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Everything posted by BoD

  1. So she found a place to put those ‘low use’ guitars then?
  2. I knew that that would resonate with people of a certain age (just after Sing Something Simple, wasn’t it?) but I suspect Gordon is more familiar with the Edison Phonogram and wax cylinders.
  3. Why don’t you just sit with your cassette player’s microphone pointing at the radio and press record at the appropriate time?
  4. If you are going to run a sweep as to where it ends up next can I have Birmingham Depot?
  5. Thank you for all of the suggestions. I will experiment with them until I find something I am happy with.
  6. I decided to try them without wiring the frog but when I laid them I made sure that the wire from the frog passed through the baseboard in case I needed to make the frog live in future. I haven’t needed to do this but the wiring is still in place should it ever prove necessary. The shortest wheelbase I use is a class 08 0-6-0 shutter and it is fine with them.
  7. I see your point about guidances and speaking for the hobby as a whole, but many of the examples that you have cited above are ‘governing bodies’ to which the affiliate clubs subscribe, contribute to the running costs of and agree to be bound by their rules, sometimes as a condition of actually existing. I can’t see that ever existing in ‘our world’ and even if it did people would still cherry pick guidance to suit themselves. Potential liability must be a minefield and I sympathise with the likes of yourself with decisions to make.
  8. It is a great pity that anyone should be made to feel that way. As you say, since the first days of RMweb, ERs has been a friendly, welcoming and supportive place, often laced with a touch of light banter and humour too. Now that you have, for good reason, chosen to ignore one aspect of it I hope that you can come to enjoy and trust it as you once did.
  9. I've added a bit colour to see the effect. Probably moved too far back now but I think it looks better like that than it did when it was flush. Still a bit work and an awful lot of fettling to do! Looks passable from normal viewing distance. Any one know how to pebbledash in 4mm to the foot?
  10. I believe Friday was World Work From Home Day. It didn’t seem to get much of a mention though.
  11. One explanation I was given was the person still liked the texture and taste of meat and enjoyed eating the substitutes - but still didn’t eat meat for personal ethical/philosophical reasons.
  12. Do you get the digital content only on the pocketmags version and not on the exactly version?
  13. I finally found an image - under wikimedia common licence - that gives a definitive answer- even though the difference is only small. To be honest I thought a flat wall along the whole of the front didn't look quite right somehow. I tried an overlay as suggested but that affected the equal overhang of the roof, so out came the razor saw and sharp blades and thankfully it moved relatively easily. Just a bit filling and smoothing to do and back to the stage I was at - but feeling much happier about the whole thing.
  14. Thanks for the comments. An interesting thought. The more I look, none of the photos I have found are truly conclusive. There is this one here which strangely enough I only found recently here on RMweb I think it shows a slight setback of the extension but as @03060 mentions it is very small indeed. I may well add the bargeboards, detail the flat roof, add a downpipe and see if I can live with that. Having said that the down pipe isn't visible here. Someone once said I was indecisive but I'm not so sure now. It is just so annoying that, had I noticed it/researched properly it would have been just as easy to build it that way as the way I did.
  15. I have been working on the house near the underpass and have just noticed an error which has given me a bit of a conundrum. I was mainly working on these photos.... ….. and was relatively pleased the way things were going, although still a lot to do. I then started to look at the extension flat roof and detail. There are very few photos of that side and the best I could do was streetview. ….. rude words. The extension isn't flush with the main wall it is set back slightly. Unlike mine. Serves me right for not researching further. I then searched harder for phots of that side and they do confirm this 'setback' - literally and figuratively speaking. So, what to do? Accept it as is, knowing that in the overall scheme of things it is hardly noticeable or alter the building which will not be without difficulty at this stage and could risk damaging it. It's one of those things that had I not seen the picture it wouldn't matter but once you know it's there will always stick out like a sore thumb to me.
  16. Kicking your opponent's balls is still allowed though.
  17. If yours was anything like that Nor’eastener we had here yesterday they probably had no choice.
  18. Good morning all This morning should have seen us in a hotel on the banks of Loch Tummel for a few days. Buggrit all!! I was going to use the opportunity to take some photos to stitch together for backscenes too. Ah well........you know what that Scottish fella said about the plans of mice and men. Stay safe, stay well.* *I refuse to say stay alert
  19. And this country's prevailing wind explains why, quite often the 'west end' of towns and cities is the posh end the 'east end' is somewhat poorer and industrial. Just though I would throw that one in for free.
  20. There is a God, after all.
  21. I would hardly say feeble. I think our two models and approaches show what a broad church this hobby is. I have chosen to model a small area - just one station and a branch line station whereas you have modelled a larger system with a few stations. I have attempted to put the emphasis on accuracy of the buildings etc whereas your emphasis has been, very effectively if I may say, trying to reproduce the flavour of the whole line and its timetable- whilst still remaining very true to the stations themselves. If you had spent as much time as I did on each building then you wouldn't have got much beyond Craigendoran. I sometimes wonder though, about a comment made be a modelling acquaintance who not too long ago said 'at my age I just don't have the time to spend days and weeks on individual buildings, even if I wanted to'. On many occasions I have thought that just maybe he has the right idea. Having said that, I do enjoy the making of the models.
  22. Good morning all. Just to help those who are loosing track of things... today is Bank Holiday Monday. Have a good weekend, stay safe and well.
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