi Andy,


    Thankyou for taking the time to write this most informative post. Most appreciated.


    Looks like it's going to be unlined green by all accounts for a 1946-1947 period finish which certainly saves some time.


    I was building up steam to get on with the lining as well! 


    That link is certainly useful.


    I'll send you a PM.





  5. How easy was the smokebox number to remove, you've done an excellent job Mark.


    Hi Robin,


    Thanks for those kind words.


    The smoke box number plate was gently carved off with a new scalpel blade removing the door straps at the same time,


    Cleaning up involved some fine wet and dry and a glass fibre pen.  


    It's tricky but by taking it gently it works out ok.


    The straps were replaced with some fine micro-strip.  The close up reveals a bit of a 'wonk' on one of them! 





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