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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Shops are getting earlier and earlier. Tell me something we didn’t know I hear you say, but ... Yesterday I was in a shop and there were birthday cards on sale. It’s not my birthday until October.
  2. I hope that you get whatever it is sorted but I also hope that you find the time to drop in for a chat and a bit of light banter ... it’s good for the soul.
  3. It all sounds a bit like chicken wire’s bigger, nastier brother.
  4. That’s the worst spell of weather we’ve had for a long time.
  5. There seems to be an awful lot of ‘Match postponed - other’ on the BBC results pages tonight. Does the panel think that this season can be finished and if not at what point can titles be awarded and relegation/promotion take place?
  6. Are you sure they weren’t penguins? p.s. was that Herluce Poitou?
  7. Here’s a question for all you mind readers out there.
  8. No chance whatsoever of that happening.
  9. ... and letting the schools know the night before.
  10. The old adage ‘never mix the grape and the grain’ is well founded.
  11. I remember that day fondly. It was one of the first organised RMweb meet ups. There were a lot fewer members back then. It was the first time I met GordonS. We had a pint with Eldavo, Phil Harding, yourself and one or two others who no longer post here. There were, obviously, a few others there who didn’t frequent ERs. It was the year that the parsnip made a guest appearance as freight on a layout much to the merriment of members, the puzzlement of onlookers and the consternation of Captain K. As I don’t frequent exhibitions much further south than York these days I am unlikely to meet many fellow ERs. Having said that, I was hoping to revisit Ally Pally at some point.
  12. You can tell who panic bought earlier this year. Yesterday you received Andrew and fusilli from them as presents.
  13. I had a computer science class with no Matts. It was un-four-Matt-ed.
  14. Don’t you realise that some of us have got turkey curry and turkey jam to make?
  15. I suppose the one in Tomintoul is out of the question too.
  16. Don’t worry, there will be enough doing it the other way to more than make up for your responsible common sense.
  17. Easier just to put Baz on there with it.
  18. Morning all. I am envious of those who have managed to have their ears lowered. There must be a joke about Wahls having ears in their somewhere but I can’t find it. Why am I envious I hear you ask. My last appointment was cancelled just before we went into the last lockdown and then we had the dreaded lurgy and so were isolating and to be honest I just haven’t had the energy or desire to rebook since then. Still, in honour of the season, I booked an appointment for yesterday and just as I was about to leave the house I double checked. Day. Check. Time. Check. Date. Err.... it was for the 29th rather than the 22nd. Flipping online booking systems. I told Valerie that she had married an idiot. She didn’t disagree. Regarding the lurgy... if you lose your sense of taste over the next few days, don’t worry. It could be that you are just eating turkey. Sage advice I think. Have a good day folks.. and if you have yellow rain, stay dry. On the outside at least.
  19. A thoughtful husband, fed up with lockdowns, tiers, masks and hand sanitiser, purchased a large world map. He put it up at home in the kitchen, gave his wife a dart and said, “Throw this dart - and wherever it lands—that’s where I’m taking you for a fourteen night holiday in 2021 when this pandemic ends.” It turns out that they can look forward to two weeks behind the fridge!
  20. We know a few who would say that you can never have too many wagons.
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