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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. The viaducts south of Montrose? Just a guess.
  2. Haven't posted for a while but I haven't been idle. In face I've been making good progress in parts. Lately I have built the loading dock in the goods yard at Crianlarich and have now started working on the buildings for it. Loosely based on this,...... I came up with Far from accurate but I think it gives the impression. Well it does from 3ft anyway
  3. If you are going to set a quiz you should really change the file names on the photos. Is you new toy one of those microscopes that plug directly into the PC? Any good?
  4. Afternoon all. Re - those bemoaning having only one ring. I was born with just one ring and have always had just one ring. Is there any advantage to having more than one?
  5. I have just spent my voucher with Hattons. They seem to be set up well to deal with the current situation and expressed pleasure that the weekend had been so successful. Once again, thanks to them and all others concerned.
  6. Of course, some people post twice to try and get twice the number of likes.
  7. How do you know. Many happy returns, Stewart.
  8. Package arrived this morning. Many thanks to all ...... from organisers to prize givers to everyone else who donated.
  9. The Flat Earth Society is reporting that the two meter social distancing rule is pushing some of their members over the edge.
  10. Ah, Craster. A good day out with a walk along to Dunstanburgh Castle and beyond followed by a pint or two in The Jolly Fisherman and then pick up the kippers fresh from the smokehouse. A beautiful part of the world and fortunately not too far away. Sadly out of the question for the time being. Oh, how I am missing things like that. Having not tried either of the Fraggle Rock varieties I am unable to compare but I am sure that Neil, once a Northumbrian always a Northumbrian, must have good reason to favour them over Craster. Until, one day, I am able to venture to Peel I will just have to suffer Craster’s finest.
  11. It was only on April 18th that you were showing us a picture of where Garelochead was going to be and you had just ballasted the track and the rest was bare boards. Amazing progress. p.s. love the disused freight dock.
  12. is the whole thing available as a boxed set?
  13. At least Chris will be able to have a breakfast on his way to ……. er ……...
  14. A recent short letter to the Irish Times said... For God’s sake open the pubs before we all become alcoholics.
  15. How nice. You will be able to just stay at home and relax. Oh, wait a minute............. Seriously though, enjoy it. You will soon be wondering how you ever had the time to work.
  16. Yes, I'd have been really proud if they had been actually grown. They were made from balsa, bbq skewers, cocofibre liner and flock. Details here and the next few posts if you are interested....
  17. Keeping track is easy. Today is April 94th.
  18. Yes, it was indeed me. I won twice on the Premium bonds earlier this month and once in January too. Still can’t say 2020 has been a good year though. RMweb was the first (and only) online forum I joined, or for that matter even looked at, back then and it seemed that everyone was using ‘made up’ names so I just went along with it. We were also being warned by employers and teaching unions to be very wary of identifying yourself on social media. It does have its disadvantages though when you introduce yourself to others at exhibitions and have to explain who you are. Another negative was that a while ago, when RMweb was being particularly flakey, I made an effort to befriend people on Facebook because it would be nice to stay in touch if anything did happen to RMweb, however unlikely. Many accepted but some didn’t. I am telling myself that it was because they didn’t recognise me rather than they just don’t like me. Morning all.
  19. I’d better keep quiet then.
  20. Many happy returns, Mr P.
  21. I will be placing an order with Hattons at some time in the future.* Obviously, whilst I was delighted to win, and without wanting to sound trite, the old adage ‘it’s not the winning that matters but the taking part’ was never truer than in this situation. * You can bet your bottom dollar that I will end up spending more than the voucher and that’s the bit I would like to keep from Mrs BoD if you don’t mind.
  22. A great effort and well done to all concerned and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. Great to see the monies going to a good cause. Flippin' eck though, two prizes.
  23. Some strange skies and weather here tonight. This one from the local hospital. Rather poignant I thought.
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