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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Your panel looks really neat. I’m not sure how easy it will be to chamfer ply without it splintering. I quite like the way the platform was created on Glenluig although some chamfering was needed. It looks effective.
  2. I can' t see where you have connected the second meter. If you connect them both to the same piece of track in the same place separately do they show the same voltage? If they do that suggests a problem with your track/soldering/connections where the second meter is connected. I'm assuming that there is nothing else on the track. If there is still a discrepancy then look to the leads or the meters themselves. Do you have any other power supplies that you could use to do in independent check of the meters?
  3. Quite a complicated move then as they both had trains. Previous photos show what appears to be a similar move but with two split head code locos.
  4. Thanks John but it was the light engine moves I was referring to. The numbering of the photos on the index page doesn’t match the number of the photo when you click on it. The photo I was referring to was 119 on the index page (but 104 when you enlarge it).
  5. What would be going on at Glenfinnan in photo 104 and others?
  6. I’m not sure how old your SEEPs are but if you look closely you can see the conducting tracks on the ‘baseboard’ of the motor itself and work out all of the contacts from there. The Seep frog switching usually depends on the movement of a washer over conducting tracks on the board to which the coils are fixed. Do yours use the washer around the arm that throws the point to do the switching? Check that this is positioned correctly and moves enough to break one contact and connect the other. Sometimes the fixing of the point motor may not centred and the washer may not move across enough. Perhaps the throw of the point blades on your hand built points do not allow the washer to move fully across the gap. I prefer slow action point motors because I worry that the thump of the solenoid motors may weaken the point blade connections plus their switching seems more reliable.
  7. I’ve spent the last two days casting rock faces and outcrops. I’m bored. I’ll not post any pictures otherwise you would be bored too. See how considerate I am?
  8. BoD


    As I said earlier she rang me, explaining why certain items were out of stock and giving me the option to cancel or have the order processed as soon as available. It was a good couple of weeks after the order and she was most apologetic for the delay. Under current circumstances I was more that happy with the service.
  9. T’wasn’t me guv’nor.
  10. Over the last few weeks life seems to have got in the way of things. I have completed the house, after a fashion and its one of those 'it looks ok at normal viewing distance ones' I'm afraid. Its also one of those that I hope looks better when it is tidied up and 'planted' in its garden.
  11. Let’s hope they don’t disappear after the clippers arrive. Morning all Happy birthday, Flavio
  12. Neither, I was just thinking that I don't remember 1984 being at all like the way he described it.
  13. I read 1984 quite recently and I don’t remember it being anything like that back then. There have been great improvements in things here (weather aside). The son has gone back to work after 14 days isolation and only missed a couple of shifts. I fear the firm where he works is greatly misusing the furlough facilities in a way which is quite immoral. I’m sure it won’t be the only one. His partner has perked up amazingly since Friday and is talking about returning to work sometime this week. I’m not sure what the process is there, does she just declare that she no longer has symptoms and that’s it? With her working in a care home I would have thought there would need to be something more stringent. It is ‘hoying it’ down here and the dog and I got very wet earlier but he had the good sense to do the necessaries as quickly as possible. Our main walk may be later and shorter than usual. It is a while since I updated my layout thread but moves are afoot. Have a good Sunday (Chris didn’t mention what was for lunch), stay safe, stay well.
  14. If all the power/dcc signal is present, might they somehow have lose or reset their addresses. Might be worth resetting and reprogramming one of the to see if this is the case.
  15. Now you’ve got me singing Python’s Galaxy Song.
  16. I’ll help everyone along....... I've checked this, and it’s true - the Government in Egypt has asked the city's taxi drivers to drive around Cairo sounding their car horns. It is hoped that the familiar sounds of the city will induce a return to tranquillity and normality following the recent pandemic. Operation Toot 'n Calm 'Em will last for the rest of the week....
  17. What about the number of people actually standing watching layouts? Would your 120 punters need 240m of layout frontage? To me that would be the limiting factor.
  18. According to that report today is the day the company runs out of money. I know this virus thingy has stretched time but .......
  19. Evening all. Everything here is much of a muchness which, in the context of the last few days , is a good thing. Muddling mojo returned today after a good few days absence. This too can be considered a good thing. Risked getting on the scales today. This was a bad thing. I hope you are all experiencing good things, or if not, at least no bad things.
  20. Good afternoon. Happy anniversary to Jamie and Beth. I'm fine but the son's partner has not improved and it is now 12 days since she first tested positive. In fact she has developed a chest infection and mild palpitations. They have prescribed antibiotics to fight the infection, if that is what it is. She is very tired and is spending a lot of time in bed sleeping. She is being watched closely by son. A good friend of hers who is one of the other carers at the care home was rushed to hospital the other day with breathing difficulties.. She seems ok but the won't let her out until her sats? (02 saturation levels?? ) have improved. I'm guessing here at the meanings. We are now shopping/catering for three households and trying to keep safe at the same time. I know we aren't the only ones going through this and some are, or have been, affected a lot worse than this but it's worrying, and it hits hard when it is so close to home. Then there are others who endanger themselves and others by going to crowded beaches and jumping of cliffs. May I borrow some suitable words used elsewhere in ERs? My levels of tolerance are not particularly high at the moment, although we did see my daughter and her husband for a few minutes yesterday after ten weeks and at more than recommended distances. That cheered us up a little bit. The occasion was such that I was nearly tempted to let Mrs BoD loose with the hair shears. Nearly tempted, you will note. Stay safe, stay well.
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