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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I don’t envy you having to create loads for that one.
  2. I am afraid that, following recent discussions in the press regarding which roles actors are or are not allowed to play, and because of fears of cultural misappropriation, you are not allowed to tell that joke. It is only available with a black and white screen.
  3. I have the North East version. It's a 'Huawei The Lads'.
  4. I noticed this morning that a supermarket has, within the last week, repainted the 2m markings on the pavement outside.
  5. It's either, I have tried both. Now I just click consent for speed.
  6. Afternoon all. We have returned from our weekly supermarket sweep (now shopping for three households) and was pleasantly surprised by how quiet it was - and how much more people were regarding distancing. I also noticed that the supermarket has, within the last week, repainted the 2m marks on the pavement outside. Perhaps they know something we don’t. Thanks for the concern @Barry O et al. Son in law is very much the same which, perversely I suppose, is quite good news. He is still breathless and sleeps a lot. Isolation is starting to get daughter down a bit, she just wants to get back to work. Hopefully things will start to improve for them soon.
  7. I found it very telling that the correct answer to a few questions was ‘perhaps’.
  8. Mine seems a lot more random than that. Sometimes it happens every page, sometimes occasionally and at other times I can go a while without it appearing at all. In that case it always waits until I think that the issue has been resolved before appearing again, the little git. There probably is some logic pattern to all of this but I can’t be bothered to try and work it out.
  9. Your rocks are looking very good, but I too feel that they may be a bit light. However, I would be tempted to get rid of the brown hillside by doing whatever ‘shrubbery’ you are going to do before making a final decision.
  10. The rule was introduced when they discovered that most of these coins came from the yearly clean of the washing machine filter. It is to prevent money laundering.
  11. It might become a bit more interesting when the tennis competition starts.
  12. Actually, I thought it was a dog because of the bark.
  13. Perhaps a wood burner would solve your problems.
  14. Thanks for your thoughts. Things with SiL could be worse but could be better too. They didn’t call the ambulance but talked to someone on the non emergency line who decided a paramedic visit was necessary. They did various tests and told him that his results were just about ok and gave him the choice of remaining at home or going to hospital. He chose to remain at home and rest with the instruction to phone 999 directly if there is any further deterioration. Just a waiting game now then, as I guess it is for so many.
  15. Morning all. I have been up a while now as my daughter phoned just after 4 to say that they were waiting for an ambulance for her husband who is having difficulty breathing. We can’t even go and comfort her because she has tested positive too. Just sitting swilling coffee and twiddling thumbs. Feel so helpless. Damn this rotten virus. Make sure that you carpe your diems well.
  16. I would have thought it hard not to get a bus on that bridge.
  17. Nah, , it was just a bit of wind.
  18. Woohoo... Top of the table. Well, for an hour or two anyway.
  19. I was quite prepare to believe you up until that point.
  20. Oh, I forget to mention that apart from snow over the welly tops I refused to wear gloves too. Not because I was particularly brave, or for that matter, foolish, but because mum had sewn them together with a long piece of ribbon that went up one sleeve and down the other to stop me losing them. Stop laughing - you all had them.
  21. The thing that I remember vividly was not walking through the snow, that was fun after all, but the real pain as the extremities started to thaw out once in the classroom. Probably something to do with the fact that the snow had piled in over my welly tops. That and the fact that it took so long to thaw out because the classroom itself wasn’t that much warmer, as evidenced by your milk bottle top being lifted an inch or so by the frozen milk.
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