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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Depends how former and how ‘friendly’.
  2. It's not wrong. The daft hound and I got thoroughly wet through earlier on. He doesn't have the sense to not want to go out. Having said that, it is still quite warm so strangely refreshing. As someone once pointed out, if it wasn't for the rain we would all be eulogising about brown and parched rather than green and pleasant.
  3. The fact that the one tortoise that is reversed is the only one working does strongly suggest that the wires from the bus to the tortoise switch ‘inputs’ are connected the wrong way round.
  4. I'm alright. If I run out of loo rolls I've got plenty of flour and dried pasta left off last time that I can use.
  5. Town developers and God work in similar ways. They both put the sewage works next to the leisure centre.
  6. Mary had a little lamb. She was funny like that.
  7. I forgot to say ..... kudos to Digitrains, Hattons and Royal Mail. I only decided to go for this yesterday, ordered after lunch and they arrived before ten this morning.
  8. Ans so the diversion begins...... I can't decide if something needs doing with the chimney - or is it forshortening/perspective in these photographs? Fortunately even a quick search reveals quite a few more photographs out there. A little bit of work to be done and certainly a renumber and rename. Will it be Dailuaine or Whisky Distiller's Balmenach. I think finding suitable decals may be a challenge,
  9. When I was told I had T2 my blood test gave an HbA1c of 52. Last test a year later it was 41. Haven’t had this years test. I think I’m happy with the way it has gone.
  10. Was that a smile right at the end or just wind?
  11. After searching for quite some time I managed to source a decent second hand copy of ........ I don't think it will change my overall plans but a small diversion or two may be on the way.
  12. Can't MiL do it for you whilst you are playing golf?
  13. I hope you didn’t feel that I was ‘getting at you’ Chris and certainly no offence was taken. I think, as Mike has said, different surgeries appear to be taking different approaches, each with their own individual set of circumstances. My sister was quite amazed and annoyed that I haven’t had my yearly ‘type 2’ checkups this year. At the same time the local Eye Infirmary cancelled my six monthly check up with my consultant but at least they wrote letting me know they had, unlike the surgery and local diabetic clinic. I’m wondering if and when they will start to reschedule any of these.
  14. My sister (whose GP husband recently passed away) has returned to work at what was his practice where she was a practice nurse/practice manager. She says things have been crazy lately, more so with the return of schools, with the telephone lines totally blocked with parents whose children have symptoms that may or (mostly) may not indicate Covid infection. This in spite of the fact that there are dedicated services to contact.
  15. Welcome back Debs.... ...... I think.
  16. Well that modroc is still ok. Strangely enough it is almost the same price as ‘plater bandage’ I have recently bought some twenty plus years later. Having said that it is of a much better quality with a finer mesh and a fair bit more plaster ingrained.
  17. Yes that’s the one. A wonderful store. Toys and sportswear on the ground floor with more expensive sports equipment and railways upstairs. I still have a Wrenn Mallard bought there. If my memory serves me correctly they also stocked scout and guide uniforms. A veritable Alladin’s cave. It’s not that far from Olive St. Olive St always has memories for me because that was where the local music store was. Sheet music and all sorts of instruments. Spent quite a few hours browsing there.
  18. This shop, Joseph's, closed in 1997. Will their Mod-Roc still work, I wonder.
  19. Sorry, that one won’t work unless you are in the UK where governmental coronavirus restrictions dictate social gatherings of six maximum. Hence the ‘Grumpy’ dwarf jokes too.
  20. II’ve just heard that I’ll be doing a GrandadBob. I’m not changing my name to Bob. I don’t intend to do myself any injuries. It’s the first bit. In my hand is a wee drap of Laphroaig. There may be another along soon.
  21. The rest can’t all be Grumpy
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