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Everything posted by BoD

  1. The Venetians were blind.
  2. Evening all Not long back from an extra day volunteering at the N.T. at short notice so apologies if I’m a little behind. A local eatery does a Craster and a Scottish Benedict. Both are rare treats indeed.
  3. Good luck with that.
  4. Evening all. Our three year old grandson has been looking after us today (7.15am - 6.00pm) so I am somewhat tired knackered. I wouldn’t have it any other way though. I am now fed and have treat myself to a glass of red falling down water. I may even have another glass (or two) or treat myself to a wee malt. Purely as a relaxant you understand. My dinner didn’t take much preparation as it was leftovers* of a concoction I knocked up for us last night. Various vegetables and pasta in a tomatoey, herby, garlicky sauce. The vegetables (peppers, onions courgettes et al.) outnumbered the pasta by a fair amount as I am still fighting type two diabetes. Speaking of which, I said I was off for blood tests on Monday, well they only wanted the one phial to check my Hba1c (blood glucose over time rather than instantaneous) and the results came back yesterday. it was actually down one to 43. Not ideal but only just above the top end of normal and at a level described as pre diabetes. The target for diabetics is 49-58. It has suddenly become ‘quite breezy’ outside and I have had to close windows that were open to keep us cool. * for some reason quite a few of the ‘concoctions’ I come up with taste better the day after as leftovers. Any ideas why?
  5. So, in a forum with GDB as a regular ….
  6. Similar conditions to here first up, but it has burnt back now and the sun is starting to show through. Paper read, crossword and other puzzles done. Various potterings to do, one of which may involve the pressure washer.
  7. I have not seen any figures but I understand that, with all of these different, simple ways to make an emergency call, the number of ‘false’ calls has noticeably increased. The android update that made an emergency call after five presses of the on/off button was particularly vexatious. In many cases the caller is not even aware of having made the call at the time.
  8. How do we know which electrons are yours?
  9. It’s not that bad here but still pretty warm. I have just tried casting some rock faces and the casting plaster was setting before I could pour it. I’ll put that task aside for now. We’ve just suffered six months of rain with one of the coolest and wettest springs on record, everyone moaning like mad, then we get three warm, sunny days and people are happy as the proverbial pig and all is right with the world. Me, I’m looking forward to the good thunderstorm that marks the end of summer. Probably later this week or early next.
  10. I'll just be happy if it gets an A, AB, B or O.
  11. Morning all. Up and abluted and off to give a couple or three small test tubes of blood. I suppose the best I can hope for is that the results don’t end up on the dark web. Stay cool.
  12. Congratulations to you and your good lady, Baz.
  13. There was rugby on earlier this evening, but on yet another ‘cough up to see’ channel for which I am not prepared to subscribe. According to reports it was a good close game with an exciting finish in which Glasgow managed to prevail. In South Africa too. Well done Warriors.
  14. They were all printed on glossy colour paper so, having experienced Izal in my grandparent’s outside loo many years ago, I decided to forego that particular application. It had crossed my mind though. Anyway, enough of this jolly ribaldry, lest we chase GDB away again.
  15. Today’s mail consisted of a batch of election communication - I understand that each candidate is entitled to one free mail shot from Royal Mail (if they can be bothered to produce one). I guess the post office has saved them all for delivery on the same day. Can you guess what I did with them? I also received my gas/electricity account statement. My life is full of such excitements.
  16. A few years ago Valerie, as a novelty gift, bought me a piece of land in Scotland. I know the exact location but if I wanted to stand on ‘my’ land I would have to stand on one leg to do so, such is the extent of my estates. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a scam just a money making idea to provide a novelty gift. However, I am by right allowed to style myself Laird of Glen Somewhereorother and have the certificates to prove it. So, as Messrs Gilbert & Sullivan would have it, Bow, bow, ye lower middle classes ….
  17. Guilty as charged m’lud. It wasn’t until I retired and then was diagnosed with pre-diabetes that I started to cook my own food. I was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed doing it. I will never achieve a Michelin star or even come close to the standard set by @iL Dottore (in fact I’m happy if I don’t cut myself) but there is something most satisfying about doing it myself from fresh ingredients*. I do a mean Biryani and Valerie really enjoys my Asparagus, pea and spring onion risotto. I’m not quite sure that the suggestion that prep and cooking takes less time than the ready prepared stuff is true, but who cares if you have the time** and enjoy doing it. As I’ve said, non of my stuff would pass muster in a Gordon Blue restaurant or with the equivalent meal prepared in traditional ways but we enjoy them and my Hb1Ac is well under control. * Of course when we were young everything was fresh, if you could call the potatoes used for chips and the onions in the Steak and onion suet puddings fresh. Having said that, there was always fresh vegetables with every meal, and we were thin. ** and the time, whatever we may say, for the purchase, prep and cooking from scratch, is a key factor for many of those trying to juggle jobs, life etc just to pay the rent and bills.
  18. I knew it would be a bright sunny day today No, I'm not a meteorologist, I've just had the drops put in to dilate my pupils. Curdy turses.
  19. I tried to hack into an NHS computer system. There’s a long waiting list for that too.
  20. Have you visited the National Museum of The Royal Navy and HMS Tincomalee at Hartlepool marina? Well worth a visit.
  21. What is that in nanoDeltics?
  22. What the …. ? * * on so many levels.
  23. Mr Bear doesn’t look to happy. Mind you, neither would I if everyone else was wearing hats made from bits of friends and family.
  24. Morning all It is dull and grey up here somewhere in the top right hand corner of England. In line with what appears to be the phrase 'de jour' can I just state that any future modelling projects I may have, have been fully costed. Of course you and I, being fellow muddlers, know that this means **** all. Any resemblance to real life situations is purely coincidental.
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