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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Not to mention all those red buttons.
  2. BoD

    EBay madness

    He's had a bad 2020. Couldn't find any crowds to hide in.
  3. A double yahoo from me .... Falcons won too. I was seriously worried that they would be embarrassed, especially as they haven’t played since the beginning of March and even during the match was convinced that lack of match fitness would tell before the end. Instead I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get a fourth ‘bonus point’ try.
  4. Morning all. Of guns, security and being fried by radar I know nothing, so onto more dangerous things, my bedtime reading. I prefer light reading in bed mostly because these days I fall asleep and can't remember the last few sentences I'd read. My reading of choice then is non fiction that can be read in small chunks. Usually biographical or travel orientated. My last book was about a bloke cycling the length of Scotland and my current read is 'A Walk Along the Tracks' by Hunter Davies in which he describes walks along closed railway lines. Enjoy your weekend and bedtime reading folks.
  5. Butter and sugar was always Gran’s go to for most things. These days I prefer whisky and Crabbie’s. You can feel it cutting it’s way through on the way down.
  6. Thinking of Mal the other day put me in mind of this. Another glass to be raised tonight.
  7. A letter in this morning's paper made me both smile and shake my head at the same time. The gist of it was to suggest that the road pricing scheme could be modelled on how the railways are priced. A single trip would be almost as expensive as going there and back. No deviation from your planned route will be allowed. You may travel at a cheaper rate but if you miss your slot on the road you will suffer wrath, public humiliation, a penalty charge or be made to pay the highest rate available and possibly threatened with a court appearance. Being on the wrong road at the wrong time results in the same. Competing companies could be set up each with their own rules, fare structures and charges meaning that there will be dozens of different charges for the same simple journey. I hope that those charged with coming up with the system haven't read that letter... it might just give them ideas.
  8. Couldn’t happen at a worse time really. I hope you manage to sort it. A few years ago we bought a microwave with a combined grill and oven. We have only ever used it to ...er... microwave things.
  9. I had the good fortune to meet up with him a couple of times in Glasgow for Model Rail Scotland... and he was.
  10. Can you not just change channel?
  11. Much as I like Andy Y and have a lot to thank him for, for providing RMweb, unless there is more to this than meets the eye, I feel it is a bit of an overreaction and spoils it for everyone just for the sake of one or two sarcastic ‘feedback’ buttons. Having said that it is his call to make. I must declare a vested interest here... most of my recent feedbacks have been groans.
  12. Where’s the groan button when you need it?
  13. Morning all. Just. Everything crossed for good outcomes for Chris.
  14. t/ts? Oh, turntables. I must get my eyes tested.
  15. Bit late but.... Apparently it changed when they changed the handball rule. That now states that handball is committed from the end of the shirt arm*, the purpose of which was to avoid the shoulder being included in handball. Spin off is that the upper, upper arm is now classed as part of the body that can score for the purpose of the offside rule. The VAR lines drawn in this case show that in action. * I’m not sure of the actual wording but that is the gist of it.
  16. It looks very effective but a couple of questions if I may. Are these 240V and if so, how are you wiring them in? How do they compare, brightness wise, to ordinary fluorescent tubes. I mean how much higher do you think you could install them to increase the coverage but remain bright enough* * Don’t bother applying the inverse square laws, a gut feeling will do.
  17. Pity they weren’t from Argentina then.
  18. Staff at those who are undertaking it have been told to prepare for twelve hour shifts, bank holidays and Christmas Day included.
  19. He was a member here a good few years ago.
  20. 6 ceiling lights? Luxury We used to live in..... Seriously, I have just one light fitting in the middle which is totally inadequate and I knew it would need addressing sooner or later, so I too am watching your experiments with interest.
  21. By all means experiment with the Rails and Bachman decoders but, if you can, try to give one of the higher end (eg Zimo or Lenz) decoders a go too.
  22. Valerie has just started a pan of 'proper stand yer stottie up in' broth. It is something we only tend to do in the winter months as it is both warming and filling. I have just returned from under the baseboard after some minor tweaks to the wiring. I will leave you, dear reader, to wonder whether or not I did a Grandad B.
  23. I have noticed that over the last few months doing our weekly shop has become that little bit harder because of the increase in number of those huge trollies being dragged around by those collecting for the clickers. I suspect it will only get worse over the coming weeks. It all adds to the weekly excitement and challenge I suppose.
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