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Everything posted by Buhar

  1. Hi Jon Are you going to do a British 8F or a TCDD "Churchill"? If it's the latter, I can help with some post-withdrawal photos.
  2. That looks really good,Mark. Could we trouble you for a bit more detail on how yo planned it and your thinking around construction? Either here or on the linked thread.
  3. My usual stockist only received a single B12, but it is an attractive loco. I was on holiday for the C class and missed out on it, anyone got a swapsie requirement I might match or is willing to sell. I'm up in Cumbria next week, anywhere round Carlisle way that a reliable stockist?
  4. When you find the cranks, what are you going to build round them?
  5. Hi Andy, it's a not a quote from a programme, it was the title of a sitcom series in the late sixties about tailors. Very un-PC if I recall accurately. But with only 3 channels, you watched it. Probably the 7:30pm comedy slot on BBC but I can't be sure.
  6. I expected 6201, but it isn't. Oh well! Princess Margaret, putting the gin in engine.
  7. I think you have an answer there, Jason!! And the reason why. And the wherefore. And the physics. And the type of dust you need to weather it with.
  8. The Past, the Present and the Future walk into pub. After that it got rather tense.
  9. The comparison locos (990 Class) were also Class 4s. The Class 3s were the just slightly earlier "Belpaires" with the rectangular side panel of varying sizes over the rear splasher. All the potential Midland 4-4-0 variations had similar boiler diameter, the big difference is that only the Compounds and the 2Ps had the raised footplate over the drivers, the rest had a straight footplate and that would entail quite a bit of work. Alternative options might be shallow frame Compounds (drum smokebox) or the non-superheater version. You have four chimney and (I think) two dome options to play with too, plus Tups*rse or pop safety valves. Good luck and please post on your progress.
  10. When I said "not good as a standard MR or Fowler tender" I appear to have sowed a little confusion. I meant that, because of its unusual origin,it is not suitable for sticking behind a 2P, Patriot, Jubilee, 4F or what-have-you.
  11. As this is RMWeb, I think the convention is that the bus is stationery on the bridge.
  12. The first few 2-8-0s had tender cabs which when removed left a different shape to the front arc. This is a model of one of those. The wheelbase should be unequal as opposed to the equal wheelbase on a standard Fowler tender.
  13. I think the tender is an ex-SDJR 2-8-0 one as sported by MR 1000 in preservation (slightly different front cutout). This is the same as the Bachmann MR compound had. Not good as a standard MR or Fowler tender.
  14. There was a really good set of drawings in Model Railways Illustrated of October 1994 in an "Profile of" article. These include plan views and some detail variations. The May 1980 Modeller also had plans and there was a scaled GA in MRJ. I think this was December 1994 or the subsequent issue.
  15. Buhar

    Bachmann 1F

    Open cabs were by far in the majority on these engines. Locos were built for specific tasks or routes at the time and it appears those of this class fitted with full cabs were initially intended for passenger working. There were a few variations in cab shape too arising in the closed version (I think) from those that were modified against new builds, plus the shape of the cutaway on open cabs also showed some variation. To back-date one of these to the original design would require some surgery, round-topped firebox, Salter safety valves and a different smokebox door with continuous handrail. Mind you, this configuration (apart from the front-end) was still common in LMS days and, on a few locos, into nationalisation so it wouldn't be a dead-end for production. Red livery (lined too) for goods engines was discontinued in 1907 and from photos, it looks like the repainting schedule was pretty brisk. It's a lovely engine to look forward to. I hope the guard irons haven't been omitted this time, they complete the shape below the footplate (the only real glitch with the Jinty) and of course it provides another retail opportunity for the suppliers of enginemen.
  16. Just saw on Kernow's site that a pre-1928 LMS crimson version of the 2-4-2T is on its way. Still round firebox, though.
  17. Hornby don`t do a 8`+8`6" chassis with 4`7"-ish wheels. The only ones at that wheel base are the 4F and the 2-6-4Ts and the wheels are too big for you. I suspect any bashed-up Bachmann Jinties appearing on eBay as non-runners will be snapped up.
  18. Ok, I`ll bite.... Princesses Margaret Rose, or Princess Margarets Rose, Princess Margaret Roses or Princess Gordons and Schwepps?
  19. Hi Steve, interesting stuff here, but I`m not sure you`re not making things harder for yourself. Chassis and wheel spotting is a good start, you`re sure of something that runs, but cutting and shutting is hard work. I can see the point of using fittings and tricky shapes like cab roofs, but wouldn`t you be better building out of plasticard and abs tube? It`s your hobby and you should do what gives you pleasure, but I spy a scratchbuilder.
  20. I have carefully preserved those rivets while carving off the handrail. Should have got the callipers out first. Sort of thanks, Ivan. On the valance, there is something there, but it's very thin and only sticks out a little.
  21. The diameter of the door is the same as the smokebox (or maybe a few thou bigger) so you'd lose some rivets. I think the way is to file/sand/abrade the outer 3mm or so of the inside of the over-thick smokebox door so it sits inside the smokebox. If you are thinking of replacing the dart you could drill through the door there and attach to a mini-drill.
  22. Just to reinforce Ivan's comment further back, this is the stretched 1947 version, not the standard Stanier version (so far as such a thing existed.)
  23. Scampered round west London, no luck in two huge 24 hour Asdas, but then found 3 in a WHS when I'd actually gone in for something else! I'm not good customer for a newsagent, I want 3 or 4 of some models and none of others so if availability gets worse I'm going to struggle. Same issues of offset smokebox door as others describe, but set at different angles. Also got a dollop of red lining gloop on the running plate of one. The booklet is really good (as have the others I've seen), any idea who's authoring them? It looks like a Black 5 and the lining rather puts Railroad models to shame. I really like it and although I have a few Hornby ones already I think I'll play with one and stick it on a chassis just to justify £30 spent. The tender is a good test piece for Archer's rivets too. The tender has the Hornby chunky valance and as expected the axleboxes are a bit under-nourished. Brassmasters have been a bit slow in producing detailing kits for these, but no doubt something will be along soon. I couldn't see what the next one is due to be, last time it was noted in the booklet.
  24. The issue is clearly whether the Black 5 passes the Captain's Black 5 test.
  25. Hi Jason Time to change the topic title again. How did you make those layers transparent?
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