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Everything posted by BoD

  1. During first lockdown one of the local barbers here was allowing customers in a back door to give haircuts. Much to the annoyance of other barbers who had shut their businesses. Eventually they were 'paid a visit' by the authorities and it was discovered that they also had a cannabis farm upstairs. Much to the amusement of other barbers who didn't.
  2. Morning all. After yesterday’s peak excitement of the parcel delivery today’s fun is brought by our weekly shop. We do both ours and mum’s, as we have done for most of this year. I hadn’t considered using this newfangled ‘scan and go’ facility before this but it is very useful as you can pack the two shops separately as you go rather than trying to remember who has what at the checkout. Life just continues to be one highlight after another.
  3. Golf over? You mean you aren’t playing in this weeks Master’s?
  4. BoD

    Flat Earth

    It's the chamfered cork that they laid the earth on.
  5. You are just jealous because you were pipped to the post.
  6. He’s an enthusiast to the core.
  7. Morning all. I am awaiting an e-mail from DHL notifying me of which hourly slot I might expect a delivery. I recently placed two orders and don’t know which is to be delivered today. That uncertainty, and finding out which it actually is, is the sum total of today’s excitement. Come to think of it, it might be this week’s high point too. Such is life at the moment. Have a good day all, whatever excitements it has in store for you.
  8. BoD

    Flat Earth

    The Christmas tree. And when somebody shakes it, it snows. Don’t you know anything?
  9. Morning all Congratulations, Dom and family.
  10. BoD

    Flat Earth

    This 2m social distancing really upset them. Quite a few fell off the edge.
  11. But the evolution up to that point was amazing. Mrs BoD and I were just talking about fireworks of our youth. The most spectacular was the Roman Candle which hurled coloured things, Ooh, I don’t know, maybe 8 ft in the air. Rockets? Huh. Fired from a milk bottle they fizzed up and then..... did nothing. None of these spectacular bursts of today. The star of the show? The Catherine wheel, which no-one ever, ever, actually got to work. Nailed to a post so tightly it couldn’t rotate so it just spluttered around for a few seconds. As for health and safety, pah. Bangers, no display at all just noise. We once , somehow, got some French bangers, they actually looked like the sticks of dynamite in all those westerns. Incredibly loud too compared to the English ones. London lights? Coloured matches - either red or green I believe, but at least you could light them, stick them in your bicycle pump and send them higher than a Roman Candle could. And the most lethal of the lot - the jumping jack. Hours of fun could be had sticking one of those under Grannie’s skirts. And then one year someone bought a Starbomb. It actually had a plastic spike on the bottom to be stuck in the ground, sent burning iron filings in the air for a few seconds and sent a ball up as high as the house which went bang louder than the French bangers. Things were never the same again. In the Scouts we went to the local woods for a ‘wide game’ where you were actually encouraged to throw fireworks at each other. They are certainly more spectacular now. But more enjoyable?
  12. Just as well there’s a lockdown in place. Goodness knows what it would have been like otherwise.
  13. Many happy returns to Aditi.
  14. ..... and not forgetting H'Angus the Monkey. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/1965569.stm
  15. Having lots of followers/friends on Twitter is similar to being a millionaire in Monopoly. @chrisf Chris - I don’t use Use Twitter but I’m not sure that it suites your purpose. I would look into the privacy issue. Isn’t a tweet public to be read by anyone who comes across it? There is a limit to the number of characters that you can use in a message. It was about 140 it may be more now. That is about 130 more than I need for the messages I would send to some, but is it enough for a man of your eloquence?
  16. Changing the topic somewhat... I’m trying to get my head round backscenes. May I ask, Rob, did you paint yours first, last, or as you were going?
  17. Just off to local eye infirmary (the one recently recommended by John (Two sugars)) for my yearly visual fields test, albeit 3 months late. Normally this would be followed immediately by a check up and chat with my consultant. Not so this time, I wonder when, if and how that will take place. With a bit of luck no dilating drops will be needed given that it is very bright outside.
  18. I will jet wash your drive, sir Very cheap, sir No VAT. Very good job sir. What was that you said, sir?
  19. At least Americans will no longer be able to mock cricket for lasting for days without a result.
  20. My dear chap, I fear you may need an eye test!!
  21. I wonder how they will be known. A Labranean doesn't seem to do it justice.
  22. As promised a couple of photos of the woodland scenic moulds. Apologies for the rough and ready photographs... it's Sunday morning and there was rugby on tv yesterday. The photos on the woodland scenics site are quite informative too. I have three of their moulds Mould C1243 Base Rock Mould 1234 Random Rock A selection from C1230 Outcroppings I did do some others too using the biscuit tin and creased tin foil method. A couple of photos of some in situ. They are, obviously still a work in progress with a long way to go which is why I haven't updated my own topic yet. Woodland scenics' plaster, or whatever they call it, is quite expensive so I used casting plaster which you can buy in larger quantities for much less from the usual ebay/amazon etc sources.
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