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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Did someone suggest an iPad to overcome crashes because of heat? Apologies if the reflection of the person taking the photograph scares the more sensitive reader.
  2. BoD

    Dragon 2

    Strange that they lost the signal just as the first stage was about to land and it came back just a few seconds later with the stage on deck.
  3. Most people use paint. Edit : everything else pales into insignificance with Neil’s news. Condolences to all affected.
  4. Shops are getting ready to open after lock down.
  5. I do wish people wouldn’t pose selfies on here. Height of vanity.
  6. Very nice - but I bet that took longer than building the real thing.
  7. I was wondering why they need an entire shop devoted to floor sanding machine rentals.
  8. Good morning all. Son and partner are doing well enough, thank you. She seems to be tired and lethargic most of the time but the symptoms thankfully remain mild. It hasn’t affected anything major - like breathing. We’ll take that. He appears to spend time watching German football and drinking beer. We have done a weekly shop for them and just left it in their porch. Today is our weekly shop and at the same time I do one for my mum. Isn’t life exciting. Must have a run out to Barney* to liven things up a bit. *Baz will understand.
  9. Morning all I am considering cancelling my Gold membership in order that I too might see these adverts that are providing such interesting diversions. Who, I wonder, is going to be first to admit to purchasing any of the offered wares or services?
  10. Perhaps we were paying attention but are just too polite to mention it...…. …… but then again...….
  11. Not to mention the Pelton Fell pease pudding quarries.
  12. Durham is wonderful at any time of year. .... don’t tell everyone though.
  13. Afternoon all Thanks for the continued kind thoughts. My son's test came back negative, which is obviously a good thing, but it means that they have to isolate in the same house and he has to do it for 14 days rather than her 7. So far her symptoms have only been mild - aches and pains and a total loss of sense of smell so we wonder would it have been better, in some ways, for him to have tested positive too and get it over with. The care home staff are all a bit down at the moment so on Friday my son had bought afternoon teas for all the staff and had them delivered. The supplier was excellent and, when told why he was ordering so many, charged him at cost price. As it turned out though, his partner couldn’t be there to see the reactions. Yesterday we ordered afternoon teas to be delivered to them both. I see a certain special advisor who obviously can't resist this beautiful part of the country has achieved even more fame by being mentioned in ERs. I taught at the same school as his mum for a number of years. A lovely, kind and thoughtful lady. He was always arrogant (allegedly). Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday (yes, I know, I'd forgotten too) in whatever way you can.
  14. I’m not sure how to set latching/no latching on your prodigy system but you needn’t worry about it affecting other locos. The latching settings are stored separately for each loco address.
  15. He is indeed older, thirteen and a half, as evidenced by his muzzle, but he could never be described as distinguished or stately. He still believes he is a pup. Pick up his lead and he bounces in a way that makes Tigger look positively arthritic. Manners - impeccable. He has never had any real training but nine times out of ten he does exactly as you would want him to without being told. The tenth he is open to bribes with a treat - he is a Labrador after all. He doesn’t suffer in any way with the weight or arthritis problems often associated with this breed especially as they get older. Perhaps because he has always enjoyed long walls. We consider ourselves lucky to be able to ‘dog sit’ him so much.
  16. Thank you for the good wishes folks. They are both only 41 with no known medical issues so, as pointed out, chances of a positive outcome are good. Every dark cloud has a silver lining ....... he’s back.
  17. Morning all Our son’s partner virus test came back positive at six this morning. He is off to the local IKEA for a test at eight. She works in a care home which, until last week had managed to keep the beast out. Sadly a resident died of it last week and two others have tested positive. She has been caring for all three of them. The mutt is coming back this morning earlier than and for a longer time than expected.
  18. I found the parallel track tool from Proser very useful. It works equally well on straights and curves and you can set your own fixed or variable track centres. https://proses.com/prestashop/track-laying-tools/22-ho-oo-scale-adjustable-parallel-track-tool-8680979260401.html You may to choose tracksetta to lay your first curved track but this makes laying the second easier
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    You are Gostude. I claim my prize.
  20. I went to the AGM of the Pessimists Society. It was very disappointing - the room was half empty.
  21. BoD


    I ordered some plastikard a fortnight ago and received a phone call from them yesterday saying that, unfortunately because of staff issues they were unable to fulfil my order at the current time. They gave me the choice to wait or cancel the order. They hadn’t taken any money from my bank at that point so a refund wasn’t necessary.
  22. If it was a short then your Lenz system should have shut down and since the loco picks up again it would seem that a short isn’t the answer - unless you have a circuit breaker in your DCC bus - or reset it yourself. I would go with Barclay’s suggestion and look at the switching to the frog. How much of the wing rail is electrically part of the frog depends on The design of the point and where you have made rail and sleeper breaks. If it is a dead section all of the wheels with pickups would need to be in that section. Have you tried different locos with different wheelbases and pickup arrangements? Have you got a multimeter to check electrical continuity to the frog when the point is set straight? Lots of questions but aimed at helping you eliminate possibilities.
  23. What are you using to switch the ‘polarity reversing wire’? Is there any indication of a short. (Are you DC or DCC?). If so this switch might have failed.
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