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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Stops the sheep droppings getting all over the bed linen.
  2. The answer seems obvious then. No need for the customary handshake or this new fangled touching elbows thing ..... ….just touch balls at the end of your round.
  3. That’s very kind of you. I’ll supply the coffee.
  4. It has been a few days since I have posted but I haven't been idle. Quite the opposite. I am preparing for that task we all love to do - ballasting. Unlike the water it is something that I am comfortable with, albeit still not really looking forward to it. Does anyone? In preparation I have been doing: a) a final test and tweak of trackwork, particularly the hand built points. Running over one was a bit less smooth that I wanted but that has been fettled. b) preparing platforms to be fixed in place. c) building buffer stops. The buffer stops were white metal kits obtained from Lanarkshire models. They were easy to put together and IMHO are a good representation of the North British type. I was aiming for something like this..... but...... ...….. the shade of green is not quite right and for some reason, although mixed from matt paint went on with a semi gloss appearance. I think everything needs toning down a bit although the sunlight does over emphasise the colours which don't look as bad from 'normal viewing' distance.
  5. Did it work before? If so what were you doing when it stopped working?
  6. Continues to impress. Being able to actually run something can be fatal to doing some modelling.
  7. Might it be easier to break into one of the wires in the roof and insert a latching reed switch. Put a small magnet on a strip, wave it over the roof and those lights will turn on and off. https://www.layouts4u.net/electrical-items/switches/latching-reed-switch
  8. I have heard though, that eating exotic foods affects your ability to count.
  9. The May is out here, just, so you could be ok. Back from my walk and I'm glad to say it would appear that the advice/instructions* seem to be being followed. A few more out and about than over the last few days but all were clearly exercising alone or in small family groups and distancing when passing others. I did however see five 'classic' type cars and they looked to be out for their Sunday jaunt. I suppose that if they don't stop anywhere the drivers would be just as isolated as at home but it's hardly essential travel. I think it is still a bit too cold and definitely to windy here to potter about with the plants so either another book or more modelling beckons. *delete as you see fit.
  10. Morning all. I fancy a cooked breakfast. I think a bacon sarnie will have to do. One of my daily walking routes takes me to the seaside and back. Over the past couple of weeks there has only been a handful of us out doing the same thing. Yesterday was grey and still a bit chilly but today looks like being sunny and warmer so I wonder if numbers out will increase. If people are walking in ones or twos then fine, but if they are obviously there for social/recreational get togethers then that would be rather silly of them.* Perhaps I will choose one of my other routes today. Stay safe and well. * assuming that the modelling and advice is correct of course.
  11. I don’t mind google knowing where I am. It’s the wife finding out that worries me.
  12. Well, after a long wait, I’ve finally managed to book a home delivery slot. I’ve ordered the turkey, sprouts, crackers and christmas pudding.
  13. Macaroni cheese? Yeuch! Give us a bash at the bangers and mash me muvver used to make.
  14. Could have been worse... …… it could have been the 7th green
  15. Didn't Newton Heath play in yellow and green, the colours that a lot of Man. U. fans, including some of their ex-players (usual suspects) wear as a protest against the Glazers. It may not have been Newton Heath but the green and yellow definitely comes from a source such as that - and NH does ring a bell.
  16. Morning all. I think I may just have a quiet day at home today. Stay safe and well.
  17. i agree totally and did wonder about posting. Then, I thought if you can’t laugh about it you would cry. Respect to all of those doing their bit.
  18. Tomorrow you are all asked to go to your doors and applaud to show your support for delivery drivers. This is expected to happen sometime between nine and five.
  19. I've been growing some fir trees
  20. My wife works on the till in one of the big supermarkets.... .... and you worry? I do realise though, that there are a lot of others more at risk and really do appreciate their efforts.
  21. I thought last weeks effort fantastic and very moving. Probably as much to do with the morale of the clappers as the clapped? I will do the same in a few minutes time but I fancy that if it becomes a regular occurrence it may lose its meaning and value.
  22. If you haven’t used insulated rail joiners watch out for the warmer weather. Rail expansion could lead to similar problems.
  23. It is interesting to see how that, in most photographs, the backscene blends in seamlessly yet one photo shows it to be, in parts, quite separate from the layout. It just goes to show that, with careful design, the eye can be easily deceived. A while back you started to discuss the techniques you used when photographing your layout. Would it be rude to ask you to share the lighting set up you use for photography? Without revealing too many secrets of the trade of course.
  24. BoD

    EBay madness

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UNKNOWN-N-GAUGE-SET-OF-ELECTRIC-LOCO-RAKE-OF-3-WAGONS-EUROTUNNEL-VS20/163539297680?hash=item2613b3a590:g:fWUAAOSwTJZcYpPf At least they haven’t described them as professionally built/painted.
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