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Everything posted by BoD

  1. There is always snow on the A66.
  2. Just a ‘finger in the wind’ feeling but I generally find the met office forecast correct on more occasions than the BBC forecast. In addition the met office have a live rainfall radar page which gives you a much more localised picture for the next few hours.
  3. I went up to the loft today and took a load of mojo with me. Soon ran out of it though. Night all.
  4. Eventbright is the booking organisation used by the National Trust as The Signalengineer alluded to previously. It seems efficient and operates in a way that lends itself to exhibitions etc. by providing a printout of names, entry times and details - track and trace done for you automatically. I've no idea about their costs though.
  5. Chris, be wary when the time comes for your annual medication review. You know, the one that asks; Are you still alive? Are you taking the tablets? Have you grown a third arm or second head yet? That too is online and, on the system my surgery uses, you don’t get a clear warning that it is due. That and the fact that is buried deep, deep within the system resulted in it not allowing me to re-order my medication. It took a fair bit sorting out. Have a good a trip as you can under current circumstances.
  6. Perfectly normal. I frequently go up into the loft with the best of intentions and ......
  7. Ok then, who is going to be the first to use Modelu’s scanning service?
  8. Sending positive thoughts to Tony and trusting that things go as planned. Which I’m sure they will.
  9. it used to be the case, and I think it still is, that you have to host the video somewhere else, YouTube for example, and then link to it from here.
  10. Or as the young Yorkshire kid said as the TdeF went up it ... "I don't know what all the fuss is about. I do it twenty time a day on my trike".
  11. Don’t recognise that backscene as Pitlochry. Seriously, welcome to the Forum and I too will follow with interest.
  12. At a fund raising barn dance in a local farmer’s ...er... barn a colleague, somewhat the worse for wear, was heard to exclaim “isn’t this nice, all sitting here on our stray balls”.
  13. Evening all. We booked into a local National Trust place and enjoyed a most pleasant picnic and walk today. This was our first proper day out for months. I was a little wary, especially when we arrived and the car park was almost full, but, the place was large enough to make it feel quiet and everyone was polite and following the various protocols which in itself was a pleasant surprise. It felt good to be out and I’m sure the greenery and exercise released all of the right sort of chemicals into the brain. I’m feeling much more relaxed this evening. Stick with it Dave.
  14. Sorry to hear that your escape has been delayed, Dave. I hope they manage to sort things out. We have used the eat out scheme too. However, while talking as we ate, we decided that we didn’t really need the scheme and so donated what we saved to a food bank, hopefully benefiting those who aren’t even in a position to use the eat out scheme. A win, win situation we felt. We weren’t trying to be pious or superior, just thought it the right thing to do.
  15. How on earth are you going to select the best? A short feature??
  16. Hasn’t Red Leader got better things to do - like all of Carlisle, half of the Northern Dales and part of Southern Scotland?
  17. Please pass m’y thoughts on to Dave, too, Richard.
  18. Could the infantry not just form a square?
  19. I must admit that the sturgeons took a lot longer than I had planned for. I had intended to spend just a couple of days on kits as a change then get back to the scenic work. All of the kits I have, I bought a number of years ago and they were put aside 'until later'. Having said all of that, I enjoyed doing them - so you have no excuse what so ever. Back to the scenery now. I may be some time.
  20. I didn’t see you. Probably down on my hands and knees hunting a door spring.
  21. So....... 56 (yes 56) door springs, 28 door bangers and 28 brass door handles later...... Just need a little bit filling here and there and then off to the paint shop and I need to order some transfers. Its amazing what else you find at the back of cupboards - some of which I'd totally forgotten about. If ever again I suggest doing something different 'just for a change' please slap me several times about the head.
  22. Kernel upgrade? I knew him when he was only Major upgrade.
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