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Everything posted by BoD

  1. If they had been successful then I’m guessing it was on the premise that the SPFL was wrong to halt the season and allocate placings as they did. Irregardless of the reason it was deemed wrong and overturned would Celtic then have had their title revoked? Or would the teams concerned have been content with compensation?
  2. I’ve often wondered what ‘strict guidelines’ are.
  3. They should take the whole lot back and ask for a refund then.
  4. Andy Y has given us an applauding response. Can we now have a weeping one too?
  5. Don’t think the train would be able to go that fast.
  6. I am not overly familiar with this software but is ver 9B2 an upgrade of ver 9A4 that requires a different version of the USB dongle too? Is stick B is one of the newer dongles? Herr F alludes to this in the extract from his e-mail. ? He says there must be a software difference between the two versions. Is that a difference he has programmed (so a swap for an identical dongle would make no difference) or is he suggesting a wrongly loaded installation?
  7. Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones that Herr Freiwald likes.
  8. Remember you wouldn’t just be disconnecting the reds but the red/greens, which would leave one route of each turnout not indicted at all. Unless you are just going to disconnect them to see how it looks.
  9. I suppose it depends on where you are going to stick it. Seriously though, it’s looking very good. From where will you be operating and need to see it? Mine is on a wall above the fiddle yard so it can be seen from anywhere around the layout - and so needed to be quite big. Did you renumber accessory decoders or bite the bullet and buy another board?
  10. I wonder if the government might have greater success if they tell people that they aren’t allowed to wear face masks under any circumstances whatsoever.
  11. Thanks for posting those, Mick. I must admit that I am missing my occasional trip over to Carlisle and the S&C.
  12. It’s quite possible that my cousin’s husband was one of the ‘interceptors’.
  13. I saw that earlier and thought “great modelling”, well done for getting it featured on auntie... but there are many, many on here who are equally as good and better. Still, it’s all good for the ‘hobby’. (don’t rate his thatching though - but then I’m spoilt).
  14. I have just listened to Kistvaen (is that their latest?) on your recommendation... it was was a recommendation wasn’t it? They are quite noisy, but it’s rather growing on me. Its not folk as we know it, to paraphrase that old saying. I think I may have to work my way through your back catalogue/postings. Next up, for me anyway, is Peatbog Faeries. Do keep your posts coming, and you will be able to march again, eventually. Edit: I listened on Spotify but don’t tell anyone.
  15. The carpet is Royal Blue. ....... of course it matches.
  16. Quite successful... only a couple of extra bodily orifices created.
  17. Afternoon all Hope all are well. Good to see Robert posting. And now - chicken wire, a pair of snips and a heavy duty staple/nail gun. What could possibly go wrong.....
  18. As Jeff Stilling said on Sky Sports when TNS won the Welsh league... They’ll be dancing in the streets of Total Network Solutions tonight. Brilliant.
  19. @Kendo54 I’ve liked your post.... even though you admitted being a Man Utd fan.
  20. I’ve driven up Glen Ogle a few times with one eye on the road and another on the scenery and path of the old railway. It’s not that difficult to do when you’re stuck behind a caravan. The whole area, Callander car park, , Killin and Crianlarch Lower just oozes a ghostly historical atmosphere. Given the now fictitious nature of my layout that is a good excuse to keep that viaduct, especially as it us on the ‘branch’ line. We shall see.
  21. I have decided to bridge the corner to the branch line with a viaduct I rescued from a previous layout. I allows me at least to run trains. I will replace it with a WHL style viaduct eventually. Unless it grows on me, then I might say "stuff it" and just leave it in.
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