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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Agreed, but they are all following the rules and are closed. Apart from a skeleton maintenance team no one is on the slopes. None of the lifts are operating and it wouldn't matter if they were because at the moment some of the main access routes are closed too.
  2. It's the little things that seem to take the longest time. I feel as if I have spent at least forever doing these ... both ends too. Weathering shop next but I think I need to get back to the landscaping for a while. A change is as good as rest as they say.
  3. Looking at various webcams it would appear the the Scottish Ski resorts have the best snow they have had for for a few years now and are expecting much more. After a few lean years it is a much needed boost. Just a pity that no one is allowed to make use of it.
  4. An interesting photo, Rob. The facing signal puzzled me for a few seconds. It has lost the bottom half of its post and is just floating there with its ladder running up where the post should be. I’ve worked it out now and bet you don’t see something like that modelled too often.
  5. Is it just me who thinks that this thread has been kitnapped?
  6. There should be a 'something in my eye' button to click.
  7. Mutt is back . Doesn't he realise that it's chucking it down outside?
  8. Bill Gates, who has donated a decent amount to good causes, is erroneously accused of injecting people with microchips and pilloried for doing so. Elon Musk is involved in experiments including implanting a microchip and wires into monkey’s brains (to what end?) and is feted for doing so. Go figure, as they say.
  9. Are you going to try and reduce those oversized roof ribs? I started to do some but decided that life is just too short.
  10. Morning all Sunny but cold and crisp here. I really must force myself to get out for a walk. This can so easily go by the board when we are not dog sitting. Stupid thing is that once I’ve actually made the effort to get ready and go out I really enjoy it, except that I get out of breath very easily since I had the lurgy.
  11. Sir! Sir! I know seal joke, sir. Why don't seals eat penguins? They can't take the wrappers off.
  12. It certainly didn’t affect me as badly as that but it goosed my hearing. Not a total loss but a typical reduced acoustic range. When I had a test for new hearing aids a while ago the audiologist looked at the graph which showed responses to different frequencies and said “Oooh, I see you had measles when you were young”.
  13. I understand that he is from a part of the country where such suggestions are likely to bring about varying degrees of apoplexy.
  14. I think it looks good. ‘Dressing’ it has really improved it and it does look as though it is cutting its way through that landscape.
  15. Probably just a bit of willy waving (sorry ladies), territory marking (sorry cats and dogs) and general bloody mindedness. ‘Twas to be expected I suppose. Just a shame it’s over something as critical as this.
  16. On the 'ungrassed' side might a small vertical rockface suggest a ledge cut into it and also allow you to raise that slope so it looks continued from the lower slope? Possibly with a much smaller rockface on the other side.
  17. Tell him he owes me commission then. I'm sure his reaction would be calm and considered. Lovely to see 'Purley Oaks' still with us in spirit.
  18. Those look good Colin I have only fitted a class 27 project and am quite happy with it. I wonder if the hiss is caused by the speaker or is an issue with the sound project. I'm not up on the science of speakers or acoustics so don't know if it could be caused by the speaker and enclosure. When I sound the horns with the main engine sound turned off there is a definite, albeit very quiet, background hiss/noise noticeable immediately before and after the horn sounds but it is undetectable during full sound operation. I suppose it is impossible to eliminate all background noise during recording/editing. Having said that everyone's hearing levels and acoustic range is different so it may be my ears are less sensitive than yours. I do feel that some of Legomanbiffo's recent projects are recorded/installed at a lower overall volume than his earlier ones, but again that may be just me and my ears.
  19. Hi Rob. The fuel tanks themselves are an exact replacement for the Heljan ones and match exactly in size. Being resin I'm not sure that they quite as 'crisp' but once painted I'm not sure that you would particularly notice any difference. Here is a closer look. I have already painted the ends. The speaker itself is, in my opinion, more than adequate. It comes somewhere between the bass reflex/Earth mover type speakers and the more basic ones. The sound is good and it has a decent bass grunt to it. It compares well enough to all of the other speakers I have used. (I don't have any EMs to compare it with though). My only minor gripe is that the fitted wires are quite heavy gauge and are quite inflexible. I suppose I could have replaced them with finer wire and I might do so in the future. The Heljan chassis has a clear gap between it and the body which makes fitting the whole thing a fairly straightforward procedure.
  20. I have enjoyed catching up on this Paul. Love the viaduct.
  21. The latest 27 didn't have a sound decoder so I purchased one from Legomanbiffo. I ordered with a fuel tank speaker thinking that I would have to doctor the fuel tanks to fit it. That wouldn't be a problem, I have a done a few installations like that. However, the speaker came ready built into a resin (I think) casting of the fuel tanks which directly replace the originals. That was a pleasant surprise as it made the instillation a simple task. I think I am meant to paint them though.
  22. We had to put our Christmas tree out for recycling too.
  23. My next step is to swap things around but the one in the bedroom doesn’t use a socket. It’s base station is basically a charger, I really must check how they communicate. They probably have far more features than I need but I’m not sure that you can get ‘simple’ phones these days.
  24. Evening all. Wasted an afternoon trying to sort our house phones out. We have two cordless phones (extravagant I know, but who cares) each with their own base station. The second one, sited in the bedroom, has stopped ringing but still works other than that. I have tried all of the suggestions in the manual and ended up doing a full reset but no joy. I am loathe to replace them for something which might easily be solved but the only time it is used it is usually important or even an emergency. Valerie thinks we should buy new now, I want to waste a bit more time trying things. First world problem I suppose. Following on from earlier posts... the first phone we had was ivory with a dial and a party line. the second was a green trimphone - go on - impersonate one, I dare you. the third was ... oh never mind.
  25. Whoever pinched it kindly returned it like this... Not a full complement of detail - there just isn't enough room - but at least it gives the impression of 'something' being there.
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