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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I have two types of operating sessions. One prototypical and the other Oh, my. Isn’t that just beautiful!
  2. Actually remembering which ones I bought? Now you’re asking. I’m sure I’ll be able to match them with their advertising blurb.
  3. From what I’ve been reading.... not necessarily wrote.
  4. Note to self... In future don’t catch up on ERs whilst eating.
  5. R.I.P Nobby Stiles. Solid footballer but a true gentleman - and boy how he could jig.
  6. Whilst I haven't updated my own thread of late I have been hard at work on the scenery which includes a few rock outcrops both home made and from woodland scenic moulds. As Roja said and you have realised pictures show light greyish granite type rocks. Most pictures these days seem to show even the steepest sides covered with greenery and trees. How they actually hang on in there goodness only knows. Photographs of the Extension and the ex Callander and Oban seem to show many more outcrops and cuttings. Back to the point. I wasn't going to photograph things and update my thread until much nearer completion - things look pretty crap at the moment - but if you want a couple of photographs of what comes out of the woodland scenic moulds that I have I could do some over the weekend.
  7. I always find that clenching a knife, fork or spoon between the teeth* and drinking a glass of water works. * other parts of the body are available for clenching.
  8. They say that the best cure for hiccups is a good shock.
  9. Aww, c’mon. Give a chap a break. It’s the heart ward we are talking about here. Glad that you are back home safe and sound, Tony. p.s. what were they really like?
  10. I can see the likeness. Must be the yellow cycling top. Seriously what a lovely present.
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    Don’t be silly. Just flip the piece of track over. Works with points too if you have miscalculated the number of left and right hand needed.
  12. It's amazing what a difference such a simple change has made. It looks right somehow.
  13. MFUN xxx ? MHCT 3xx ? More of those funny pannier thingies?
  14. They certainly did right by me when my retina detached four months into retirement. I still have regular consultations there and have nothing but praise for the care and attention I receive. Your eyes are precious things. Look after them.
  15. I don’t have anyone with whom I need to hold an MS Teams meeting. I suspect that this is a good thing. Today the oven needs cleaning. I know that this is a bad thing. Morning all.
  16. I fancy this year will be a bad one for fireworks. There have already been some round here too. Some people maybe reacting against the year we have had and current restrictions. There's not much else to do and people have had little else to spend money on. This is already evidenced in the OTT'ness of Halloween. And there's still a week to go.
  17. It has been said that the natural world would be a lot worse off with the loss of any species .... apart from one.
  18. Morning all. I wonder if I can get a refund on this year’s Satnav map subscription? Or perhaps I could put it on eBay as Mint-in-box.
  19. Well after all I’ve given the government over the years I’m going to have that extra hour thank you very much. Flippin’ party pooper.
  20. ..... that’s because the ball is put into the second row these days. Morning all. Enjoy your extra hour.
  21. Yes, it is posted above. Apologies for not checking recent posts. I think that the voltage 'dropper' is fairly generic.
  22. Some do. LDT for one. Whilst this may not be the problem here I have attached their diagram (freely available) in case it is of use. equalizing occupation detection sections.pdf
  23. Mrs BoD went to have her nails 'done' today. Suffice to say it was the highlight of my week waiting to see what colour(s) they would be this time.
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